Local Dowsing Group NewsNo 103  

BSD Conference


I am just contacting you to see if you know anyone who lives on the Wirral, or in Chester, or North Wales who might be going to congress if so if you could ask them if I could have a lift to congress with them and of course sharing the petrol costs. 


It is much appreciated for your time with this.


Kind regards


Peter Taylor


Finding water, noble minerals, oil and gas

by Site Visits and Map Dowsing 

 Please contact Peter via    Info@cedJackson.org

Wiltshire Dowsers

These are the next Wiltshire Dowsers Trips. Please advise Alison on 07941 712444 (text is fine). We like to have an idea of numbers to make sure the trip is viable and can also contact you with any revised plans. The information here supersedes any previous information given. We ask for a £3 donation on all our trips.

Sunday August 21st. Windmill Hill near Avebury. Meet ON THE HILL at 11.00am.

See ‘getting there’ below. Please advise Alison if you are coming and how you intend getting there, it would be good if some could walk up together and a meeting place can be arranged.

Uneven terrain – wear stout shoes and bring suitable clothes for sun/rain etc. Bring a drink and snack. There is little shelter up there.

Dogs allowed – bring a lead. Some walking will be required.

Often the forgotten section of the Avebury Complex is usually visited by the Michael and Mary lines as they make their grand entrance to the Complex.

Windmill Hill is some way out of the centre and affords great views across Avebury. It is a classic example of a Neolithic causewayed enclosure, although much ploughed up over the years (all the more exciting for dowsing!) - there are concentric but intermittent ditches and the remains of round barrows. Large quantities of animal bones and artefacts found here suggest there were feasting and fertility rituals. The walk to get there needs to be considered part of the pilgrimage!

Getting there: Windmill Hill requires some walking to reach but please read. There are several routes (Maps: OS 173 Swindon & Devizes or OS Explorer 157 Marlborough & Savernake Forest).

From Avebury village: park as usual and use either footpaths north then west from Avebury Manor (not done this for a few years so don’t know what the paths are like, I think there are stiles), or by walking through the length of Avebury village along the footpath to Avebury Trusloe and up a farm track. The distance either way is around 1.5 miles and uphill some of the way.

 From Avebury Trusloe: There is very limited kerbside parking at Avebury Trusloe, please park considerately if you do this. Pick up the path which leads up the track. Approx 1 mile uphill.

If you walk from Avebury or drive to Avebury Trusloe but cannot manage to walk up the hill, we can offer lifts to people up the track as far as cars may drive but please pre-arrange this if possible. There is no parking facility at the top of the track, just space to turn round. There is still a short uphill walk at the top – less than half a mile.

Sunday Sept 4. Belas Knap Chambered Tomb, Cotswolds.

This is a return visit to this fascinating Neolithic chambered tomb. We went there to dowse the site in Sept 2021. This time, Stone Seeker, led by Pete and Sue, have invited us along to go a little deeper. The emphasis this time will be on experiencing the effects of drumming and chanting in the different chambers.

Directions: Meet at 10am. Roadside parking in Corndean Lane, Winchcombe, Cheltenham, Glos. GL54 5AL. OS ref: SP 020261. (What3Words: remarks.cherubs.courtyard). Parking is on the Charlton Abbots and Winchcombe road in trees.

The only route up to the barrow is via a steep unmade path with tree roots under foot followed by a walk up a steep grassy field – the long barrow is along a path at the top left-hand corner of the field. It is a good half mile uphill and there is a stone stile to negotiate. Please consider this before deciding whether to come. Sensible non-slip footwear is recommended. End time: approx Noon. Please book with Pete: stoneseeker@waitrose.com

Peter Knight

Stone Seeker Tours and Publishing. Leading profound sacred sites tours for over 20 years. Authors of 13 books on ancient sacred sites and landscapes, and ancient wisdom.

Organisers of the annual Convention of Archaeology and Earth Mysteries.

Tel: 0775 408 2691    Website of events: www.stoneseeker.net


Special Interest Group News :

International Association of Health Dowsers

The International Association of Health Dowsers was formed especially for therapists, energy and health workers who use dowsing or would like to use dowsing skills to support their work.

Initially the need for an organisation became apparent after Jane Court and Keith Harmon, a former chair of the British Society of Dowsers (BSD) Health SIG, were approached by members of the BSD and the association of Energy Therapists (AET) to form an association catering for health dowsers. The two organisations, whilst serving dowsers and therapists independently. did not specifically address requirements for health dowsing therapists.

The IAHD is a network and hub for therapists, energy and health workers using dowsing for health purposes. The aim is to share knowledge and news pertaining to dowsing and health via the media, association bulletins or newsletters and by holding annual conferences and networking events. The IAHD have also been hosting monthly online meetings with a variety of guest speakers that have helped maintain continuity throughout the recent pandemic.

To help facilitate its aims, the IAHD is affiliated to the BSD.

The association is run by volunteers to ensure a neutral, democratic approach and not be influenced by commercial gain. It is run by members for members. The IAHD is chaired by Jane Court known to many as a former vice chair of the BSD Health SIG along with being a former trustee, Vice President and Treasurer of the BSD. To find out more about the IAHD, please contact Jane at Healthdowsers@fastmail.fm

Water Dowsing Special

Interest Group

You can put my name down to run Talks & Workshops on Water Dowsing around the UK.

Ann & Steve Dawson

'Life is not about how to survive the storm but how to dance in the rain' 

Telephone:  07899 814264    Email:  dowsing.anglia@gmail.com    

Facebook:  Dowsing Anglia 

Dowsing Anglia Website:   https://www.dowsinganglia-waterdowsing.co.uk


Local Dowsing Groups


Tempus Fugit - as the good Doctor might say - and once again it is time to compile and publish the list of active local dowsing groups.



Name of Group   Thames Valley Dowsers


Based in County of   Bucks, Bedfordshire, Oxon, Herts, Middx


Contact name   Susan Scott Powell  Chair


Address  Jubilee Cottage, Nursery Lane, Penn, Bucks, HP10 8LT


Phone  01494 813214

Email   chair@thamesvalleydowsers.org.uk


Middlesex and Surrey Archaeology Dowsers

Based in Middlesex and Surrey

Region Greater London

I am the contact Keith Harmon

52 Helen Avenue,



TW14 9LB

Telephone 07538 363 467

Email nrgft@hotmail.com