Local Dowsing Group News No 110

Travels with my rods

Adventure No 1 to Zambia and South Africa in October 2022

Dowsing continues to prove to be highly relevant and extremely useful to modern challenges - and different situations - as our rainfall patterns are changing worldwide.

Please listen to my interview by Jo Butler-Green from Devon Dowsers. (Just click on the triangle below, or if all else fails click on https://youtu.be/31EyGr9u5qE ) Video starts in ten seconds.

Guy Hudson

In Zambia, working with Village Water (which the BSD helped to set up), I discovered that some but not all knew about dowsing.

That it was used by the truck-based drillers but not the manual drilling teams. It was taken up enthusiastically by the Village Water personnel and subcontractors in the field. VW work at a big scale and they have reached 1.1 million people and so good dowsing skills can used for high numbers of new wells.

In South Africa working with Socio-Tech - another NGO doing large-scale works - there was a different need for dowsing to find shallow ground water for irrigation on allotments and market gardening, because the utility companies no longer have reliable water supplies and in that heat, lack of irrigation for even a day or two causes severe crop damage, or even total failure. Also the councils are installing household water meters which will make small scale farming uneconomic.

Socio-Tech have 400 projects running so thousands of people are affected. I met an engineer who is working with them and has developed a pump costing only 15 pounds. I dowsed plenty of shallow aquifers so in many places suitable groundwater is available. He could dowse the best place to drill but no one had any idea about depthing and quantification of yield or that dowsing could even achieve that. My positional dowsing agreed totally with his which was comforting for us both.

Conclusions: Dowsing was taken up enthusiastically by all parties. My copper rods became pink and shiny from an extraordinary amount of use as everybody wanted to borrow them. In both countries everyone realised how useful, rapid and effective dowsing could be in practice on the ground. I didn’t have to sell the idea, it was just obvious to all.

Everyone quickly learnt to dowse the position of ground water sources. BUT depthing and quantification of yield I was not able to teach, due to a maximum of 1 hour with students. I need to return to give further training on depthing and quantification.

Next Steps     

I would like to give water divining courses to as many local groups in the UK as possible, in order to...

Develop a model for the most effective way of teaching dowsing

Raise money for my next trip. The course fee will be £75 per delegate

Teach beginners to learn - and experts identify - best testing methods

Please could the local groups schedule a 1 day course in March or April on weekends and bank holidays. With Ced’s help I will contact each of you.

In order to disseminate Dowsing as widely as possible, for my second visit to Africa in May next year, I plan to go to Zambia and South Africa and probably spend longer than one week in each country.



Energy Viewing

A visual form of device-less dowsing.

Energy Viewing is the art of seeing energy disturbances with your mind’s eye. Those strange often subtle grainy colors on an Indigo background you sometimes see when you have your eyes shut, are disturbances and Indigo is harmony.                                                                                             

All illness has an energy disturbance and so far everyone who uses energy viewing sees them in the same way if looking in the same place.

The colors consistently represent the same type of disturbance, brilliant yellow is torn tissue or a broken bone, or brown/yellow an irritable bowel.

Outside of the body in the aura, a mustard yellow represents personal power issues. Some of the colors are difficult to put a name to because they are outside of visual light. Interestingly orange is pain or relationship issues, the brighter the color the more it's felt. 

The energy of anything from a headache to a broken bone, or cellular dysfunction to emotional disturbances, can be seen and to some extent reflect people's different abilities.

Finding your screen is simple, you only have to be here now - and in the moment - and with eyes closed shift from looking out of your eyes to out of your forehead. Trying to describe the screen is like trying to describe the difference between darkness and darkness, only the screen has grainy colours on it provided you are focused on an energy disturbance. 

Focusing on where you want to see comes with a little practice. Energy viewing can also be used to see the energies of animals, trees, the ground (not recommended for beginners), or into open spaces to view energy lines and various energy anomalies.                                                                                                         

Seeing energy disturbances makes it easy to harmonize them to encourage healing in yourself or others.

David has been teaching dowsing and energy viewing for 20 years, + and has held workshops for up to 30 people, including some for the BSD. A one-to-one approach always proves successful but is not always possible due to distance, so 2-hour zoom sessions are now on offer for £25.00      

Dowsing +

Monthly Zoom meetings of up to 25 dowsers from around the country, getting together to chat about all the different aspects of dowsing. 

Everybody has the opportunity to have their say or pick the brains of other members. A dowsing theme is chosen on the third Sunday of the month at 7PM. £10 per year. Hosted by...

David Charman

Chairperson Sussex Dowsers


David Charman : energyviewing@gmail.com      



Menopause, Wise Power and the Red School

In the last edition reference was made to 'Wise Power', an excellent new book on the menopause. A word was used in that article which may have confused people's understanding. The headline above would have been more appropriate.


Local Dowsing Groups

This Newsletter now has an accompanying website - www.LocalDowsingGroupsNews.uk - which lists local dowsing groups in the UK.

To ensure your group is listed, send an email with your group's name, contact details, etc to Info@CedJackson.org
