Living Totally - News
Jesus said, "Don't be afraid. Just believe!"  (Mark 5:36)
Summer 2018
Subscribe to This Total Ministry Newsletter!
This is a brand new newsletter with community events and resources. Enjoy!
Send suggestions for future editions to and forward/print this newsletter for others who are interested! Thanks!

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Jots and Tittles
from the Ministry Developer

Summer can be a time to step back from the busyness of everyday activities - doing things - and reconnect with what is most important - building loving relationships.

It is with that theme in mind that this newsletter is being established!

Nancy Ann McLaughlin
Upcoming Summer Events
Has your church thought about a garden ministry ? Come and see!

Sun., July 8, 11:15-1:30pm
20500 W Old US Hwy 12 Chelsea, MI 48118

Sanctuary Quilt Display

Log Cabin Quilt raffle!

help create a Garden Art Quilt!

Sat., July 21, 11am-4pm
Emrich Retreat Center
7380 Teahen Road, Brighton, MI 48116

Let's make a great showing! Spread the word about the importance of "Total" Ministry for everyone!
Register here .

How many backpacks will your congregation bring?

Have you ordered your Carved in Stone:
memorial brick for Emrich's donation drive yet? What message will you write for posterity? Donor form here.
Sat., August 25, 10-2pm
Scout Building 
959 Flint Street 
Frankenmuth, MI 48734 

Exchange stories with representatives from the Diocese of Eastern Michigan and Northern Michigan.

An opportunity to plan for joint support and activities!

Community Ministry Connection
Let's celebrate the ministries going on in your communities!
Send articles and pictures to - Thanks!
Messiah June 2018
Summer Reading!
Recommended Science Fiction title: A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller, Jr. A classic from 1959, yet perfect insights for today!

Recommended serious reading: Total Ministry: Reclaiming the Ministry of All God's People by Stewart C. Zabriskie. Be prepared to converse with upcoming bishop candidates by understanding our historical roots!

What are your reading recommendations? Send to
Potential Ministries:
Foster or Mentor Refugee Children through Samaritas - Share this info with someone you know who has this ministry on their heart.
Contact: Kayla Park
Refugee Capacity Builder
(517) 827-5179

Coming this Fall:
Preaching License through Whitaker
  • Previous scripture studies
  • OR Academy Saturday series
  • AND evening preaching classes

Fri. Oct 5, 6:30 pm - Sat. Oct 6, 4:00 pm
(for brochure with schedule click here)
Utica United Methodist Church
8650 Canal Road
Sterling Heights, MI 48314

Fantastic opportunity to participate locally in this Lombard Mennonite Peace Center offering on Healthy Congregations developed by Dr. Peter Steinke and based on the work of Dr. Edwin Friedman! Let's have representation of a team from each of our communities at this one!

There are reduced rates for groups and for early registration. So, if you can each let me know who you will be sending, I can take care of the registrations for this one directly through the diocesan office.

Fall Seminary Course Possibilities!
O ngoing education is crucial to Total Ministry & living fulling into one's Baptism! In addition to our own Whitaker and local offerings, seminaries are making their courses more available! The following are some Fall 2018 samples to consider and to consult with the Ministry Developer about for your ongoing formation!
Sept 17 - Nov 5, 2018

  • Facing Choices: Ethics in the Anglican Tradition
  • The Anglican Bible: Scriptural Conversation and Formation
  • The Gospels
  • Craft an Effective Sermon by Friday
  • The Diaconate
  • Systematic Theology
  • The Way of Jesus
in Chicago

  • Reading Scriptures Across Religious Divides: Inter-faith dialogue (Oct 4-5, Nov 1-2; Dec 6-7)
  • Pastoral Offices - Services for significant life events (Sept. 7-8, Oct. 12-13, Nov. 9-10)
  • Anglican Liturgy and Music (Sept 21-22, Oct 19-20, Nov 16-17)
Technology Resources
Does your church website need some freshening up?
Contact Anna Schroen, EDOMI's Director of Communications at

And for more assistance save Saturday, September 29, 2018 for the eFormation Bootcamp!
Total Ministry is a shared ministry,
which sees the whole Church as a body of ministers:
baptized, sealed, ordained, commissioned – faithfully and perceptibly striving
to honor their commitments to the Baptismal Covenant ... 
Total Ministry therefore embodies mutuality and accountability;
and reflects the optimism, enthusiasm, and focus on mission characteristic
of the early Christian Church .    
(COM, Total Ministry Overview, 2009)