Living Water
The Church in Thought and Prayer
John 7:37-38
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us… (Hebrews 12.1)
Today is November 1. It is also All Saints’ Day, a Christian holiday for celebrating the lives of the saints who have gone to Heaven before us. This Sunday is All Saints’ Sunday. We will celebrate the lives of five of our members who passed on to Heaven in this past year. Making preparations for this celebration has me thinking of my own saints. I am grateful to say there are many! Looking back, I can recall specific instances of how and when these believers were cheerleaders and contributors to my growing faith.
Do you have saints in your life? Do you have saints who were your benefactors, supporters, cheerleaders, loving critics, and patient teachers? The question I have asked myself all day is: Why didn’t I tell them the difference they made in my life when they were living?
For those saints that I knew for a long time, I was able to witness the endurance required to run THEIR race. Witnessing these moments gave me strength to run my own race. These saints were good, no GREAT influences on me. At first, I changed my attitude and made better choices because I didn’t want to disappoint them. Their opinion of me mattered. You might have heard the saying “fake it till you make it.” That was me!
I borrowed my parents’ faith until I had faith of my own. I borrowed my father’s character, my mother’s generosity, Debbie Rozzell’s integrity, Ms. Birdye’s certainty, Mrs. Hahn’s acceptance, and Neila Hobby’s trust. I borrowed all of this until the Holy Spirit helped me make it my own.
My list of saints goes on and on. Why didn’t I share this with these precious people when they were living? It would have only taken a phone call, a post card, a letter, or a text. Honestly, I thought I would have the time, thought there would be another day.
Well, today is THAT day! I am going to celebrate All Saints’ Day by telling the living saints in my life, “THANK YOU!” Thank you for running YOUR race with Jesus at your shoulder. I see Jesus in you, and this helps me to see Jesus in myself. Thank you!
Happy All Saints’ Day, my brothers and sisters in Christ! I hope to see you Sunday for All Saints’ Sunday. Don’t forget to set your clocks back!
Minister Billie Dreher
  • If you were unable to get your picture taken for new church directory, please notify [email protected], or call the church office. A make-up day will be scheduled later, but the photography studio must be notified of how many sittings are needed.

  • The Great River Region Annual Gathering will be held at PHCC this weekend, November 3-4. Click here to register.

  • Daylight Saving Time ends this Sunday, November 5. Remember to turn your clocks back 1 hour Saturday night.

  • Disciples Women will meet on Thursday, November 9, at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor. Linda White will lead the study, and Nell Coleman will lead worship. The service project for November is Fort Roots Veterans. Items needed are books, socks, underwear, hats, and games.

Hospital Visiting Days
Sun./Mon./Thurs. - Min. Billie Dreher
Tues./Wed./Fri./Sat. -    Rev. Mike Snell

Church Office - 501-753-1109; Church Fax - 501-753-1131