Local Dowsing Group News: No 97

Before Completion

City of Dowsers

Inspired by Frederico Fellini’s City of Women - or rather the first two words of the title - I thought it might be interesting to explore the concept of a community consisting entirely of diviners.

Dowsing has always been something of a fringe activity, even though the ability to locate water is vital for life and the development of civilization.

Even today, it is often regarded as a pseudo-science, or worse.  With the delivery of water becoming universal - at least in the rich north - it may be regarded as having little worth.

Specialised communities are common in literature, perhaps the brightest being Castalia, featured in Hesse’s Nobel prize winning Glass Bead Game

That book evokes for me a strong resemblance to the Oxford of Morse. A place dedicated to the mind, but also flawed by the humanity of its inhabitants.

But what would a City of Dowsers look like

Remote Viewing :

As in the Tower of Perception in the Grail, with this facility all knowledge, if not wisdom, is available, and as a result, potentially all are equal.

If everyone knew in advance today’s winner of the 2.30 at Newmarket, we could all become rich, though there are many warnings about putting the blessed skill to selfish ends.

Where will the bombs fall ?


Healing  :

Lynne McTaggert has democratised the healing power of group intention, now available to all in The Power of Eight .  

What we are talking about here may be a battle of intentions. For if all tools are now available, the prizes may fall to those best organized, healthy, and perfect.


Good morning, how am I ?   :

If knowledge is universal, what of therapy ?


Castalia fell apart because it had ossified. What are the lessons for the City of Dowsers ?

Our heroic dowsing forebears are predominantly male. Is there a form of dowsing which is inherently female ?


After Completion


Ced Jackson