June 7, 2023

Dear friends,

As we move into the summer season, many of you may remember summer holidays from your childhood. Perhaps you spent time at camps or exploring the outdoors near your home. Maybe you had access to a neighborhood pool or park to ease the hottest days. Or perhaps you explored new worlds through good books or movies. If we're lucky, summer can bring a more gentle pace and an opportunity to relax into a different rhythm of life.

This different rhythm, though, does not allow us to escape from climate change and its effects. Even now, so much of Canada and the northeast United States are under an eerie fog of smoke from wildfires. As we at The BTS Center seek new ways of understanding and engaging with this complicated world, we're deeply aware of the powerful role that art (broadly construed) plays in helping us to imagine possibilities and creative futures, and we are glad to bring you some ways in which to engage with the arts in the coming weeks and months.

Next week, on June 13, Rev. Dr. Allen Ewing-Merrill will host a conversation and poetry reading with Maya Williams, Portland's Poet Laureate and the author of a new collection of poetry, Judas & Suicide. We hope you'll join to hear Maya talk about their powerful work and process. We're also kicking off our first annual Summer Fiction Book Club, which will meet three times over the summer to discuss three different novels. Fiction can offer a way into the depths of our humanity, and we hope that reading and discussing climate fiction in community will allow you to access the broad spectrum of emotions which art can surface — from grief and anxiety to delight and playfulness. More information is coming soon, so keep an eye on your inbox!

Finally, if you're looking to incorporate more embodied arts into your own group or community, you'll want to check out our newest resource on the Leadership Commons, Exercises for Embodied Practice and Play, created by Madeline Bugeau-Heartt. And be sure to take a look at her intro video to the resource, which is included below!

We hope that summer brings you opportunities for deepening the living art of your life — and we look forward to seeing you at some of our programming as we explore the arts together!

With best wishes,

The BTS Center Team

Join us for these Upcoming Programs!

Let's Talk! Conversations that Matter featuring Maya Williams

  • Tuesday, June 13 • 12.15 - 1.00pm (Eastern) • Online
  • In conversation with The BTS Center's Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Allen Ewing-Merrill, discussing Maya's debut poetry collection, Judas & Suicide

Summer Fiction Book Club

  • Thursdays: June 29, July 20, and August 24
  • 11.00am - 12.15pm (Eastern) • Online
  • Book for June 29: People of the Whale by Linda Hogan
  • One book each month — read before and come discuss!
  • More information and registration coming soon!

Lament with Earth

  • Thursday, June 22 • 7.30 - 8.30pm (Eastern) • Online
  • Original music, poetry, rituals, images, scripture, and video to reflect different seasons of loss through the liturgical year

Wonder and Wander at Tir na nOg Farm

  • Saturday, August 5 and Friday, October 27 • 9.30am - 4pm (Eastern)
  • In person at Tir na nOg Farm in Pownal, Maine

Convocation 2023: Registration now live!

  • Thursday & Friday, September 28 & 29
  • In person at Maple Hill Inn and Conference Center (Hallowell, Maine)
  • Confirmed speakers include Victoria Loorz, author of Church of the Wild: How Nature Invites Us Into the Sacred; and John Bear Mitchell, citizen of the Penobscot Nation from Indian Island in Maine, musician, storyteller, and lecturer in Wabanaki Studies and Multicultural Studies at the University of Maine

What we're reading, listening to, and pondering:

  • We're delighting in the abundance of this season in Maine and wondering — what summer beauty are you finding in your particular location?

Check out this short video that Madeline Bugeau-Heartt, who recently served as The BTS Center's Seminary Intern, created as an introduction to her Embodied Practice and Play resource:

The BTS Center | 207.774.5212 | info@thebtscenter.org | www.thebtscenter.org

 Our mission is to catalyze spiritual imagination with enduring wisdom for transformative faith leadership. We offer theologically grounded programs of continuing education and spiritual formation, including workshops and retreats, learning cohorts, public conversations, and projects of applied research.
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