Local Dowsing Group News: No 93

Water Divining Courses :
ZZZMay 7 in Sussex &
ZZZMay 21 in Devon.

All proceeds to Dowsing for Africa (non-profit) to support the training of dowsers in the field.

Tools required: 14” copper L-rods from the British Society of Dowsers.

All welcome no previous experience required.
Topics covered - all are part of learning to water dowse
  • Getting a reliable (first?) reaction with L-rods
  • A very brief overview of the history of water dowsing
  • Dowsing’s application and value in our modern world
  • Factors making dowsing easier and more reliable
  • The importance of intention to overcome distraction and interruptions
  • Using Tools: Y-ROD, PENDULUM, Hands, Compass, quiver, and pad
  • Sidebands: switching them on and off
  • Creating a thought line and how to avoid problems with them
  • Framing the right questions
  • Geopathic electromagnetic energy: theory and detection
  • Geology, hydrogeology, geological maps,
  • Using the BGS website to find existing borehole records
  • Map dowsing: the theory – experience if time
  • Fieldwork: Dowsing out in the countryside
  • Using Tools: Y-ROD, PENDULUM, Hands, Compass, quiver, and pad
  • Sidebands: switching them on and off
  • Creating a thought line and how to avoid problems with them
  • Framing the right questions
  • Geopathic electromagnetic energy: theory and detection
  • Geology, hydrogeology, geological maps,
  • Using the BGS website to find existing borehole records
  • Map dowsing: the theory – experience if time
  • Fieldwork: Dowsing out in the countryside
  • Dowsing a stream on the surface – quantifying depth, volume, quality

JG (Guy) Hudson



Water Dowsing Africa
Dear fellow dowsers,
We are appealing to the dowsing community to support and fund our mission to train water dowsers in Africa.  
Currently 1 in 3 people in the world live without a safe local water source. This has huge impacts on people’s lives affecting their health, education, ability to grow food and chances of leading a sustainable, self-sufficient lifestyle.
I am sure most of us dowsers recognise that through employing the gift of dowsing we can provide much improved accuracy in finding clean, plentiful, reliable and non seasonal water supplies as compared with geological methods alone.
Please share with dowsing group members, associates, family and friends this short interview with Guy Hudson in which he explains previous experiences of dowsing for water in Zambia with the BSD, the establishment of the charity Village Water and his plans to train water dowsers during his upcoming trip in the autumn.
More details of the invaluable work that Village Water facilitates in Zambia and Mozambique can be seen at villagewater.org

The monies raised in this campaign will be used solely to pay for Guy’s and an assistant dowser's travel costs and expenses. Guy and the other dowser will be giving their time for free.
I trust that you will see this as an opportunity to support dowsing as a practical means of improving people's lives. Many thanks in advance, Alan.

Water Divining courses by Guy Hudson in England
Further to our efforts to raise funds to send dowsers to Zambia in Africa to train people to dowse for water for themselves, Guy Hudson is running two Water Divining courses which we hope you will support.

May 7th at Hurstpierpoint in Sussex (Village Centre at BN6 9UY)

Start at 10.30am (10am for teas and coffees) finishing at 4.30pm, with an hour’s break for lunch. Hurstpierpoint is 15 minutes by car south of Gatwick, and 1.5 miles west of Hassocks Station which is on the London-Brighton line. Plenty of parking.

May 21st in Devon at Spreyton Village Hall EX17 5D
(Spreyton is just off the A30 with plenty of parking)

Booking for both via gethynhudson@gmail.com or call 07985157532

A selection of teas and coffee will be provided through the day but please bring you own packed lunch.
Booking : The cost for Hurstpierpoint and Spreyton is £75 each day, with all proceeds going to Water Dowsing Africa. Fees payable in advance - by bank transfer Water Dowsing Africa Sort Code: 30-98-97 Account no: 46260462 or by cheque payable to Water Dowsing Africa.
Attendees to bring their own packed lunch (in Hurstpierpoint there is a nearby shop to buy lunch).
Local Dowsing Group News: No 93
My Dowsing CV - Guy Hudson

I have grown up with dowsing - my Grandfather water dowsed for Welsh farmers.

I bring professional discipline and a broad range of knowledge and skills to problems in the field. Since 1993 when I helped found the Dowsing Research Group I have been working on how to improve dowsing techniques.

Guy is an experienced and succesful professional water diviner. He has provided sources of water for businesses, homes and communities in Britain, Sweden, Germany, Zambia and Tanzania.

He has developed his techniques over 15 years as founder chairman of the Dowsing Research Group. There he worked with scientists and dowsers to see where science can contribute to dowsing and dowsing can help science, organising and providing some occasional thought leadership to experimental and theoretical work in this highly creative idea factory.  

He was a trustee of the British Society of Dowsers for six years and chair of the water divining special interest group for two years.

In 2005 he decided that he was ready to get experience and started working professionally. He has been able to bring technical rigour and knowledge of hydrology, geology, physics, engineering, drilling, and water purity to problem-solving in the field.

He has served as a trustee CEO for the highly successful water-and-hygiene-and-sanitation charity Village Water which was started with 2 dowsing friends in 2004 and has now provided water to over 1 million (audited figure) people. While acting CEO, Village Water was awarded runner up to a major pan African prize and is now working with larger partners such as Water Aid DFID, and Oxfam.

Guy has trained a large number of dowsers in courses and workshops including well-diggers in Africa.

Other dowsing interests are detecting leaks and other civil engineering problems, health dowsing, architectural dowsing and mineral prospecting.

Guy has contributed to Dowsing Today, the magazine of the British Society of Dowsers. He provides electromagnetic surveys as specified by the Institute of Baubiologie which also involves dowsing to detect geopathic lines and electrosensitivity. He also creates low EMF environments.

He is planning to return to Zambia in September to teach well drillers to dowse. Before this, Guy had a career as an IT project manager.


John Baker
is running a water dowsing course for the BSD in Malvern on June 24th and 25th. For full details contact the BSD office at the Wyche Innovation Centre, Walwyn Road, Upper Colwall, Great Malvern WR13 6

Email : info@britishdowsers.org


Society of Ley Hunters Spring Moot

Kilpeck Village Hall
23rd April 2022

Peter Knight and Sue Wallace (1)
John Harding (2)
Robert Stephenson (3)
Elen Sentier (4)

£15, £13 pre-booked

1 Albion Dreamtime : Re-Enchanting the Isle of Dragons

A presentation based on Sue and Peter's full-colour book about their journeying and experiences of 100 of Britain's natural sacred places, where they were gifted insights, chants and poetry. Sue and Peter advocate that we should visit these places for personal growth and earth healing. The presentation includes live drumming and and videos.

2 Founder of Sheela Na Gig Project in the 1990's, after seeing one at Church Stretton. He then embarked on a journey to discover and record what these carvings were and what they meant.

3 Guide , presenter, curator and researcher

The Green Man. This once obscure carving - half-man, half-greenery - is found most abundantly in Medieval Churches, but has recently risen to prominence because of its ecological symbology. A review of the many theories, including those relating to Kilpeck. Peter will also be leading us on Sunday morning.

4 Writer, poet, storyteller, artist, Awenydd teacher and transpersonal psychotherapist. Learn to live with mother nature. Rewild your heart, empower yourself, and follow the deer trods.

Payments may be made to the secretary, 7 Mildmay Road, Romford,
RM7 7DA,
(payable to the Society of Leyhunters)
or book online at