Send us your events and classifieds:

Wednesday, Nov. 15

District Office hours: Tuesdays through Saturdays; 8 AM to 5:30 PM except Thursdays, 8 AM to 2:30 PM. Call Carrie Boyer @ (518) 608-1246 or send an email to

Please note! District Office

mailing address is changing

Please start sending mail to the Adirondack District Office @ PO Box 511, Newtonville, NY 12128. We are closing down our PO Box 753 on Nov. 30. You can begin sending mail to PO Box 511 at any time.



Click here to view "Classifieds"

Don't Miss Any Important News/Announcements from the Conference Office

To ensure that you don't miss any important information,

please consider subscribing to the following:


Click here to subscribe to UNY Notes.

Click here to subscribe to the Weekly Digest


UNY Notes are simple text-based emails that will immediately alert you to important news and events of the Upper New York Conference. UNY Notes are targeted e-mail blasts in nine categories:

·    From the Desk of Bishop Hector

·    Alerts

·    Announcements

·    Prayer Requests

·    Death Notices

·    Camp & Retreat

If you prefer fewer e-mails, remember that all of the week's UNY Notes are included in the Weekly Digest, published on Wednesdays. It will contain a round-up of that week's UNY Notes, along with feature articles, direct links to several "hot spots" on the Conference website, photos, and more.

Advent calendar is here!

Thomas Mousin and Merry Watters are pleased to present this year’s Advent calendar. Each year, Merry chooses scripture lessons for each day of the season and connects them with a suggested devotion for the day. Thomas designs the graphics for the calendar and writes a poem that can also be sung as an Advent hymn.

Please click on the website to read more about this year's calendar. You can download the calendar on the site. Click here.

Salem UMC: West Sand Lake's

day care featured on Spectrum News regarding worker shortages in day care across the country

Spectrum News aired a segment on daycare challenges on Tuesday’s (Nov. 14) morning show. They interviewed Salem: West Sand Lake's Jubilee Day Care Director Krystle Mabb as part of the segment. The church is in the Albany District.

Click here to view the video. It's enlightening as to how impactful the shortage of workers is, and Krystle outlines the challenges that centers, workers and parents are facing.

See this from the Center. It's also included in our classifieds (link at the top of the newsletter).

Teachers sought for Day Care Program at Salem UMC in West Sand Lake

Salem UMC West Sand Lake is actively seeking 2 lead teachers (toddler and preschool) to join a dedicated team of caring educators for its NYS licensed Jubilee Day Care program. We are also hiring for a PT, substitute assistant teacher (requires HS diploma or GED and background check). Candidates must be committed to the education, growth and development of young children and meet NYS qualifications. Our day care ministry meets the needs of families with young children by providing quality, loving childcare for up to 27 children ages 18 months through 5 years of age. The lead teacher positions are full time with benefits. Please contact Jubilee Day Care at 518-674-2705 or

Join UNY in "Together in Prayer" initiative

Join the year long journey as we reconnect with who we are as people of faith, disciples of Christ, and United Methodists. Each month, there will be a new focus and new resources. 

Breath prayers express our deepest needs and can be said in one inhale and exhale.

Join the 155 UNY congregations already participating on "Together in Prayer." Learn more here:

Quaker Springs UMC seeks Spanish educational materials for Mission Trip to Guatemala in February

Update: We have a Spanish music CD that we'd like to copy - we need about 10. Does anyone have the capability of doing this for us? Please contact Linda Campbell @

This ran in earlier newsletters. The mission trip has been postponed until February (initially scheduled for November). If you're out and about and come across these, in Spanish please, for our upcoming Mission Trip to Guatemala please purchase them for me and I’ll buy them from you, or if you’d like to donate, bless you and thank you!! Or if you find any K-6 grade educational material in Spanish or slightly used, I will gladly pick it up from you! To make a monetary donation, send to Linda Campbell, PO Box 52, 160 Cemetery Rd., Victory Mills, NY 12884. Please make check out to Quaker Springs UMC with Guatemala mission in the memo line. Thank you in advance. We leave in February for Guatemala. For more information contact Linda Campbell from the Quaker Springs UMC @

Fall Church Conference Schedules

I have met with most churches, and look forward to meeting with a few more in the coming weeks. This year, nearly all conferences were held jointly with other area United Methodist congregations so that, in addition to caring for the ordering of ministry for the coming year as individual congregations, we may look at some possibilities for collaborative ministry that might strengthen and broaden our mission and ministry. Since most of the “business” of the Church Conference is prepared beforehand by various teams within the church to receive final vote at the Church Conference, the majority of our time together will be spent on collaboration.

Blessings! Rev. Debbie Earthrowl, Adirondack and Albany District Superintendent

Click on the links below to view the schedule for the remaining church conferences.

Albany District Church Conferences
Adirondack District Church Conferences


Pastors and SPRC chairs: The Church Profile and Advisory Form and the Pastor/SPRC Covenant form were due on Nov. 1. They must be completed online. If you need your sign-in information, please contact Carrie @ (518) 608-1246 or Click here to sign in.


Lay Servant Course offered in the

Albany District:

All are welcome


Basic course to be held on Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 PM, January 3 through 31. Contact Melanie Keith, (518) 779-6004, Cost is $10 per person, check payable to UNYAC. Mail completed form and check to Melanie Keith, 299 Edwards Rd, Wynantskill, NY 12198, no later than December 21. Please note that attendance is mandatory for all classes.

Form is attached here.

Local Church Events

Christopher's Christmas Cookie Sale through Nov. 24, First UMC, Lake Luzerne

First UMC of Lake Luzerne is holding a Christopher's Christmas Cookie Sale. Cookies may be ordered by calling (518) 696-7192 between through Nov. 24 and will be available for pick up at our Christmas Bazaar on Dec. 2 from 9 AM to 1 PM. Sugar cookies and snickerdoodles are $6 per dozen and Italian Wedding cookies are $6.50. An assortment may be purchased for $6.50 as well. See information on the Dec. 2 Christmas Bazaar in chronological order in the events listing.

Fall 2023 Famous Brown Bread and Bake Sale, Nov. 17 and Nov. 18, Simpson UMC in Rock City Falls

The leaves are falling along with the temperature, but our kitchen is heating up for Simpson’s Fall Brown Bread & Bake Sale. Simpson UMC, located at 1089 Rock City Road, Rock City Falls, is having its semi-annual Brown Bread & Bake Sale just in time for Thanksgiving. Cost will be $8 per loaf.  Pick-up dates: Friday, Nov. 17 between 4 PM and 6 PM and Saturday, Nov. 18 between 9 AM and 2 PM. Bake sale on Saturday. Don’t miss out. Call (518) 885-4794 to place your order. Please leave your name, telephone number and the number loaves you would like to reserve. And if possible, let us know if you will be picking up on Friday or Saturday. A representative from Simpson will call back to confirm your order. Thank you.

(New) Holiday Sale and Luncheon, Saturday, Nov. 18, First UMC of Ticonderoga

Please join us from 9 AM to 1 PM Saturday, Nov. 18 at the First UMC of Ticonderoga, 1045 Wicker St., Ticonderoga for a special Holiday event. There is a luncheon from 11 AM to 1 PM. Also Holiday Gifts, Silent Auction, Christmas Wreaths, Bake Shop, Christmas Decor, Gifts Galor and the thrift Shop will be open.

Holiday Craft and Food Sale, Saturday, Nov. 18, Westport Federated Church

Come join us from 9 AM to Noon on Saturday, Nov. 18 at the Westport Federated Church, 6486 Main St., Westport for our Holiday Craft and Food Sale. Lunch starts at 11 AM. Hot turkey sandwiches and meatball subs. We accept credit cards!!

Murder Mystery Dessert Theater, Saturday, Nov. 18, South Glens Falls UMC

We are hosting a Murder Mystery Dessert Theater at 6:30 PM Saturday, Nov. 18 at the South Glens Falls UMC, 15 Maplewood Parkway. It's a A WhoDun‘it? Comedy. During a bus trip to the Adirondacks, Harry Cooper, the group leader, falls ill. By the time the bus reaches the resort where they’re spending the night, Harry has kicked the bucket. Was it food poisoning – or something more sinister? When Sam Club, Private Eye, discovers the murder weapon on Harry’s body, he launches an intensive investigation to find the murderer. Cost: $20. Reservations are requested and can be made through the office (518) 793-1152

Garage and Bake Sale, Saturday, Nov. 18, Fortsville UMC

Join us from 9 AM to 2 PM on Saturday, Nov. 18 at the Fortsville UMC, 402 Fortsville Road, Gansevoort for a garage and bake sale.

Holiday Craft Fair and Fall Festival, Saturday, Nov. 18, Quaker Springs UMC

Quaker Springs UMC invites you to their Holiday Craft Fair and FallFestival from 9 AM to 3 PM on Saturday, Nov. 18 at the church, located at 466 Route 32, South of Schuylerville. Great gift shopping (and for self!) with our talented area crafters! Live Wreaths, with pick your own bow. FREE Holiday photo ops with “Woody the Holiday Wagon” and “Frisky Finn,” the horse that has been the star of recent children’s books. Music, hot food, beverages, kids activities. Silent Auction to benefit the handicap accessible ramp project.

(New) Hometown Thanksgiving Meal, Thursday, Nov. 23, Christ Church, Glens Falls

Christ Church in Glens Falls is once again hosting the annual Hometown Thanksgiving meal on Turkey Day. Dozens of volunteers work for several days to prepare a wonderful meal for anyone! Hundreds come and dine at the church and hundreds more meals are delivered to the home bound. Donations, drivers, and other volunteers are welcome! Contact info: or (518) 232-8896 or

Advent Bible Study, Tuesdays, beginning Nov. 28, First UMC of Warrensburg and ZOOM

We are having a Advent Bible Study on Tuesday nights from Nov 28 to Dec 19 from 6 PM to 7:30 PM. In person and Zoom. The church is located at 3890 Main St., Warrensburg. Book available from Cokesbury. Experiencing Christmas by Matt Rawle Christ in the Sights and Sounds of Advent. Discover how everything changed when God was born. Everything seems different at the end of the year. Things just look, smell and taste differently during Advent and Christmas season, and these differences are a sign to us that God is about to do something radical and different. Christmas is when God surrounded the divine with senses of his own. Come and see what points you to the divine. Contact Jamiee Ross for more information (518) 744-8719 and for the ZOOM link.

Christmas Festival, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 1 and Dec. 2, West Fort Ann UMC

Come join us for our Christmas Festival on Fridayh and Saturday, Dec. 1 and Dec. 2 at the West Fort Ann UMC, 1011 Copeland Rd., Fort Ann. Crafts, cookie walk, lunch, bake sale, raffles. Vendor space available. For more information, including times, call 518-409-2484.

(New) "Greens and More Sale, Saturday, Dec. 2, Newman UMC in Shushan

The Newman UMC, 1057 County Rte. 61, Shushan, will be hosting a "Greens and More Sale" on Saturday, Dec. 2 from 9 AM to Noon. The sale features individually hand-crafted wreaths, swags, sprays, decorative pots/boxes, and table decorations, all made with local greens. The sale will also have a Baked/Food Sale table, other house accessories, and vendors. Experience the holiday spirit in Shushan!  

Christmas Bazaar, Saturday, Dec. 2, First UMC, Lake Luzerne

Our annual Christmas Bazaar is just full to the brim this year! It's so big, it's spilled over to our parsonage. You'll find the Gingerbread Cafe, Bake Table, Crafts, Christmas Items & Gifts, plus St. Nick at the church, while the Youth Fellowship will selling Memory Bulbs ($5) and having a free St. Nick's Workshop for children at the parsonage across the street. It's also cookie pick-up day for those that ordered Christmas Cookies (see separate article at the beginning of the events listings.) Do come and enjoy! We are at the corner of Main & Church Street, Lake Luzerne (24 Main St., and the parsonage is 23 Main St.) See details about the cookie sale at the top of this newsletter.

(New) Holiday Cookie Sale, Saturday, Dec. 9, Galway UMC

The Galway UMC will hold its 31st Annual Holiday Cookie Sale on Saturday, Dec. 9. This is the oldest and only continuously held sale in the area. The church is located at the corner of Rte. 147 and CR45 in the Village of Galway. Sales will commence at 10 AM and continue until sold out. Come early for the best selection. Contact Sharyn Kalinkewicz at 518-928-0179 for information. Options are available for those who prefer to remain socially distant.

"Nia" dance, Mondays and Fridays, ongoing, Schroon Lake Community Church

Nia with Emily is a low impact dance designed for everybody regardless of age, health, or fitness level. Using a system of 52 moves designed to work every joint in your body, while delivering full-body conditioning, leaving you energized, mentally clear and emotionally balanced. Nia helps with balance, stability, weight loss, anxiety, stress, flexibility, joint health, cardiovascular health and so much more! It’s done barefoot to fun music. Mondays at 6 PM and Fridays at 10:30 AM. $10 per class; students 18 and younger, no charge. Classes are held at the Schroon Lake Community Church on the corner of US Route 9 and Leland Avenue. It’s a day by day class, you can come anytime. To view the flyer, click here.


Hidden Treasures By The Lake @ Lake George UMC

Gently used clothing thrift shop located inside First UMC: Lake George at 78 Montcalm St., Lake George. Children’s clothing $1 and Adult clothing $2. We are open Thursdays 8 AM to Noon, Fridays 9 AM to 1 PM and Saturdays 8 AM to Noon. Visit for more information

Christ Closet Thrift Shop, First Fridays and every Saturday, Argyle UMC

Fill a reasonably priced small, medium, or large bag at the church's thrift shop, 12 Sheridan St., Argyle. Clothes, shoes, toys, household items for the whole family. Open 2 PM to 5 PM the first Friday of every month, and each Saturday, 9 AM to Noon.

Everything Free Saturdays, Salem UMC, 29 West Broadway

Every Saturday: Everything Free Ministry is open 9 AM to 1 PM

For questions, contact Cindy Miller @


Bottle and Can Drive, Porter Corners UMC, 512 Allen Rd., Porter Corners (12859). You can leave your bags or boxes at the back door of the church, or if you have a large quantity, pickup is available. Call Jane Decouteau (518) 893-2289 or Carrie Howe (518) 893-6214.

Please consider posting this flyer in your church: Click here

'Connect', 6:30 PM Fridays

Connect is a small group through the United Methodist Church, made up of young adults (18 to 35) who gather every Friday at 41 E Main St, Cambridge, NY 12816 at 6:30 pm to play board games, watch movies and talk about important issues and topics. These topics range from financial planning and resume writing to the differences between hemp and marijuana.

You can contact Gracie Lynn Evergreen with questions, or (518) 932-3925. Visit our Facebook Page: