Local Dowsing Group News: No 99

The Mind Mirror and the Awakened Mind

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Would you like to relax, awaken your senses and access your creativity, insight and intuition and, in so doing, fully develop and evolve your mind? Would you like to optimise the wellbeing of your brain and your body? 

If so, you will probably find that brainwave biofeedback meditation will quickly shift your brainwaves towards personal and spiritual mastery.

The Mind Mirror

The bioelectrical breakthrough that we now know as the Mind Mirror was invented by the British physicist Maxwell Cade in 1973.

As a young person, Max Cade trained in eastern techniques, such as meditation, which were then relatively new in the west. Later, he became a highly qualified scientist, concentrating on radiation physics - initially employed in the public sector and latterly in the commercial world. He undertook pioneering research with Dr Ann Woolley-Hart, a medical specialist, into consciousness and its relationship to brainwave patterns - bringing together the insights of zen Buddhism with the methods of western science.

In the early 1970s, studies were undertaken by Dr's Robert Keith Wallace and Herbert Benson of the Harvard Medical School into the physical aspects of Transcendental Meditation. These studies confirmed the presence both of alpha and theta brainwaves during the extreme stillness of the mind-body and the restful alertness of meditation.

The output displayed by the Mind Mirror does, in fact, reflect those states of mind-body correlation.

Cade’s investigations into creativity, how the mind influences health, how healers aid their clients - and his measurement of the brain rhythms of some remarkable Indian swamis - remain among some of the most enlightening pieces of work yet undertaken in the field of mind/body relationship.

The Mind Mirror (below) was a type of electroencephalograph (EEG) that had never been produced before - or since. It was, and is, unique. Physically, it consisted of 24 rows of light emitting diodes (LEDs), arranged in two banks of 12 rows each. Each individual row was comprised of 32 LEDs, 16 on the left bank and 16 on the right. The signals recorded from both the left and the right hemispheres of the brain, via scalp electrodes, could be displayed on the Mind Mirror at the same time, and then compared. 

The Four Primary Brainwave Categories

The four primary brainwave categories range in frequency from 44 to 0.5Hz. In descending order, these are beta, alpha, theta, and delta. Each of these four categories is animated by the specific types of electrical brain activity described below.

 Beta (38-14 Hz) the conscious mind of active external awareness: the intellect’s verbal, linear, and logical thought processes. List-making and decision-making speed up beta. 

High-frequency, high-amplitude beta causes stress, anxiety and panic. 

 Alpha (14-8 Hz) Relaxed, sensory awareness activated and felt as the mind shifts from the external to the internal world. Daydreaming, reverie, visualization, imagination. Alpha is the all-important frequency bridge that connects the conscious mind with its subconscious

 Theta (8-4 Hz) the subconscious mind of long-term memory, dreaming, REM sleep, emotional healing, intuition, creativity, and spiritual insight. Theta is the repository of one’s essential being, core self, psyche, or soul.

 Delta (4-0.5 Hz) Personal unconscious mind, the doorway to Universal Consciousness. Deep, restorative, dreamless sleep; also animated by empathy. Delta is a kind of instinctual radar that scans the environment and psychically picks up information and energy

Meditation and the Awakened Mind: A Symphony of Brainwaves. 

The meditation pattern unites all four brainwave categories in an open flow of awareness that provides access to all the qualities of each. The meditation pattern, externalized with eyes open, changes to the awakened mind pattern. The awakened mind pattern, amplified by the release of self-separation, becomes the evolved mind pattern of oneness and transcendence

MeditationIn meditation, the beta brainwaves of the conscious mind are inactive and flat. Sensory alpha amplifies outward to create a bridge to theta's subconscious memories, insights, creativity, and spirituality. Delta’s unconscious mind reaches outward to seek empathetic or psychic connection. Delta is not necessary for meditation, but is present in most people. 

Meditation is defined as a combination of alpha and beta in the proportions shown here. This ratio enables consciousness to flow freely through the mind. Relaxed sensory alpha combined with theta's material provides the depth and profundity of meditation. Regular deep state meditation conditions this pattern until it is externalised as the awakened mind of mastery.

 Awakened MindThe awakened mind pattern is composed of the meditation pattern with a curved, low-amplitude beta. This pattern provides access to beta’s mental clarity, alpha’s relaxed and sensory awareness, theta’s memories, insights, creativity, and spiritual connection, and delta’s instinctual psychic awareness and empathy. The mind is “awake” to its full potential

The Awakened Mind of flowing creativity and peak performance. 

A meditational pattern associated with quiet, rounded-in beta - useful for problem solving. Characterized by strong, intuitive insights into questions, issues and challenges.


Max Cade used his Mind Mirror to record swamis, yogis, healers and dowsers - people whose states of consciousness we might seek to emulate. He did indeed find a common brainwave pattern in this category of participant, which just kept on appearing. He called it The Awakened Mind.

The Awakened Mind is the optimum brainwave pattern for creativity, healing, insight and all forms of high performance. It combines the intuitive, empathetic radar of delta waves: the creative inspiration of personal insight: the spiritual awareness of theta waves: the bridging capacity and relaxed, detached, awareness of alpha waves: and the external attention and ability of beta waves to consciously process thought - all at the same time!

This is precisely the brainwave configuration that he had originally discovered in yogis, swamis and those experiencing higher states of consciousness.

One person who worked with him was Anna Wise, who was taught to reach this state and later became his protégé. She eventually took a Mind Mirror to America to further develop the work. Anna had a pupil, Judith Pennington, who took the Mind Mirror to new levels by working with an English company, who subsequently developed the software-driven Mind Mirror 6.  MM6 displays brainwave patterns in this type of format.

This equipment embodies a significantly more advanced analysis of the Mind Mirror states. It even has the capability to undertake neurofeedback (a kind of biofeedback, which teaches self-control of brain functions to subjects by measuring brain waves and providing a feedback signal). This, in turn, can enable the participant to reach the awakened state and beyond.

The dowser - author, Dennis Wheatley stated in his book The Essential Dowsing Guide that “In the 1980’s, Dr Edith Jurka MD recorded brainwave activity of dowsers using a “Mind Mirror”, developed by Dr. C. Maxwell-Cade, that was based on electroencephalographs (EEG). 

She found some remarkable correlations to the brainwave activity associated with dowsing. When in the dowsing mode, the brainwave beta frequency of the thinking state lowers in frequency to the alpha state, which is a meditative state. When a dowsing target is found, there is a burst of the lower frequency theta state, which corresponds to the brain wave activity in dream sleep.”

This implies that dowsers are probably in The Awakened Mind State Plus when dowsing. Using specific meditation scripts created by Max Cade, not only can people learn to reach and stay in this state, but also to have access to unconscious empathy and intuition. 

Additionally, with the radar of delta waves, they also have access to the subconscious creative library, to inspiration and the spiritual connections of the theta waves - and, via the bridge of alpha waves, to the conscious ability to process thoughts in beta. All at the same time!

“If the Awakened Mind state can be attained by brain training then it is also likely that the Dowsing Mind State can be enhanced with training using the Mind Mirror.”

I hope to be able to demonstrate the benefits of the Mind Mirror in talks/small workshops.

I am working on developing the Mind Mirror template of the “confident dowser” so I can use it to train the brain towards that mindshape. 

Meanwhile sessions of Neurofeedback have been shown to have an established place in helping with many problems such as Anxiety, fear, poor sleep and generally boosting concentration and mind focus. 

Paul Gerry Clinical Scientist (Neurophysiology) and post Chair 

Devon Dowsers

Paulgerry@hotmail.co.uk for more information

Mind Mirror 6 



Life and works of Maxwell Cade. 


Institute of the Awakened Mind


We gratefully acknowledge information from both the Vilistus and the  Institute for the Awakened Mind . 



Good Morning all

I'm writing to let you know that we have a change to our programme for July's Ruishton talk at Somerset Dowsers

We will be joined by Emma Farrell, who is a plant spirit healer. It seems very fitting that after our explorations of tree spirits and energies with Gordon Field, we should travel further into the world of plants. 

Please see below and on the website for further details.


Nature communication for personal

and spiritual wellbeing. 

Thursday, 28th July, 7.30pm, Ruishton Village



In this interactive talk Emma Farrell will discuss the ancient skill of using the body as the pendulum for communicating

with the spirits of plants and trees for personal and spiritual wellbeing. You will be introduced to the spirits of the plants, how they work, how they evolve and how we can attune ourselves to the subtle realms to further awaken our consciousness and bring healing and balance, so needed in these challenging times.

The ancient wisdom of our land offers techniques to start your journey into the heart of nature and will bring your world alive through the medium of animism and vibrational medicine.

Discover new and inspiring aspects of yourself reflected by the spirits of plants.


Emma's talk will cover:


• What is plant consciousness?


• How can we understand the conscious intelligence / spirits of plants and trees?


• Techniques to connect with the spirits of plants and   trees in your house and garden


• Understanding plant spirit medicine.


• The importance of psychic hygiene.


• Experience plant spirits through vibrational medicine.


• Plants initiations for spiritual development and healing.

Emma Farrell MSc is a plant

spirit healer, shamanic teacher and author. She has held plant diet retreats and ceremonies in England and Wales since 2016.

She holds a Master's Degree in 'The Preservation & Development Of Wisdom Culture & The Art Of

Liberation'  in the Tibetan Buddhist Mahayana Tradition, writing her thesis on 'Understanding The Nature Of The Self Through Lucid Dreaming'.

Emma has been initiated into and trained in indigenous healing and magical lineages of the British Isles and the Ecuadorian Amazon, has trained in Geomancy, Pranic Healing & Psychic Surgery.

Emma runs the Plant Consciousness Apothecary, a Healer Training School and a Remote Healing Practice. ​ Emma co-founded Plant Consciousness, the ground-breaking London event about the conscious intelligent  world of plants and trees. Much of her understanding of the healing process comes from years of her own inner work into childhood, ancestral and soul traumas. ​ Emma's book 'Journeys With Plant Spirits' is published by Bear & Co.

Best wishes


Judith Thomas

Secretary, Somerset Dowsers
