Earth Energies Reignited
A Weekend of Talks and Workshops held at the
Kennet Valley Village Hall at Lockeridge, Wiltshire
Hosted and arranged by Adrian Incledon-Webber
Report by Nigel Twinn
This was the third attempt at re-launching that perennially successful meeting of like-minded souls, formerly known as the Earth Energies Group (EEG) of the British Society of Dowsers. Twice running the trailing tentacles of the pandemic had closed off the opportunity for the EEG community to get together to share their experiences and ponder new information.
But, like rehydrating a parched landscape, people from far and wide appeared in significant numbers, as if from nowhere, to celebrate the return of a much-loved and much-missed gathering.
Most of the talks and workshops were given by established members of the group, but the content and nature of those presentations had morphed subtly during the months of silence.
Day 1 started with an introduction by AI-W himself, setting the scene by describing how established religions had sequestered the sites of the old ways of appreciating the unseen world - and had replaced that seemingly more balanced approach with a male-dominated makeover.
But times were changing and the gender tendency, at least amongst the spiritual community, was moving towards a healthier equilibrium. There was a long way yet to go, but at least the direction of travel was positive.
Cornwall-based dowser and healer David Lockwood took the second slot, explaining his understanding of major earth energy lines as global discs.
He explained how detrimental energies could become entrapped in places and attached to people - and he discussed his methods for removing them from the everyday environment.
David has generated a large following, and his healing work with both people and their homes is held in high regard. His calling to become the driving force of the Duchy Healers has also brought his ideas to a much wider audience. (see
The afternoon saw East Anglian dowser, Steve Dawson, taking on the mantle of labyrinthiast-in-chief.
His trademark commitment and considerable experience of the subject was just the ticket to encourage a melange of miscellaneous dowsers (literally) out into the field. We planned, constructed and walked our grass-canvas patterns - and talked over the findings of our work until the rumble of the tea urn called us back for an animated question and answer session.
Steve has built up a huge portfolio of documented practical dowsing events - which can be accessed via the Dowsing Anglia website.
Saturday was completed with a lovely meditation led by Amy Murphy-Watts, who also provided a stand offering plant essences, sprays, aromas and teas).
Day 2 opened with the (relatively) new kid on the block, Paul Syrett of the Slimbridge Dowsers, bringing the assembled multitude up to speed with the ruminations of the Zoom Earth Energies Dowsing Group.
This enclave of enthusiasts was encouraged into existence by Blackburn-based dowser, Chris Tonge, as a temporary alternative to physical EEGs during the pandemic lockdowns.
But it has engendered a momentum of its own, drawing in different participants. It has mulled over a range of novel topics from the proposed establishment of a gigantic sculpture, to be called the Star of Caledonia, on the Anglo-Scottish border, the sensing of eye-shaped phenomena in the ditches of Avebury Henge, the structure of ‘new’ and different types of energy flow, and the impact of Beacon Trees on the energetic environment.
With no disrespect to the other speakers, judging from the applause and the engagement in the Q&A session, this was arguably the standout presentation of the weekend. Paul’s delivery was precise and fluent - and there is next to no chance of him getting out of doing something similar next time!
Another innovative approach came from the following speaker, Paul Gerry. For some years, Paul has sought to carry forward the work of the English physicist Maxwell Cade, whose Mind Mirror equipment was the first serious attempt at understanding the nature of brain waves using an electronic device.
The application of the technology to the work of dowsers is unique to PG - and he is gradually generating a picture of what is happening in our brains when we dowse, meditate or seek to heal. He was even able to show us an example of one of the original Mind Mirror ‘boxes’ - of which there are only two in the UK. AIW and Sara Pryke were duly ‘wired up’ to Paul’s state-of-the-art shapes, which appeared to be something between a remanence and a trackline - and probably weren’t even pictos at all, in the strict sense of the word! However, it did show how to ‘try this at home’, generated a lot of audience participation - and it will hopefully result in some useful feedback for another iteration.
(Paul Gerry is invited to supply a synopsis of his work for publication in this highly esteemed journal, together with his email address).
The Q & A session at the end with some of the speakers showed what a wide spread of experience was present in the hall - with relative newcomers trying to get to grips with some of the essentials of the field, while longer-standing members were keen to share cameos of their more recent endeavours. It was notable that the ‘panel of experts’ consisted of six middle-aged men (although this had not been the original intention) and it is something we will need to address at a subsequent event.
Such was the enthusiasm, and maybe the understandable relief, of the participants that this weekend was always going to be a hugely enjoyable and worthwhile endeavour from the moment the doors opened. At times, the talks almost seemed to be getting in the way of the sheer pleasure of renewed social dowsing interaction.
The event had an added benefit of being so well supported that some modest financial seed-corn has been made available to attempt the next iteration, either later this year or early next. With such a plethora of dowsing alternatives - both online and in what we used to consider the real world - it was remarkable that so many were willing and able to attend this re-ignition of the Earth Energies Group flame. Ever since Billy Gawn’s first meeting back in the mid 1990s, the EEG has enthused and engaged with many in the dowsing diaspora. It has a special place in the British dowsing story - and it looks to have plenty of more energy left in it yet.
Congratulations to Adrian and Allyson for getting this show on the road - and many thanks to Ann Dawson and Ros Twinn for providing a seemingly endless flow of teas and coffees, without which there would have been no oxygen to fuel the fire.
What is to be Done ?
The above article gives an indication of the interesting times within which we dowsers have chosen to manifest. Possibly the most exciting time since the opening sequence of 2001 manifested in our local cinema, but before the proto-humans portrayed therein picked up a dowsing rod.
What is different this time around is the variety of futures spread out before us. Dowsing for Water could eliminate water shortages in the continent of Africa, the New Homeopathy could transform medicine (and dowsers), and The Science of Intention could change everything.
Where will you place your energy ?
Books on the New Homeopathy
Painting the Energy Body (2006)
Excellent Introduction
Petra Newmayer & Roswitha Stark : ISBN 978-1594774480-5
Healing with Information (2018)
Main text
Dr Maria Sagi ISBN 978-1-78279-858-3
Remote Healing (2020) Dr Maria Sagi ISBN978-162055-951-2
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