Water Divining Course
with Guy Hudson
Saturday 21st May 2022 in Devon
Just a reminder that as part of our efforts to raise funds for WATER DOWSING AFRICA to train people to dowse for water for themselves in Zambia, Guy Hudson is running a Water Divining course in Devon which we hope you will support.
Guy Hudson is returning to Zambia in the autumn to train local people how to dowse for water. Guy was part of the team of dowsers from the BSD who went to Zambia some years ago which led to the establishment of the charity Village Water who are our partners in this venture.
Guy is an experienced and successful professional water diviner. He has provided sources of water for businesses, homes and communities in Britain, Sweden, Germany, Zambia and Tanzania.
The course will take place in Spreyton Village Hall EX17 5DX
Spreyton is located just off the A30 north of Dartmoor - leave at the Whiddon Down junction. Meet at 10am for teas and coffee for 10.30am start.
The day will finish at 4.30 with an hour’s break for lunch.
Teas and coffees will be provided but please bring your own packed lunch.
Bring your own L rods (preferably 14” copper), or purchase some in advance from the BSD shop.
The cost for the day is £75 with all proceeds going to Water Dowsing Africa.
Fees payable in advance - by bank transfer Water Dowsing Africa Sort Code: 30-98-97 Account no: 46260462 or by cheque payable to Water Dowsing Africa.
Please contact Guy Hudson for more course information, registration and payments:
Guy@beneficialenvironments.co.uk Mobile: 07985157532
Please see LDGN No 93 for detailed information on Guy Hudson and course content.
If you would like to support our project you can donate via Go Fund Me and search for WATER DOWSING AFRICA
Many thanks,
Alan Murray (Devon Dowsers & BSD member)
Mysterious Universe
Conference and Tours
3-4 Sept 2022
Avebury Sports and Social Club hosted by Maria Wheatley
The AveburyExperience.co.uk
The New Homeopathy
On May 5th Ced Jackson spoke on this subject to the Spirituality Special Interest Group.
He has previously outlined some information about the New German Homeopathy in the pages of the Local Dowsing Group Newsletter, and is also grateful to a member of Malvern Dowsers, Gabriella Burgess, for helping his understanding.
The New (German) Homeopathy is fascinating, not least because it can shed interesting light on how we think about health and healing.
For example, in the system of New Homeopathy developed by Erich Korbler, there are around eight main ‘states of health’ or ‘health conditions’, ranging from what could be described as optimum health, to the opposite, through intermediate stages.
The notion is that whatever your health condition, you would be better off, or worse off, if you moved to a different condition. These NH definable stages place health conditions in a hierarchy, with the aim of moving through these conditions in a positive direction.
It is not that you aim for an instant cure for all your problems, but that you get better in stages
These stages are grouped into a framework whereby below ‘optimum health’, there are conditions in which health problems are still relatively minor, and largely amenable to our own control.
Below that boundary is a health condition which is more serious, and which might require greater external assistance to bring about improvement. Here things can go either way, and improvement may require more external resources, or interventions.
However one of the beauties of the system is that there is always an improvement within reach, and which may be achieved.
Much western medicine is about swallowing drugs. With the NH, the ‘essence’ of the appropriate medicine is extracted and absorbed.
Let me give an example, known as absorbing ‘informed water’. From Painting the Energy Body, by Petra Neumayer and Roswitha Stark)
In your left hand hold a card with the word ‘Information’ written on it. The information might be a healing symbol, or essence. Stare at it for up to four minutes. In your right hand hold a glass of water.
The ‘information’ or ‘essence’ is transmitted into the body via the left hand, then through the body into the right hand, and from there into the water held in the right hand. The water is then drunk and absorbed into the body.
One of the beauties of the system is that there is always an improvement within reach, and which may be achieved.
This is called creating ‘Informed Water’.
The beneficial aspects of the Healing Symbols can thus be absorbed by the body in this way. A similar process can be used to absorb the benefits of precious gems and metals.
Healing Symbols
The Sine Curve – Symbol of Reversal
This transforms unwholesome information into wholesome (and potentially vice versa, so use with care). Can be painted directly on the skin.
The Life Rune – The (Y shape) Ypsilon - Strengthening
Always has a positive effect. Can be used to strengthen existing positive information.
Equilateral Cross – (The Plus Sign) – Cleansing Living Space
Can be used to free water veins or geopathic zones from interference. Seldom painted on the body
The Symbol of Electrosmog – Reducing Pollution
(Please reproduce from the book) Can be used as a poster.
___________ __________
________ ______ ______
___________ __________
The One Armed Dowsing Rod
This is sometimes referred to as a tensor, or bio-indicator. We would call it a bobber.
The client is dowsed with the bobber and that establishes the client’s current health condition.
The health condition also indicates the action that must be taken to raise the client to the next health condition (up).
That is done through the application of one of more of the healing symbols, as set out in a diagram referred to as The Energy Circle.
Painting the Energy Body (2006)
Excelllent Introduction
Petra Newmayer & Roswitha Stark : ISBN 978-1594774480-5
Healing with Information (2018)
Main text
Dr Maria Sagi ISBN 978-1-78279-858-3
Remote Healing (2020) Dr Maria Sagi ISBN978-162055-951-2
Ced Jackson
Tel : 01684 560265