The Fever of the World
Phil Rickman's latest novel is superb. But why mention it in a newsletter about dowsing ?
Divining is a broad church, and in recent years the subject of deliverance, and the work of deliverance ministers, has increasingly featured in articles about Spirit Release, exorcism, and 'energies'.
Those who concern themselves with Earth Energies are familiar with the energetic traces that can be imprinted on the land, and the usually detrimental effects that can result, or be imposed, on an area and its inhabitants.
Many Church of England Dioceses are blessed with an ordained minister who has the task (amongst many others) of dealing with such problems in their area. Phil has chosen Herefordshire as the setting for the work of the fictional Merrily Watkins, as the deliverance minister for the Diocese. 'Watkins' is a good name for such a person, especially in Herefordshire.
On an institutional level, actual witch-hunts are thankfully long gone, yet the choice of a woman as deliverance consultant can still stir deep memories.
Nowadays, the Church does not have a monopoly on the subject of deliverance, or for that matter the exploration of paganism. The rise of the environmental movement has spawned some interesting off-shoots.
Phil's book explores the fine line that people such as Merrily (and others who work in Spirit Release) have to tread. The work poses interesting questions.
As someone who has dipped their remaining toes in this subject, it can be confusing when dark deeds from the past seem to merge themselves with ancient sites and modern problems. There are fifteen different 'Merrily' novels. Much to explore.
ISBN: 978 1 78649 459 7 . Published by Corvus.
At last - A Way Forward
Intentional Dreaming ~ Nature Spirits ~ Ariella Daly ~ Bee Shamanism ~ The Reconnection
Here we have everything laid out for us. An invitation.
It is almost as if someone has stepped out from our collective Mediterranean pasts and futures, and invited us to participate in a journey that has been there since the beginning of the world, but which we have ignored for so long.
Ariella is within the lineage of bee shamanism, for that is where she learned her trade, and it reaches out to all human connection with the other.
In a discussion with The Shift Network, Ariella sets out and embodies the path that lies before us all. She has produced a great body of work, and rather than trying to summarise it here, I would encourage you to listen to her interview, in which she beautifully sets out the path. If you write to me at I will forward to you a link to her talk. She has also just started teaching a seven-part course, (DreamWeavingwithNature which is highly recommended.
Wiltshire Dowsers
Monday October 17th
Dowsing and Guidance a talk by Lisa Fullbright Cossey 7.30pm
The Woodshaw Inn, Garraways, Royal Wooton Bassett, near Swindon (SN4 8RB). Admission £3. In her work as an energy healer and intuitive guide, Lisa works with various forms of guidance. In this talk she will explore and give examples of some of these many forms of guidance, and how they relate to dowsing. She will consider the question of what is actually happening with a person's subtle energy field field and psyche when they dowse, and suggests that dowsing - and working well with guidance - have a great deal in common.
John Baker writes
In June we had a BSD dowsing teach-in for potential water diviners, and have now had a Zoom meeting to see how people are getting on.
All bar one of the original group responded and it was interesting to note that, despite busy lives, most were getting involved as a result of that get-together, although it is difficult to 'get started'. However, the general interest in water supplies and resurrecting old 'lost' wells is an area where many of those taking part could 'dip their toe in the water', and hopefully this will spur people on over the coming months.
We are having another Zoom meeting in January 2023 and are looking for a watery site - wells, springs, etc where we may be able to test ourselves in 2023.
A big 'Thank You' to all those taking part and if you have a site which could be of interest, please let me know.
John Baker
Tel. 01322 525975. Email
Guy Hudson is currently teaching in Afrrica
Calling all London-based dowsers
John Baker is looking for a private hall which has a long-ish corridor and a room with solid walls on one side or the other, for a dowsing experiment.
Can anyone help?
J.B. can be contacted on 01322 525975
Put your dowsing group on the web
With the coming of LDGN's website we are now offering local dowsing groups a web presence. Supply your contact details and an outline of your group' s activities to and we will do the rest.
Your group will be alphabetically listed on the Local Groups section of the website (where full details of this service can be found), and readers who click on the link to your group will be taken to the information you have supplied.
Archaeological Dowsing at Wandlebury Iron Age Hill Fort – Cambridgeshire
Saturday 15th. October 2022 - Meet 10:30 for 11.00 am start.
Working on and around the demolished Manor House built in 1735, we will dowse the layout of the ground floor rooms and basement, and dowse what each room was used for.
We can then search out service pipes leading to and from the House. There are tunnels to be traced, and see if you can locate the site of the old Ice-House.
Wandlebury is a site of many Myths & Legends, possible Leylines and Energy Lines. Ancient Gods Gog & Magog are also in the mix, plus there will be a fun 20 point Questionnaire.
Limited to 30 People so Don’t Miss Out. BSD Members £20, Non-Members £25 for the Day. All Payments in Advance.
Booking via or email
Teas & Coffees available but please bring your own picnic.
Dowsing with Steve Dawson of Dowsing Anglia.
This is a BSD event
Earth Energies Zoom Meeting
We are a friendly group of dowsers - with an interest in earth energies - who get together on Zoom. We meet on the second Thursday of each month from 7pm until about 9pm. Usually, one or two members will talk about some dowsing they have been doing, or give a short presentation, and the discussion flows from there.
The success of the group has depended on the mutual respect of the participants and their willingness to keep the discussion to earth energies and closely related topics.
If you would like to join us, please let me have your name and email address. I will put you on the circulation list so that you receive the Zoom link each month and any notes or presentations that are circulated to participants.
Chris Tonge
Sussex Dowsers
Summer Field Trips and Zoom Chats
September 25th 2022
Zoom Chat 7pm. Topic and link to be posted on The Sussex Dowsers Facebook page, or email David Charman on 07754 80553 for more details on
Malvern Dowsers
Come and join our vibrant dowsing group for talks, visits and events. We meet on the third Wednesday evening of the month at Christ Church Hall, Avenue Road, Malvern WR14 3AY. Check our programme details with our secretary, or visit our website Dowsers from other groups are very welcome to join us.
Spirituality Special Interest Group
Join this virtual group that meets on the first Wednesday morning each month at 11.00 on Zoom for talks and discussion about our connectedness to Spirit, each other, and the world around us. Open to all. For details about what’s coming up and how to join contact Kate.
Geomantica Magazine
For those of you not familiar with Alanna Moore's Gemantica Magazine, a treat awaits.
The latest magazine Geomantica # 83, Sept. 2022, is out now online.
Contents :
Saving the Bees with Dowsing
Bees, like us, are super-sensitive to unhealthy energies in the environment and knowledge of this can help them avoid extinction and well as sustain the incomes of natural bee-keepers. Alanna Moore shares what commercial bee-keepers have told her of the benefits of this approach, as confirmed in articles and a book on the subject.
What a Magnificent Tree!
Trees not only bring beauty, grace and comfort to places, some also share high energy interactions with us. Victorian dowser Mick Moran was blown away by one he checked out in Ballarat.
Book review:
Electrocultural Patents - practical manual of the original J-E Christofleau’s patents (1865 - 1938) for self-construction and modern application to crops, vegetable gardens and gardens. Newly translated to bring the knowledge of these French century+ old free-energy devices and techniques to English and Italian readers.
What’s On?
Geomantica event in Ireland:
Saturday October 8th
Divining the Landscape with Alanna Moore
One day workshop at the Organic Centre, Rossinver, Co Leitrim, Ireland