Somerset Dowsers
Thursday, 31st March - Meeting at Ruishton Village Hall.
Managing Anxiety and Stress
We look forward to a return visit from Richard Cawte, a fully qualified clinical hypnotherapist and stress management consultant, who will talk about ways we can all help to ease some of the stresses of modern life. The talk will include a guided relaxation/meditation. Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm start - £5 Entry.
Sunday, 10th April - Outing.
Avebury Tour with Peter Knight and Sue Wallace
Sue and Pete have led field trips for many years, including those for the BSD and other dowsing groups, and have led trips in the past for Somerset Dowsers.
In this inspiring and interactive event, they will guide us around Avebury's stones and help us locate and dowse the energies of the St Michael Line as they snake around the henge, as they interact with each other and the huge megaliths. Pete and Sue will also lead a meditation and do a drum procession around the banks of the henge.
This will not be your normal dowsing event! After lunch, we will all visit West Kennet Long Barrow, the incredible Neolithic chambered tomb, and the subject of one of Peter's books, where we will again dowse the energies associated with the St Michael Line, and go inside to experience the inner chambers.
We will end with a demonstration of the powerful acoustic resonances of the chambers and do an Earth-healing ceremony. £10 - BOOKING ESSENTIAL as spaces are limited. (Contact
Thursday, 26th May - Meeting at Ruishton Village Hall.
Gordon Field - A Message from the Trees
Twelve years ago Gordon walked into an ancient wood in Brittany and his life changed. He now knows that time and space were on hold as the trees formed a powerful connection with him.
The trees have since taken Gordon on a journey where he has been introduced to powerful energy lines, trees, springs and wells along with the hidden history of our recent ancestors who had a symbiotic connection with the land, which enabled them to heal it. In this talk Gordon will reveal knowledge about both our past and our future. Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm start - £5 Entry.
Saturday, 4th June - Outing.
A Visit to the Trees of the Blackdown Hills with Gordon Field
In this follow-up to his Ruishton talk Gordon will introduce us to the energies that will enable us to heal the Earth and in the process transform us. Further details to follow.
Walking on the Wild Side
News from Malvern Dowsers
Last year’s young swans, their new white suits almost complete, are grazing the bright green water meadows. Shoots became real leaves on my oak tree in February. When the sun sets, adolescent badgers give up playful digging and are foraging further from home under a swelling moon.
New life. Early signs and portents that the dowsers of old would have understood. Automatically using natural skills and intuitive knowledge every moment of life’s journey. A daily journey, shared by all creation around them, always onwards into unexpected realities. A new month, a New Moon born. New energies rising around us.
For Malvern Dowsers a new season of real meetings and outside engagement beckons.
Today’s journey of individual exploration remains as thrilling as it ever was. The wonder of the new is our daily legacy. A closer understanding of Nature’s governing perspective. Systems of continual change and renewal, and our place therein. A balanced process of shared progress. Recognising and sharing natural boundaries as part of the panoramic whole. A constant daily use developing our skills and abilities.
By birth we are Nature’s children, an overflowing cup boundless in potential. We have no need to “know” it all, but everyone can dowse when not weighed down by the sledgehammers of conventional thought. The dowser’s toolkit is carried lightly within us.
Go gently dowsers, make no harsh assumptions, see, feel. Walk softly, asking and understanding as we go. Never lose sight of the deep wonder of it all.
The Living Energies of the Earth, the world around us. Respect, engage and enjoy in gratitude. This is a wonderful world.
Regular monthly meeting WEDNESDAY 16th MARCH. Special guest speaker for this month is Tamar Dowser's NIGEL TWINN, on “DOWSING in THE ISLES of SCILLY” (Nigel usually has some of his books available), Christchurch Hall, Avenue Road, Great Malvern WR 14 3 AY (close to the Railway Station behind the big church) Doors open 7pm for free refreshments and prompt 7.30 start. Members £4, non-members £5 at the door, no previous booking needed.
20th APRIL MONTHLY MEETING location, time, etc details as above. Featuring guest speaker, Earth Energies researcher, international dowser and author, MARIA WHEATLEY recently this year involved in an American earth energies project, and due to return a few days prior to this meeting from a fresh study trip to Egypt where she has previously dowsed a wide variety of ancient sites.
Her all-embracing theme for this evening’s presentation is “THE IMPORTANCE OF MOTHER EARTH” Followed by a Question-and-Answer session. (A selection of her books will also be available).
MD’s on-line DOWSER’S MANUAL, a handy five-part guide is available free to Members and Dowsing Groups on request from our secretary.
We do not wish to lose contact with all our new friends, some of whom we have met during the recently enforced periods of “Zoom or Doom” through this newsletter. We are looking ahead to continue developments in the electronic field. Our Summer Season is very much taken up with practical dowsing between monthly meetings. We hope to keep you fully advised through much smaller occasional insertions in future issues of this newsletter. JUST KEEP ON DOWSING AND WATCH THIS SPACE!
Contact : Dave Strang,
Europe is currently experiencing massive movements of refugees.
For example, at the time writing, over two million people have become displaced from Ukraine.
As dowsers, we may be in a good position to supply people with helpful services, including, for example ...
- Information on health issues and inexpensive treatment
- Information on locating missing people
- Training to supply people with skills in these areas
When people are faced with the huge challenge of becoming a refugee, the thought of turning to dowsers for help may seem absurd.
But dowsing is what we do. It is up to us to make that skill relevant.
Throughout Britain, voluntary organisations are mobilising people's goodwill concerning Ukrainians. If this is of interest to you, please inform Ced Jackson,, briefly setting out what your dowsing could potentially offer.
(The Association of Ukrainians in the GB, and its local groups, is at
Westmorland Dowsers
May 7th
Hello Ced,
Thanks so much for continuing to send LDGN to us at Westmorland Dowsers. We appreciate it as it’s a reservoir of of very useful information. Chris Tonge circulates it to our membership
Westmorland Dowsers are having an open event on May 7th in Shap which involves ourselves, Shap Local History Society, and Dig ventures, a group of community archaeologists
I’m also just confirming that below is the email address you should continue to use. It’ll be great to have a website link – we’re actually going to be updating our website fairly soon but of course the link will be the same. Just in case you don’t have it it is:
We’re based in Shap so that would be the location for your map.
All the best,
Liz (Laidler)
Westmorland Dowsers <>