Local Dowsing Group News No 114

The New Homeopathy

Korbler's Dowsing Rod

The Founder of The New Homeopathy, Erich Korbler, became famous for developing a completely new single-armed dowsing rod. It consisted of a handle (at one end), a connecting piece of twangy wire, and a wooden ball (at the other).

The tip of the rod exhibits side-to-side movement when all is well, and up and down movements, when it is not.

Through this facility, all living things manifest either...

Radiant good health, or, the opposite

Korbler also identified the Left to Right Meridian, which can be used to transmit the 'essence of things', such as the essence of precious metals, into water, which can then be drunk, and...

Healing symbols, which (having identified the appropriate symbol and location) can be drawn on the body.

A complete explanatory guide can be found in the authorative english language Healing with Information - The New Homeopathy by Maria Sagi and Istvan Sagi, with a foreword by Ervin Lazlo, ISBN 978-1-78279-858-3. c. £21

The system is widely used in central and eastern Europe, and can be used to identify the age age when trauma was incurred (see the 'psychomeridian')


Your Local Dowsing Group...

Can now be listed on our sister website - Local Dowsing Group News.UK - Simply write to us at Info@CedJackson.org giving details of the group's name, physical and electronic address, a contact name, telephone and internet address, and if you wish up to 70 words on the group's interests and specialisms.



Learn a new skill

An afternoon of teaching at Jordans Quaker Centre

Welders Lane, Nr. Beaconsfield, Bucks

HP9 2 SN

Saturday 29th April 2023

Starting at 2 p.m. – 4.30p.m. approximately

What is dowsing? Dowsing is a technique used to uncover information through our own natural intuitive sense. This ancient skill goes back hundreds of years when it was mostly used for finding water.

By careful questioning dowsing can be used to:

Find water leaks; check your vitamin levels; ask questions about your health; check allergies; find missing objects; heal the energy in your home; choose your best holiday hotel and get help with other lifestyle choices.

Come and learn how to use dowsing rods and pendulums effectively. We will start with teaching you how to obtain a “yes” and “no” answer, using different exercises to improve your technique. Rods and pendulums will be provided.

Please reserve your place with Susan Scott Powell at chair@thamesvalleydowsers.org.uk

Or phone for further information on 01494 813 214 (mornings).

There is no charge for the event, but if you have enjoyed the experience, a donation at the end of the day would be welcome as a contribution towards the cost of the venue.

Please arrive on time as the first 15 minutes of instruction are the most important of the afternoon!


    Website: www.thamesvalleydowsers.org.uk


Malvern Dowsers

In February, Malvern Dowsers will be hosting shamanic dowser and healer Peter Aziz, when he will be talking about "Faery Magick and the importance of dreaming."

Kate Smart : Kate.tudorhall@gmail.com

Anthony William and the

Brain Saver

You may not be aware that The Medical Medium, (also known as Anthony William), already has an impressive string of books to his name.

His latest publication is the two volume 'Brain Saver' and its accompanying 'Brain Saver Protocols - Cleanses and Recipes'. Together these books amount to 626 + 527 pages of thundering text, and have been declared an existential threat to bookshelves by The British Library's Heavy Engineering Division.

The books consist of everything you wished you knew about almost every condition known to man, and what to do about them. One of the main threats is the accumulation of Toxic Heavy Metals in the brain. Fortunately the books contain various recipes for ridding yourself of these pesky, widespread and extremely unhealthy accumulations.

The solution to all of this can be manufactured in your own kitchen, especially if you have an unlimited supply of celery heads and related material, a juice extractor, and determination.

Together the two volumes cost around £79.


The International Remote Viewing Association

The IRVA has been established to bring together people interested in the subject. It has an extensive web presence at Contact@IRVA.org


Joey Korn's

Miracle Blessing Process

If you are familiar with the wonderful work of the American dowser, Joey Korn, you will know that blessing people and situations is a cornerstone of his work.

His latest creation is what he calls the Miracle Blessing Process, which is very effective. For the full wording go to his website at https://dowsers.com, where the link to the miracle blessing process appears on the opening page.
