April 3, 2020
Sick Time Extended for First Responders

L.A. County CEO Sachi Hamai notified Union leaders in the Coalition of County Unions on Thursday morning that the County will be extending 80 hours (two weeks) of paid sick time into time banks for employees, including Local 685 bargaining unit members who are first responders on the front-line daily performing our critical job duties and responsibilities providing services to juvenile and adult populations.
You should see the 80-hour sick leave benefit in your time roll on your April 30, 2020, paycheck. With Interim Chief Leyva’s approval, this time can be used for members in our bargaining unit that have family members that require care during this unprecedented health pandemic.
General Membership & Stewards Meetings Canceled for Month of April

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and orders from local, state, and federal officials, the Local 685 General Membership and Stewards Meetings are canceled for the month of April 2020.

Please stay safe and healthy in these difficult times!
COVID-19 Resources

This page is a resource for Local 685 members to have access to official memos from the County regarding COVID-19's impact on County operations and County employees. Please check here routinely for the latest update from the County and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Click here and visit daily!
COVID-19 Update for April 3, 2020
After the Local 685 Executive Board questioned the continued movements between RTSB Camps and DSB Halls, the Department yesterday evening notified our Executive Board that movements between Camps and Halls will be halted for two weeks. Each Camp will be responsible for its own transportation to medical and court appointments during this period.
As we continued to press for full transparency on members who test positive, the Union also was notified of a report that a DPSS employee on the 2 nd floor of the Zev Family Center tested positive for COVID-19, a shared County building. The Department learned of the incident today and reports indicate that the building manager was made aware on Friday, March 27, 2020. The DPSS employee was sent home and 14 DPSS staff were sent home to self-isolate.
Probation staff are not assigned on the 2 nd floor. ISD reports that a cleaning crew disinfected the second floor, common areas, elevators, cubicles, and meeting spaces. Probation staff work location is on the 3 rd and 4 th floors, which contain approximately 111 staff, including a Bureau Chief, managers, SDPOs DPOs, and secretarial and clerical staff. Probation staff was notified by the Area Office Manager of the impacted employees in the cleaning efforts.
A Pre-Trial Services employee assigned to Twin Towers has potentially tested positive for COVID-19. As of 9:30 p.m. last night, the Department still was awaiting confirmation. Pre-Trial Services is taking appropriate precautions. In today's conference call with management, your Union will seek information on contact tracing and what quarantine measures were implemented, and seek assurance that deep cleaning and disinfecting areas are being completed pursuant to public health protocols.
In yesterday’s conference call with Probation management, there was follow-up discussion regarding members with medical slips, documentation for underlying medical conditions, employees age 65+, and employees with family circumstances. Local 685 members will be given two days’ notice before emergency deployment to present medical slips/documentation, and other circumstances regarding their family to their immediate supervisor. Higher level executive staff will continue to review these matters on a case-by-case basis that is brought to their attention. Your Union leadership continues to work on a case-by-case basis with our members who are having issues in this area.
At this time, up to 20 deputies that are assigned to Central Adult Investigation and nine ASCOT deputies will be deployed to the Juvenile Halls and Camps to meet the operational needs. The Department also confirmed that it has PEP supplies and is working to ensure that masks and gloves are delivered to Campus Kilpatrick, Dorothy Kirby Center, and Pre-Trial Services. Based upon our advocacy in our meetings, the Department is re-doubling its communications to all facilities to make sure this protective gear is passed out to our members.
The Probation Department agreed to share information about its contingency planning efforts to address the COVID-19 outbreak.
While the Union and Management did not reach agreement on all discussion points in yesterday’s conference call, much progress was made in notifying the Union of operational changes before they are implemented and in answering the Union’s questions why the changes were necessary. The Union explained that the surge for COVID-19 likely will increase in April and that labor and management need to work together in partnership to ensure the safety of our staff and detained juveniles while maintaining Probation operations, programs, and services.

In solidarity,

Hans Liang

AFSCME Local 685