Living Well With Dementia

September 2023

Are you or someone you know:

Caring for a person living with dementia?

Wanting to keep your brain healthy?

Serving community members living with dementia at your organization?

Let's care together.

The ADRC of the North provides

education, support, and resources!

Click on your county

to find a list of ongoing programs related to Dementia & Caregiving






Caregiver Support & Programs

New Caregiver Support Worksheets

Click on the links below for resources from the National Institute of Aging that can help you coordinate care and keep track of your caregiving responsibilities and needs. You can download, print, and copy the worksheets.

Coordinating Caregiving Responsibilities

Home Safety Checklist

Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Caregiver

Questions to Consider Before Moving an Older Adult into Your Home

Managing Medications and Supplements

Important Documents and Paperwork

Caregiver Support Groups

Click Here for in-person support group listings

Next Avenue:

The 24/7 Caregiver

Whether you check on a friend, care for a spouse or parent, or pick up medicine for your neighbor – you are a caregiver. Read stories from caregivers just like you, find support and resources, and learn what’s on the horizon to support caregivers in the future.

Presented by The John A. Hartford Foundation

Click Here to visit The 24/7 Caregiver

Are you a Caregiver?

Do you make meals for another person?

Do you give someone rides to medical appointments?

Do you manage medications for someone else?

Do you assist someone with personal cares such as showering and changing?

Do you call someone just to "check-in" on them?

Do you provide support at any level for another person?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you are a caregiver, and this class is for you!

Next class begins in October!

If you are interested and

do not have access to a computer or internet,

please call anyway.

Caregiver Conference

Click here to Register On-Line
Call 715-246-6561
For Sawyer County Call 715-788-7133

Support for Those Living with Dementia

5 Benefits of an Early

Diagnosis of Dementia

If your older adult is behaving oddly or showing signs of

cognitive impairment, like memory or judgment problems,

you might wonder if they have dementia.

It’s a scary thought, but it’s important to face these fears head-on and have them get a thorough doctor’s exam and proper diagnosis.

1. It might not be dementia at all

2. Maximize benefits from available treatments

3. Have time to plan for the future

4. Pursue lifelong dreams before symptoms become too severe

5. Get support and resources

Click here for Article

Busy Bag Activity Kits

Keep Seniors with Dementia Engaged

When seniors with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia can no longer participate in normal daily activities, it’s easy for them to become bored. That can lead to agitation, anxiety, depression, or even anger. It can also increase the chances of sundowning.

To prevent boredom, try activities with no right or wrong. They’re a wonderful way to engage and entertain older adults. And they can reduce the need for medications to manage agitation, challenging behavior, and depression.

Daily Caring found fun, portable, inexpensive DIY activities from Powerful Mothering. They’re called “busy bags” because the entire activity fits neatly into a zippered bag.

Click here for Article

Businesses & the Community


Congratulations to The Bargain Hut in Ashland on becoming

Dementia Friendly!

Bargain Hut staff and volunteers participated in a training that covered: the definition of dementia, how to identify dementia, and how to communicate with and support someone living with dementia. Then, staff and volunteers went through Dementia Live! A simulation that allowed them to experience what it is like to live with dementia. Now, the Bargain Hut is ready to serve those living with dementia, and make sure that they have the same shopping experience as those who are

not living with dementia.

Interested in bringing this free training to your business or organization?

Call 1-866-663-3607

Thank you!

I would like to thank everyone who stopped by our DCS ADRC-N booths during the Veterans Outreach Event and the County Fair in Price County. It was great meeting and talking with everyone during our final summer events.

Find Dementia Friendly Organizations in your county:

Ashland County

Bayfield County





Sawyer County

Are you a dementia-friendly faith community?

Would you like to become one?

This opportunity is for you!!

Brain Health & Wellness

Heart Health


Brain Health!

Did you know that having high blood pressure increases your risk of developing dementia? That means that the same steps that you take to control your blood pressure and keep your heart healthy

are also good for your brain!

Things like:

Maintaining a healthy weight

Exercise - even walking!

Eating whole foods that aren't processed

Drinking less alcohol

Not smoking

Getting a good night's sleep

Managing stress

These may sound like small things that wouldn't have much impact on your health long-term. However, these "basics" are actually the most impactful ways that you can stay healthy.

 Never underestimate the power of making lifestyle changes!

Click here to learn more from the National Institute of Health

Education & Resources

Looking for More?

Alzheimer's Association

National Institute on Aging

Dementia Care in Wisconsin

ADRC of the North

Alzheimer's Foundation of America

Connect with Us.

Call the Aging and Disability Resource Center of the North at:


And ask to speak to a Dementia Care Specialist

Dementia Care Specialists:

Providing confidential and no cost services to individuals, families, caregivers, and professionals in Ashland, Bayfield, Iron, Price, and Sawyer Counties.

Ellie Webb

Ashland & Bayfield Counties

Joanie Zecherle

Sawyer County


Shea O'Rourke

Iron & Price Counties

Reference in this Newsletter to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the ADRC, or its employees