SouthWest Dowsing Festival 2022
Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th June 2022 - South Zeal, Devon
The Festival
Come and join us for the second South West Dowsing Festival in the beautiful surroundings of South Zeal, Dartmoor in Devon, for a celebration of dowsing that will be fun, informative, accessible financially, and open to all - novices and experts alike. Children are also welcome as long as they are accompanied by a responsible adult.
Whether you come for one day or for the whole weekend, there will be plenty to enjoy including Talks, Workshops and Field Trips - making the most of the wonderful ancient sites of nearby Dartmoor and enabling you to dowse with the help of knowledgeable leaders. There will also be Indoor Workshop options to hone and expand your dowsing skills as well as Outdoor Workshops in the village of South Zeal.
Our theme ‘Dowsing for One and All’
‘Dowsing for One and All’ is an invitation to use our dowsing skills to ask questions and gain information that can strengthen a loving connection within ourselves, enabling us to consciously act as co-creators in the living world, and thereby enhance the inter-connectedness of all that makes up the Universe. By listening to our hearts, we can increase our intuitive skills and be more in tune with life in a way the ancients once were.
Sean Ferris, John Moss, Dr Karen Stead-Dexter and Nigel Twinn will each give a talk on a different aspect of the theme.
Field Trips & Workshops
On each day you can choose to go on one of four Field Trips, attend indoor Workshops led by Sean Ferris on Saturday, and Dr Karen Stead-Dexter on Sunday, or attend an outdoor Workshop led by Kate Smart.
Field Trips will include Brent Tor, Holy Wells, Scorhill Stone Circle, Belstone Nine Maidens, Lydford Gorge, Roundy Pound, Spinster’s Rock and Kes Tor enabling you to explore and dowse Stone Circles, Stone Rows, Hut Circles and Reaves, the Michael and Mary Earth Energy Currents, Water and other ancient Dartmoor energies. The Field Trips will be led by experienced Dowsers from Local Groups.
Dowsing Books, Tools and Crystals
Penwith Press, Peter Knight and Sue Wallace and Devon Dowsers will be selling books, tools and crystals.
Socialising in Beautiful Surroundings
The Festival is a chance to enjoy conversations with like-minded people both during the day and into the long summer evenings in this medieval Dartmoor village. Camping is possible at the King’s Arms, and B&B and Airbnb is available in the local area. South Zeal has two excellent pubs with good food.
Best wishes
Gwynn Paulett
Chairman Devon Dowsers
Zoom Times !
Dowsing related Zoom talks can be listed here, if the talk’s organiser asks Info@CedJackson.org to publicise the event in LDGN, & provides details of content, and accessibility for members of dowsing groups other than those of the promoter, plus info regarding any required financial contribution.
You are invited to explore the teachings of ...
Joachim Wippich
Saturday, February 26th
11:00 AM (Pacific Time)
Meeting ID: 821 5894 2799
Passcode: 029089
Joachim Wippich, born in Germany, was gifted with the ability to pick up new knowledge and skills easily. In the Silicon Valley, he worked for five startups and five large corporations and had his own glass and optic company before retiring and becoming a dowser, healer, and teacher of light. He was always given the hard tasks to solve, problems others could not solve – which made him invaluable. He would instinctively know the mechanism to accomplish the task.
As with Joachim’s other careers, when he got into the area of dowsing and healing, his insights went to the heart of the nature of both. He realized that disharmony (or imbalance) was at the heart of many problems, as disharmony is innate to the human condition. He realized that we are all Divine Beings with a connection to God, and thus have the ability to invite in harmony to achieve a balance with the disharmony.
Joachim realized that healing comes from within the self. In addition to inviting in harmony, Joachim understood that healing occurs when people realize their true essence, that everyone is I AM. When that occurs, their vibrational level goes up and healing happens. Thus, Joachim developed affirmations to allow people to know their true I AM essence, which could be monitored with dowsing tools measuring their vibrational level.
This is an opportunity to hear Joachim explain his dowsing protocol, and learn some of his affirmations. This meeting will provide a question and answer period at the end concerning the topics discussed during the presentation.
for more information on dowsing
This is not an official Foundation for Mind-Body Research event and does not require pre-registration.
Ancient Shamanic Wisdom - 'The Wheels of Light'
A very interesting course is coming from Alberto Villoldo on how to understand and work with your chakras. The course is called The Wheels of Light and it starts on 21 February.
Here are introductory videos for this course:
From Grace Edgar, Professional Dowser, Herbalist, Healer
Hi Ced,
Re: Activating Non-Local awareness: Just to let you know that the link you provided doesn't work, but if you click on the title of this seminar this will lead to the registration.
Earth Energies Re-Ignited
March 14th - 15th
The vibrational energy patterns of the Earth are changing all the time, therefore, we all have to be aware and react accordingly. This goes for all healing practices, dowsing etc – nothing ever stays the same.
Dowsers such as Hamish Miller and Billy Gawn have been responsible in bringing Earth Energies to the attention of a wide range of people. Hamish with his co-authored book ‘The Sun and Serpent’ and Billy setting up The Earth Energies Group within The British Society of Dowsers. Both recognised the importance of these mercurial forces and their impact on both humans and animals.
In fact, much has changed since we entered the 21st Century, and the weekend is very much about updating the knowledge we have of these energy patterns, how we can use them and how they can help us.
Many of the energy lines associated with the earth and its sacred sites vibrate at a higher level, which over a long period can be harmful to us, they can also contain detrimental human emotion that can have a similar effect.
So, how do we work with these energy patterns?
Well, that is what the weekend is all about, what these energies mean to us, how we can connect with them, how we can send healing to them and how they can then, in return, help heal the land.
There will be a range of talks as well as two practical workshops, one on dowsing patterns in the ether and what they mean to us, the other will see us split into groups constructing and then walking various labyrinths. Depending on Saturday nights weather we hope to offer candle lit labyrinth walks and a meditation.
Steve Dawson - How to build and walk Labyrinths and why
David Lockwood - Healing Spaces and Blessing the Land
Adrian Incledon-Webber - Spirit and Earth (our dimensional connection)
Nigel Twinn - Pictograms – Dowsing Patterns in the Ether
Paul Syrett – Uncovering New Insights into Earth Energies
Paul Gerry - The Dowsing Brain, using Neuro-Feedback to enhance your dowsing and healing skills. We hope to have a practical demonstration of this with two people wired to mind mapping machines and see their brain patterns - on a screen - change in real-time.
The weekend is being held at Kennet Valley Hall, Lockeridge, Nr Marlborough, Wiltshire, only a few miles from the stone circles and henge at Avebury.
It is a modern hall with excellent facilities.
There will be a choice of tickets available: a combined two-day ticket at £90 or a single day at £50.
You do not need to have any dowsing or healing experience to attend this event, just an open mind and heart. The rest will flow.
Further details and booking forms will soon be found at
Contact Adrian Incledon-Webber on 01748 822634
Email: adrian@dowsingspirits.co.uk
Saturday 14th May
09.30 Registration
10.00 Introduction to the Weekend activities
10.15 Adrian Incledon-Webber – Spirit and Earth (our dimensional connection)
11.15 Refreshment Break
11.45 David Lockwood - Healing Spaces and Blessing the Land
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Steve Dawson – Building and walking Labyrinths (talk and practical workshop)
16.30 Q and A session in the Hall
17.00-ish Finish
Depending on the weather we hope to offer candle lit labyrinth walks in the evening
Sunday 15th May
09.30 Tea/Coffee and Welcome
10.15 Paul Syrett - Uncovering New Insights into Earth Energies
11.30 Refreshment Break
12.00 Paul Gerry - The Dowsing Brain, using Neuro-Feedback to enhance your Dowsing
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Nigel Twinn – Pictograms – The Patterns in the Ether (talk and practical)
15.30 Refreshments and Q and A session in Hall
16.30 Finish
N.B. Don’t forget to bring your own food
Dear all
Many apologies.
It would appear that I inadvertently transposed two figures in the bank details I sent out earlier.
The account number should be 65412879
Judith Thomas jtmarinus@gmail.com
Quo Vadis, Edgewalkers*
Reference has been made in these pages to The Institute of Noetic Sciences, a California based research institute, inspired by the vision of returning astronaut Edgar Mitchell.
IONS recently publicised the work of the Edgewalkers Institute, an international consulting and coaching organisation with a focus on supporting individuals and organizations that feel called to be on the leading edge.
Edgewalkers International was founded by Dr. Judi Neal in 2006, the year her book Edgewalkers: People and Organizations that Take Risks, Build New Bridges, and Break New Ground was published.
Think progressive human resources plus top flight management consultancy.
At a time when dowsing is poised between the useful historical skills of water location - and the frontiers of healing and distant viewing - the Edgewalkers' take on organisational structures could be extremely valuable.
BSD 2022 Spring Symposium
Saturday June 18th in Coventry.
Special Interest Groups
In 2006 I was running the archaeological special interest group until Don Bryan took over..
I had a list of 126 names* of people who were active up and down the country getting out and about in their own local groups (this list now with the BSD office).
Sadly, our later Presidents decided to scrap the SIGS which were a vital everyday lifeline to the BSD and supplied stories for the Journal.
With the advent of our new President, Richard Fry, common sense has returned and the BSD would like to re-activate these groups.
The question is, where are those people now?
Who is left? 15 years is a big gap and a lot of expertise has gone.
John Baker (j.baker864@btinternet.com)