Put your local dowsing group on the web
With the coming of LDGN's website we are now offering local dowsing groups a web presence. Supply your contact details and an outline of your group' s activities to Info@CedJackson.org and we will do the rest.
Your group will be alphabetically listed on the Local Groups section of the www.LocalDowsingGroupNews.uk website (where full details of this service can be found), and readers who click on the link to your group will be taken to the information you have supplied about your group.
Archaeological Dowsing at Wandlebury Iron Age Hill Fort – Cambridgeshire
Saturday 15th. October 2022 - Meet 10:30 for 11.00 am start.
Working on and around the demolished Manor House built in 1735, we will dowse the layout of the ground floor rooms and basement, and dowse what each room was used for.
We can then search out service pipes leading to and from the House. There are tunnels to be traced, and see if you can locate the site of the old Ice-House.
Wandlebury is a site of many Myths & Legends, possible Leylines and Energy Lines. Ancient Greek Gods Gog & Magog are also in the mix, plus there will be a fun 20 point Questionnaire.
Limited to 30 People so Don’t Miss Out. BSD Members £20, Non-Members £25 for the Day. All Payments in Advance.
Booking via www.britishdowsers.org or email office.manager@Britishdowsers.org
Teas & Coffees available but please bring your own picnic.
Dowsing with Steve Dawson of Dowsing Anglia.
This is a BSD event
Earth Energies Zoom Meeting
We are a friendly group of dowsers - with an interest in earth energies -, who get together on Zoom. We meet on the second Thursday of each month from 7pm until about 9pm. Usually, one or two members will talk about some dowsing they have been doing, or give a short presentation, and the discussion flows from there.
The success of the group has depended on the mutual respect of the participants and their willingness to keep the discussion to earth energies and closely related topics.
If you would like to join us, please let me have your name and email address. I will put you on the circulation list so that you receive the Zoom link each month and any notes or presentations that are circulated to participants.
Chris Tonge ctonge7@gmail.com
Sussex Dowsers
Summer Field Trips and Zoom Chats
September 25th 2022
Zoom Chat – 7pm - Topic and link to be posted on The Sussex Dowsers Facebook page, or email David Charman on 07754 80553 for more details on energyviewing@gmail.com
All things menopausal
Hay House writes...
Many people reach a turning point during midlife when enough is enough. And they may have been through periods of anxiety or depression before they get to that stage. There has been a lot in the news about menopause recently. And while it is refreshing to see people openly talking about this huge time of change, and acknowledging the feelings and emotions that accompany it, somewhere along the way, the dialogue has become all about suffering. Could it be that the focus on symptoms and sympathy is blinding us to the real purpose of seismic midlife change? Our authors Alexandra Pope (who lives in Malvern) and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer discuss this in their new book Wise Power. They call this turning point the ‘Burn the house moment’.
They say:
‘There may come a moment when you realise that you can’t maintain business as usual anymore. And that you simply don’t care to. In fact, you don’t care about anyone or anything. It’s a delicious and liberating feeling. As if the contract you’ve had with life suddenly doesn’t hold anymore. You’re done with propping up the world, or at the very least partners, children, friends, and work colleagues. Denial and resistance fall, and you simply want to walk away. Feeling no shame.’
‘Burning the house’ is part of a process of coming back to your true self. Alexandra and Sjanie strongly believe that menopause actually has your back, and while it might feel uncomfortable, this time of psycho-spiritual change can be a good thing. They pinpoint two very useful menopause superpowers: ‘The power of no’ (which helps you to claim time and space for yourself) and ‘The power of sight’ (intuition, insight, seeing through things). With these superpowers at your disposal, you can ‘burn the house’ as you begin the process of being true to yourself and, and in doing so, discover your sense of belonging, authority and power.
In Wise Power, Alexandra and Sjanie encourage people to embrace menopause as a sacred rite of passage that can ignite a sense of purpose and inner wisdom. They show how to make sense of the experience of perimenopause, how to recognise and accept menopause, and how to embrace post-menopause existence. This book teaches that far from being a health crisis that must be ‘suffered’, menopause can reinvigorate us. So, look to your friends, look to your role models and start to see menopause as a positive thing, a life-affirming gateway to the second half of life.
Devon Dowsers
Hosted by Devon Dowsers on Saturday 8th October 2022, 11.00 – 4.00pm. Venue: Rowe Hall, Mint Methodist Church Centre, Fore Street, Exeter, Devon, EX4 3AT
This is an exciting LIVE event with Veda Austin giving a demonstration of her crystallographic technique and teaching how to freeze egg albumen, which is approximately 90% water.
The fascinating results will be shared in her talk, with other aspects of health and healing from her latest research into water’s information transfer, which will include reference to dowsing.
There will be a chance to ask questions at the end of the event.
Her latest PDF bundle will be emailed to participants. If you are unfamiliar with Veda’s work, she is a NZ water researcher, specialising in macrophotography of consciously informed ice. She has spent 9 and a half years studying the secrets of water, and it's incredible ability to respond to influence through intelligent design as it freezes.
Over the course of that time, she has fine-tuned the art of photographing ice at a very specific phase of freezing. Veda calls it the 'Stage of Creation', the space between liquid and ice. Veda gave a Zoom talk to the SW Dowsing community in February 2021, which attracted one of our largest audiences, as well as a Zoom Advanced Workshop in January 2022. Veda’s passion, eloquence and knowledge of her subject is truly inspirational.
www.@vedaaustin.com Instagram photos and videos by Veda Austin.
On the day refreshments will be provided but please bring your own lunch or purchase it from nearby shops.
To book, email vice-chair@devondowsers.org.uk The charge is: £40 per person (This includes Veda’s entire PDF Bundle which will be emailed to participants). Cheques payable to ‘Devon Dowsers’ and send them to ‘The Treasurer’ 19, Crokers Way, Ipplepen, TQ12 5QZ.
The reference is ‘VEDA x 1’ if one place is being booked, or ‘VEDA x 2’ if booking 2 places. Pay account: Devon Dowsers, Sort Code: 30-94-52 Account no: 00158154
Dream Weaving and Bee Shamanism
Ariella Dally recently gave a very interesting talk to the Founder and Director of the Shift Network, on the subject of Bee Shamanism and Dream Weaving.
The talk is 58 minutes long and highly recommended. It was recorded by The Shift Network, (see : courses, then Ariella Daly). I will forward it to you if asked (info@CedJackson.org)
Convention of Alternative Archaeology and Earth Mysteries, Pewsey.
Sunday October 2nd
Speakers: Hugh Newman, Maria Wheatley, Christine Rhone, Peter Knight and Sue Wallace.
For more info: www.stoneseeker.net
A Dowsing Workshop at Batsford Arboretum
The British Society of Dowsers Conference at Moreton in Marsh in September had a mix of practical workshops and also speakers. One workshop was by Kate Smart at Batsford Arboretum entitled, ‘Explore the World of Deep Time beneath our Feet’. Batsford Arboretum is home to many very mature and unusual trees from around the world as well as some springs and wells. The scene was set for an interesting and practical dowsing experience.
Kate described the soil layer as the ‘living robe of the Earth’ and began by asking participants to measure, through dowsing or intuition, the layer of soil they were standing on. Because the soil comprises animal, vegetable and mineral ingredients we then dowsed for the animal content which was surprisingly high and included moles, earth worms, beetles, spiders, ants, centipedes and millipedes. After seeking permission we then spent some time ‘discharging’ our energies and grounding any toxins that we might possess into the earth ready for our communication with the earth beings.
Our next objective was to respectfully make contact with an earth being or a group of earth beings. These could be gnomes, crystal beings, rocks, minerals or fungi (as well as a healthy population of fairy folk associated with the fungi). One person asked permission to sit in a fairy ring, another sat beneath a giant redwood tree whilst others connected with a ring of trees to sense their relationship and interconnectedness.
We connected with the healing realms of the elementals also present in the soil layer. Kate described the salamanders, creatures of the fire, passions and creativity which offer us the healing of rebirth, aspiration, dreams and hope. The water beings, sprites and undines communicate with us through our emotions and offer us healing through feelings and connection to source. The air beings, present in tiny pockets in the soil, heal us by communication, inspiration and vibration and music. Whereas aether, present in everything, connects us to the upper realms, star families, universal consciousness and heals through our connection to the spiritual aspect.
The participants connected with one of the elemental beings using their intuition/dowsing. Several people connected to the Fire elemental as we were standing next to some giant Redwood trees that communicated the plight of their soul group currently undergoing huge trauma in California and elsewhere where fire has destroyed many trees within their family. A large fire salamander was discovered sleeping nearby curled around on itself much like an ouroboros, the symbol of eternal destruction and rebirth.
The Earth provides us with a ‘snapshot’ of Deep Time; the deeper within our Earth’s crust we explore the more ancient the wisdom and our connection with our ancestors. The lower levels of rock and mineral remind us of the formation or genesis of our planet and the solar system. As we look at the aged strata we see the fault lines, buckling, erosion and deposition that have modified our planet over millennia. Our next exercise was to think about these processes in relation to one found object; a fir cone, eggshell, pebble, leaf or twig.
The found object carries an earthly record of everything that has been and everything that will be in relation to it. With permission we sought this wisdom to understand the life of this object as a microcosm of the earthy realm. We questioned from where it had come and to where it goes understanding that each object carries this wisdom of birth as well as fate as it recognises its purpose in the web of all life. Afterwards we respectfully returned the object to the original place we had found it.
Our closing was to offer healing light to a tree in discomfort that asked for our help. Each of us stood in silence around the tree sending our love to it until the energies perceptibly altered. We thanked the tree for the honour of this connection
Malvern Dowsers
Come and join our vibrant dowsing group for talks, visits and events. We meet on the third Wednesday evening of the month at Christ Church Hall, Avenue Road, Malvern WR14 3AY. Check our programme details with our secretary, secretary@malverndowsers.org.uk or visit our website www.malverndowsers.org.uk. Dowsers from other groups are very welcome to join us.
Spirituality Special Interest Group
Join this virtual group that meets on the first Wednesday morning each month at 11.00 on Zoom for talks and discussion about our connectedness to Spirit, each other and the world around us. Open to all. For details about what’s coming up and how to join contact Kate.
Geomantica Magazine
For those of you not familiar with Alanna Moore's Gemantica Magazine, a treat awaits
The latest magazine Geomantica # 83, Sept. 2022, is out now online, HERE.
Contents :
News: * ‘Sensitive Italy’ - Alanna Moore reports on launching the Italian edition of ‘Sensitive Permaculture’ in August 22. * Alanna’s Recent Youtube Interviews in Italy.
Saving the Bees with Dowsing
Bees, like us, are super-sensitive to unhealthy energies in the environment and knowledge of this can help them avoid extinction and well as sustain the incomes of natural bee keepers. Alanna Moore shares what commercial bee keepers have told her of the benefits of this approach, as confirmed in articles and a book on the subject.
What a Magnificent Tree!
Trees not only bring beauty, grace and comfort to places, some also share high energy interactions with us. Victorian dowser Mick Moran was blown away by one he checked out in Ballarat.
Book review:
Electrocultural Patents - practical manual of the original J-E Christofleau’s patents (1865 - 1938) for self-construction and modern application to crops, vegetable gardens and gardens. Newly translated to bring the knowledge of these French century+ old free-energy devices and techniques to English and Italian readers.
What’s On?
Geomantica event in Ireland:
Saturday October 8th
Divining the Landscape with Alanna Moore
One day workshop at the Organic Centre, Rossinver, Co Leitrim, Ireland