Local Dowsing Group News: No 96

Water Dowsing Africa

Dear fellow dowsers


We are appealing once again to the dowsing community to support and fund our mission to train water dowsers in Africa.  


Currently 1 in 3 people in the world live without a safe local water source. This has huge impacts on people’s lives affecting their health, education, ability to grow food and chances of leading a sustainable, self-sufficient lifestyle.


I am sure most of us dowsers recognise that through employing the gift of dowsing we can provide much improved accuracy in finding clean, plentiful, reliable and non seasonal water supplies as compared with geological methods alone.


We are working closely with the charity Village Water which was itself established by water dowsers from the BSD nearly 20 years ago. More details of the invaluable work that Village Water and their partners facilitate in Zambia and Mozambique can be seen at villagewater.org


The monies raised in this campaign will be used solely to pay for Guy Hudson and an assistant dowser's travel costs and expenses to travel to Zambia to undertake the training. Guy and the assistant dowser will be giving their time for free.


I trust that you will see this as an opportunity to support dowsing as a practical means of improving people's lives.


Many thanks in advance,


Alan Murray


You can donate to this project at gofundme.com Search for Water Dowsing Africa


As part of our efforts to raise funds to send dowsers to Zambia to train people to dowse for water for themselves, Guy Hudson is running Water Divining course which we hope you will find of interest and can support.  (This is a revised course date and location - the course on 21st of May at Spreyton was cancelled due to Guy’s ill health.)


16th July in Devon at

Whiddon Down Village Hall

EX20 2QT

Whiddon Down Village Hall is located just a few hundred metres south of the A30 Whiddon Down junction - with plenty of parking.


Meet at 10am for teas and coffee for 10.30am start. The day will finish at 4.30 with an hour’s break for lunch.  Teas and coffees will be provided but please bring your own packed lunch.

Please bring your own L rods, or purchase some in advance from the BSD shop


The cost for the day is £75 with all proceeds going to Water Dowsing Africa. Fees payable in advance - by bank transfer to Water Dowsing Africa Sort Code: 30-98-97 Account no: 46260462, by cheque payable to Water Dowsing Africa or by cash.


Please contact Alan Murray for more information, registration and payment, alan@murraydesign.co.uk  or mobile 07771648575


The Power of 8

Andrew Edgar

The Power of 8 is a discovery of Lynne McTaggart. The central idea is that a group of, ideally, eight people gathers together with the intention of healing. One of that group will be the recipient of the healing, and will sit in the middle of a circle formed by the remaining seven. 

Ced Jackson and others have been holding virtual Power of 8 sessions (through Zoom) for some six months, with remarkable success. After a brief meditation, the group will focus its individual and collective intention upon the healing of a chosen recipient, usually for twelve minutes of silent mediation. After healing, group members, including the recipient, are free to report their experiences, which are often vivid and emotionally moving, to the group. 

While Lynne McTaggart recommends that the recipient of healing is a member of the group, we have found that healing is effective even when the recipient is not present (although we always ask the person for their permission to be healed, and they will know that the session is taking place). 

The important point is that the group members have a clear intention, and thus a clear notion of what the outcome of the healing should be. This could be something as simple as healing an injured muscle or removing pain from a stiff shoulder or neck, to the overcoming of chronic fatigue, or even to help someone have a peaceful passing to their next life. The group has focused on animals as well as humans. 

The results have been remarkably successful, with most recipients reporting an immediate alleviation of their troubling symptoms, as well as a general feeling of contentment and well being. The alleviation of symptoms typically continues for some days after the healing session, and indeed may be permanent. In my case, the group very successfully healed a painful injury to my right calf muscle, that had been troubling me for some weeks.

It is not only the recipient who will benefit from these healing sessions. The beauty of Power of 8 is that all involved will feel the effect. As the group comes together, it works to heal itself and improve each member’s sense of well being.

The group does not always consist of eight people, and that does not seem to affect the outcome. We would therefore welcome new members to our group. We meet via Zoom on Thursdays at 5.30pm. If you would like to join, or to know more, then please contact me at andrewRedgar@gmail.com, and I will be happy to help, and send you the Zoom link to our next meeting.


News from the Spirituality Special Interest Group

Over the last few months the Spirituality Special Interest Group has flourished thanks to the generosity of members. It’s free to join! We therefore delight in members freely offering their time to share their wisdom and truth with the group.  

We are a virtual group meeting once a month on Zoom which allows us to be geographically inclusive and our membership is not exclusively from the dowsing community although this population is the kernel. Growth in our membership has been organic and each member is at liberty to invite a friend/s – so please do. Our events are not recorded and therefore become a more dynamic space for sharing and discussion. But you have to attend to enjoy! 


Dowsing and/or divining is a method for gaining insight or seeking. When we use this method to look within it paradoxically also means exploring without. Greater connection with ourself brings new understanding and empathy for others and our precious Earth. Each time we dive into ourselves we also connect with Spirit and magical things happen. We realise that our physical lives have so much more meaning and purpose when guided through our connection to Spirit.  


Our topics and discussions each month have included ‘An introduction to the Tarot’, ‘A foot in two realms’, ‘Co creating sacred space using a mandala’, ‘The new German homeopathy’ and ‘Recognising the messages and stages on our spiritual path’. We have taken virtual tours of Hereford Cathedral and Nottingham Forest and we have delighted in the mysteries of octagonal structures and labyrinths. 


If you’d like to join the SSIG please contact me and you’ll receive an invitation to our next Zoom meeting.  
