Local Dowsing Group News:  No 86

Zoom Times !

Raymon Grace Sunday 30th January at 2pm

Good Afternoon all

This is a reminder about the Raymon Grace Zoom talk which will take place at 2pm on Sunday, 30th January. 

If you would like to take part in this talk, please make your payment of £3 by BACS to the SDs' account, and send me email confirmation by lunchtime on THURSDAY, 27th January. (I'm sorry, I am otherwise committed from Friday morning, and may be unable to respond to late requests).

Account name - Somerset Dowsers
Sort code - 08-92-99
Account no - 65412879


Judith Thomas : (Judith Thomas <jtmarinus@gmail.com)
Secretary, Somerset Dowsers


Dowsing for good in Africa

Guy Hudson is inviting you to an illustrated talk about his experiences of dowsing for water in Zambia with the BSD, the establishment of the charity Village Water and his plans to return later this year to deliver more water dowsing training.

Thursday 10th February 2022 at 8pm by ZOOM

" My grandfather was a dowser, and although I studied physics at university, I always knew that dowsing worked and could be useful. My interest in water dowsing may have been sparked by working for a holiday job at the Institute of Hydrology, studying water flows to aquifers below ground. I have been dowsing seriously since 1993.

" I trained with the BSD and after attending the annual conference in 1993, we set up the Dowsing Research Group of which I was chair for the first 13 years. I ran training courses to over 100 dowsers. I also worked as a professional dowser and wrote a regular column in the BSD magazine Dowsing Today. I have dowsed about 100 successful water boreholes in the UK including (to my surprise) successfully using map dowsing out of necessity.

" I currently run a company called Beneficial Environments providing advice about - and solutions to - the problems of Electrosmog, EMF and other detrimental effects of modern living.

Guy Hudson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Time: Feb 10, 2022 19.30 ready for 20:00 London

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 872 9062 0726 Passcode: 619320

If you would like to donate to Water Dowsing Africa to support this work please follow the link:


Beware of impersonations

Email received on the afternoon of Jan 24th at Local Dowsing Group News International HQ.

" Good Afternoon,
" We have been made aware today that a scammer has created a fake email account impersonating our BSD President Richard Fry for the purpose of phishing.

" The email is entitled “request” and comes from the email account: council.president00@gmail.com
" This email account is not associated with us in any form and we believe they are using email addresses that they have found on the BSD website and via website links. I have included the messages that they are sending at the end of this email (*).  They are asking for money to be sent to them which is something we would of course never do in this manner.   
" We have reported this fake email account to google and would appreciate you also reporting it if you receive it to either google or via your own email provider.  Please do not reply directly to the fake email.
Thank you for your assistance,
Kind regards,
Hilary Bell
Office Manager

(*) ( From: Richard Fry <council.president00@gmail.com>
Sent: 24 January 2022 13:01
Subject: Re:Request

Please can you process a wire transfer or make an online bank transfer to a Vendor on behalf of the board today and get reimburse on Wednesday. Please let me know so i can send you the instruction/details to complete this request.

How are you? Please can you help the board with something today ? Let me know so I can explain better.

Richard Fry )
