Local Dowsing Group News No 113

Malvern Dowsers and friends

This winter Malvern Dowsers are joining forces with Westmorland Dowsers and Ridings Dowsers, to provide a combined Zoom programme which will enable their members to attend Zoom talks and events by their two partners, as well as those organised by their own group, at no extra cost beyond their annual subs.

"Sharing Zoom events enables us to give our speakers a wider audience, whilst providing every member of the groups involved with access to more and varied Zoom events than they would otherwise have had”, explained Malvern Dowser’s Chair, Kate Smart. “It is a great asset for dowsing groups ”.

"Having received the kind invitation to join Malvern and Ridings Dowsers Zoom meetings, our participation has enabled Westmorland Dowsers members to benefit from some really interesting sessions. This has been very much appreciated and we have made new dowsing friends along the way."

Annette Granger, Westmorland Dowsers

Coming up in January, Sue Turnbull will be speaking about how selected Bach Flower Remedies can help the dowser in their work.

In February, Malvern Dowsers will be hosting shamanic dowser and healer Peter Aziz, when he will be talking about "Faery Magick and the importance of dreaming."

Kate Smart : Kate.tudorhall@gmail.com

Anthony William and the

Brain Saver

You may not be aware that The Medical Medium, (also known as Anthony William), already has an impressive string of books to his name.

His latest publication is the two volume 'Brain Saver' and its accompanying 'Brain Saver Protocols - Cleanses and Recipes'. Together these books amount to 626 + 527 pages of thundering text, and have been declared an existential threat to bookshelves by The British Library's Heavy Engineering Division.

The books consist of everything you wished you knew about almost every condition known to man, and what to do about them. One of the main threats is the accumulation of Toxic Heavy Metals in the brain. Fortunately the books contain various recipes for ridding yourself of these pesky, widespread and extremely unhealthy accumulations.

The solution to all of this can be manufactured in your own kitchen, especially if you have an unlimited supply of celery heads and related material, a juice extractor, and determination.

Together the two volumes cost around £79.


The International Remote Viewing Association

The IRVA has been established to bring together people interested in the subject. It has an extensive web presence at Contact@IRVA.org


Sussex Dowsers : Dowsing+

A Happy New Year to you all.

Attached is the subject matter and homework for the Dowsing+ zoom chat on January 15th, 2023

Topic: Dowsing the aura for disturbances, illness, and other anomalies

Time: Jan 15, 2023 07:00 PM London time

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 873 5676 7667

Passcode: 809271

The Zoom chats will be held under the name 'Dowsing+' and hosted by David Charman of Sussex Dowsers.

There is a £10 charge for 10 2hour meetings (with 2 free ones)

Meetings to be held on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 7pm. New participants get 2 meetings free.

Zoom links for the meetings will be sent out a few days before each meeting. Please email David Charman at energyviewing@gmail.com, to go on the Dowsing+ email list, and also please make a £10 payment to David Charman, at 90 Canada Road, Arundel, West Sussex. BN189HY.



Joey Korn's Miracle Blessing Process

If you are familiar with the wonderful work of the American dowser, Joey Korn, you will know that blessing people and situations is a cornerstone of his work.

His latest innovation is what he calls the Miracle Blessing Process, which is very effective. For the full wording go to his website at https://dowsers.com, where the link to the miracle blessing process appears on the opening page.
