Zoom Times !
Dowsing related Zoom talks can be listed here, if the talk’s organiser asks Info@CedJackson.org to publicise the event in LDGN, & provides details of content, and accessibility for members of dowsing groups other than those of the promoter, plus info regarding any required financial contribution.
Dowsing for good in Africa (10.2.22)
Guy Hudson is inviting you to an illustrated talk about his experiences of dowsing for water in Zambia with the BSD, the establishment of the charity Village Water and his plans to return later this year to deliver more training in water dowsing.
Thursday 10th February 2022 at 8pm by ZOOM
" My grandfather was a dowser, and although I studied physics at university, I always knew that dowsing worked and could be useful. My interest in water dowsing may have been sparked by working for a holiday job at the Institute of Hydrology, studying water flows to aquifers below ground. I have been dowsing seriously since 1993.
" I trained with the BSD and after attending the annual conference in 1993, we set up the Dowsing Research Group of which I was chair for the first 13 years. I ran training courses to over 100 dowsers. I also worked as a professional dowser and wrote a regular column in the BSD magazine Dowsing Today. I have dowsed about 100 successful water boreholes in the UK including (to my surprise) successfully using map dowsing out of necessity.
" I currently run a company called Beneficial Environments providing advice about - and solutions to - the problems of Electrosmog, EMF and other detrimental effects of modern living.
Guy Hudson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Time: Feb 10, 2022 19.30 ready for 20:00 London
Join Zoom Meeting:
If you would like to donate to Water Dowsing Africa to support this work please follow the link:
Russell Targ and his team - including the great natural psychic Ingo Swann - at the Stanford Research Institute clearly discovered in the 1970s the ability of the mind to see around the world. Essentially through “remote viewing” techniques, human beings clearly possess the ability to perceive beyond their present time-space locality. From a larger quantum consciousness field, we live in a state of non-locality with an innate ability to connect to deeper levels of reality - beyond space and distance, beyond past, present and future, and beyond the personal awareness of the separate self.
Join us as we demonstrate techniques to increase our consciousness connection to the higher powers of the mind, sending our positive thoughts throughout the planet.
Registration at ...
Quo Vadis, Edgewalkers*
Reference has been made in these pages to The Institute of Noetic Sciences, a California based research institute, inspired by the vision of returning astronaut Edgar Mitchell.
IONS recently publicised the work of the Edgewalkers Institute, an international consulting and coaching organisation with a focus on supporting individuals and organizations that feel called to be on the leading edge.
Edgewalkers International was founded by Dr. Judi Neal in 2006, the year her book Edgewalkers: People and Organizations that Take Risks, Build New Bridges, and Break New Ground was published.
Think progressive human resources plus top flight management consultancy.
At a time when dowsing is poised between the useful historical skills of water location - and the frontiers of healing and distant viewing - the Edgewalkers' take on organisational structures could be extremely valuable.
BSD 2022 Spring Symposium
Saturday June 18th in Coventry.