Local Dowsing Group News: No 98

Water Dowsing : What's a foot 

I recently had the privilege of attending the BSD Water Dowsing course, splendidly delivered by John Baker, Aaron Bray and Guy Hudson.

This was an intriguing experience, as for me it turned the former somewhat mysterious art of locating water - a primary physical element - into the practical application of dowsing skills to the measurement of things.

Whereas previously Dowsing for Water had involved the search for the mysterious and elusive 'other', the course translated this into the familiar skill of measurement.

For example, if the course of a stream - invisible on the earth's surface - is roughly marked out (by dowsing) with flags, it is possible to position yourself above the centre of the stream, and then determine - by dowsing and measurement - how wide the stream is at that point.

Having so positioned yourself, it is then also possible to dowse for the quantity, quality, depth and reliability of the stream throughout the year. This then turns the whole process into the repeatable and re-fineable art of measurement.

For example, if you walk through an open doorway: How wide is the opening ? (Dowse and also measure). How wide is the pavement ? (Ditto) How wide is the room ? Your accuracy will quickly increase.

Demand for water diviners is increasing due in part to its cost when leaks appear. The BSD needs more professionals. Anyone who would like to be involved in a future course, please contact the BSD office.

Ced Jackson : Info@CedJackson.org

Speakers : Ninety years of Water Dowsing experience between them

John Baker:   

  Email :  J.Baker864@BTinternet.com

  Phone : 01322 525975 01322 525975 : 4 01322@J.baker865.baker86j.baker864@btinternet.com4@btinternet.co

Aaron Bray :


  Phone : 07383 636470

Guy Hudson

  Email : guy@beneficialenvironments.co.uk

  Phone:  44 (0) 1273 251956


Letters to the Ed

FELLINI’S CITY OF WOMEN is probably not what one would expect to be confronted with in a Dowsing Newsletter. I certainly did not. I hope the overall reaction to our editor’s musings in newsletter issue 97 was not to simply scream and run away. SO WHY was it there?

DOWSERS ASK QUESTIONS, if they did not then they would not dowse. Let’s approach the question calmly and objectively and ask the obvious. “Has a wheel fallen off Ced’s trolley?”

As someone who has spent the past three weekends working in Ced’s company at dowsing events, watching him engaging, helping, instructing, and explaining a wide diversity of dowsing conundrums and difficulties for the enlightenment of both convinced disbelieving sceptics and bumbling novices on a one-to-one basis, there is no doubt to me that he has most certainly not suddenly lurched out of control. Moreover, to dive headfirst into a City of Women, to illustrate his point, he is a far braver man than I!

I trust Ced will permit me to summarise the first thirteen paragraphs of his article for the benefit of any who may still be quaking in their sandals in the grip of any misapprehensions that a philosophy degree is required before they can throw a six and climb the ladder of these thoughts.

It is only necessary to understand the basic widely accepted philosophical premise that as it trundles along. Humanity has the knack of imposing “conventions”, (like you putting tomato sauce on your chips like your dad did because his father had done so before, etc). These conventions can eventually evolve into accepted “norms” and eventually even worse, into definitive solutions. Modern history illustrates this with the extreme example of what can happen when conformity to the intellectual dogma of Hitler’s grand designs were enforced upon a weakened society. This was a direct result of the same situation of “ossification” in high places that is hinted at in paragraph thirteen of Ced’s article.

OSSIFICATION?? Don’t panic, put away the medical dictionary. Let us look at that word. Ossification is a natural part of the growth cycle not, as some see it, as a disease in its own right. It is the correctly regulated development of sufficient bone structure to support the body. Part of normal human development, the individual growing up. If the process is driven by the body beyond the set requirement it then becomes the monster we have come to associate with the word. Rigidity, stiffness, and inflexibility usually leading to issues of impaired balance, immobility and fatal fragility. This not only happens with individual humans but with organisations as well, the least global wobble and the dinosaurs come apart at the seams.

OK, SO WHY IS IT HERE IN THIS NEWSLETTER? Dowsing is all about Balance and natural energies. They are part of us, we are part of them. No, this is not a Theological point, there are no “ologies” when it comes to natural harmonic balance. The forcefield that holds everything together. Completely and absolutely everything, from way out there to deep down among our smallest particles.

DOWSING IS EVERY BIT AS MUCH FEMALE AS IT IS MALE ORIENTATED. Our heroic male dowsers of past ages? Come on chaps own up. How many naturally intuitive women can you think of throughout the historical record compared with how many men? Whose ashes were in the fires? This is where the Great Question comes up, “WHAT IS DOWSING?” The male talent for obsessive quantification verses the female talent for creating it in the first place. There is no contest we are equal partners. If someone can sniff the air and tell you there is rain on the way, he or she is a dowser as that catering pack of beefburgers that has just laid down under the hedge outside my window.

The totally ossified view is that dowsing is nose down in the soil, “doing” something to our world is in desperate need of revision. We really need to understand our world better before we “do” anything “to” it.

The recent survey attempting to give an impression of going through the barely perceptible motions of “going forward” by a once greatly revered dowsing institution revealed a very slender interest by those who replied to the “SPIRITUAL” question. Indeed, some even question if the question was itself even relevant to the survey. The existence of it on the survey was worrying enough to cause some who moved to keep the issue under review. There is very little difference in some quarters today between “under review” and just plain under cover and ignore.

(I wonder what the gender balance was among those who polled a vote?)

We as dowsers need to be in tune, of a oneness with our total environment. Not only need to be, we MUST be. This is why the local independent dowsing groups in this country are not only pointing the way forward but LEADING THE WAY FORWARD.

This is the difference between total individual spiritual harmonic connection and balance, when viewed against the result of organisational ossification.

Thank you Ced for your food for thoughts. Perhaps others have chipped in some replies, I hope so. This is not a matter of pointless argument and animosity. Whether you are riding in the van or following behind there is no time to dilly-dally, this is the time for wholehearted commitment.

John Collins  Ongoing lifetime enjoyment of independent dowsing.


Learn to Dowse,

or hone your skills


Teaching Afternoon

Saturday 23rd July 2022

in Penn, Nr. Beaconsfield, South Bucks


Thames Valley Dowsing Group will be teaching the use of rods and pendulums, starting at 2 p.m.

Pendulums and Rods are provided. 

There is no charge for this event but you must book your

place please, as numbers will be limited to 20 !


Further information- please contact: Sue Scott Powell, Chair, Thames Valley Dowsers.



Beaconsfield is Junction 2 off the M40 motorway and Penn is 3 miles from this junction. Fuller details when you book

We look forward to seeing you !
