Local Dowsing Group News No 115

Paradigm Explorer

This is the journal of the Scientific and Medical Network, which comes out three times a year.

For dowsers this is a very important publication. It opens

a window on the many exciting developments and discussions within such subjects as non-locality, consciousness studies, healing and remote viewing.

This is therefore a way for dowsers - perhaps self taught and geographically isolated - to view their activities within the mainstream forums of academic and scientific debate.

It is almost a kind of in-house journal for the players of Hesse's Glass Bead Game, or the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

The periodical is rich in the academic rigor of an intellectual community, pushing back the boundaries.

I commend it to the house.

Paradigm Explorer, Scientific and Medical Network,

c/o Dawe, Hawken and Dodd, 52 Fore Street, Callington, Cornwall PL17 7AJ.

Tel 0203 468 2034

Email: support@scimednet.org


Your Local Dowsing Group...

can now be listed on our sister website - LocalDowsingGroupNews.UK - Simply write to us at Info@CedJackson.org giving details of the group's name, physical and electronic address, a contact name, telephone and internet address, and if you wish up to 70 words on the group's interests and specialisms.

For example ...

Waverley Dowsers: BSD affiliated.

Meets every second Friday at the Unitarian Hall in Godalming, Surrey GU7 3JB, opposite the Texaco Garage on the A3100 (just turn up?)  We open at 19.00 and hope to start by 19.30 with a break at 20.30 and end by 21.30; thrown out at 22.00 (free refreshments). 

We have our AGM in April and give August a miss.  Our December evening is a “mince pies” and chat one, where we have a lot longer to talk and share amongst ourselves.

Most evenings we have guest speakers on Dowsing and related subjects. When warmer in June and July we get out and visit local sites of interest. We also have a picnic day at a special place site of interest. We travel to special sites further afield as requested.


We are a varied group of interested people with a range of abilities. We advertise locally, but rely on word of mouth and curiosity to attract our visitors. Membership is £15 p.a. and if incurring expenses we charge £5 for members and £8 for non-members. We are not dogmatic in our beliefs and training courses are held as needed. We run a free book borrowing library, supply free “tools” and a Committee approves and runs all of the events. We also latch onto various Zoom meetings, run by other such Groups, from around the Country.


Geoff Mitchell Chair 07770 89 89 09     




Current Program 2023:


Mar. 10th Bobby Halls “Mediumship and associated Dowsing”.


Apr. 14th AGM and “shorter chat”.


May 12th Gillie Scarrott-Jones  “Stone and Crystal Skulls”



Learn a new skill

An afternoon of teaching at Jordans Quaker Centre

Welders Lane, Nr. Beaconsfield, Bucks

HP9 2 SN

Saturday 29th April 2023

Starting at 2 p.m. – 4.30p.m. approximately

What is dowsing? Dowsing is a technique used to uncover information through our own natural intuitive sense. This ancient skill goes back hundreds of years when it was mostly used for finding water.

By careful questioning dowsing can be used to:

Find water leaks; check your vitamin levels; ask questions about your health; check allergies; find missing objects; heal the energy in your home; choose your best holiday hotel and get help with other lifestyle choices.

Come and learn how to use dowsing rods and pendulums effectively. We will start with teaching you how to obtain a “yes” and “no” answer, using different exercises to improve your technique. Rods and pendulums will be provided.

Please reserve your place with Susan Scott Powell at chair@thamesvalleydowsers.org.uk

Or phone for further information on 01494 813 214 (mornings).

There is no charge for the event, but if you have enjoyed the experience, a donation at the end of the day would be welcome as a contribution towards the cost of the venue.

Please arrive on time as the first 15 minutes of instruction are the most important of the afternoon!


    Website: www.thamesvalleydowsers.org.uk


Letters ...

A dowser writes...

In my time in the BSD, I have never seen a Dowsing Research Group (DRG) stand or table at a BSD conference. I think you need to make yourselves known.

Our current President is trying to get things back on an even keel and needs all the help he can get.

Surely it is time for the DRG to show it’s face again and have a presence at the next BSD conference. I understand that the reason for the DRG's existence is to find out how and why dowsing works. Correct me if I’m wrong.



Another dowser writes...

Everyone is doing their best and I’m grateful that the BSD exists.   


Science says it is only really “scientific” if one can repeat a sequence and reliably get the same end-result, over and over. 

Have we considered, i.e. asked, if we are supposed to know how dowsing works? If you think about what one can do with dowsing, it could lead to some extremely serious consequences?  This would probably lead to something a lot worse than the consequences of the discovery and the subsequent misuse of Nuclear Power.  I am referring to the misuse of the “power” that comes with having a real certainty to what we currently ask (so far with tongue in cheek)?

I have long since discovered that on finding out answers to this conundrum, that I should just “let it lie”.  I am constantly developing my dowsing, but I’m starting to realise why, individually, if on this discovery path, we will slowly go “dark”… once we realise that what we are “exposing” needs careful thought.  Nothing wrong with knowing… it is the ego of anyone not in control of this particular science that would lead to mass upheaval.  Maybe that is what is needed?  If there is a warning here, it is to make sure you do have control over the ego rush to be first to publish and be dammed?


Meanwhile I’m enjoying all the thoughts on this.  Having to nail this dowsing flag to a mast should be very intellectually insightful for anyone who cares to speak their mind, i.e. don’t read about it; shout about it.  

While it is a “hot” subject, why not propose scenarios as to how things could go wrong, and, of course, go right; if we are ever, successfully, to start to convince the Muggles that dowsing works?  These just might form a screenplay that could be used to “break-in” the convictions, we alone have, to a more general audience?  


I picture that anyone who is intrigued enough to take up and show an interest in learning, the dowsing arts, has already been selected by Spirit to do so.  Meaning that, if they are not ready, they will fade, but still retain a background interest even so.   This may be in preparation for them to get back on their Path in life; when they are ready?


An interesting example: The major powers in competing with each other use(d) dowsing (scrying) to spy on each other. But after a while it all got very messy. They had not taken into account that any dowser who can see can also block and put up barriers and false images. So to everything there is a solution… to maintain balance of course! (?)


I’m having fun; what do you think?




Eleanor Burke

Hello Everyone,

We have heard from Dee the sad news that Eleanor Burke of Bedale in North Yorkshire has died recently. Eleanor used to be a British Society of Dowsers Tutor and, along with her husband David, ran a dowsing group in the area where they lived. She will be remembered fondly by many of us who met her at BSD events or attended her dowsing courses.

WD Committee


Sussex Dowsers

PROGRAMME Winter 2023

Meetings start at 2pm. Doors open 1.40pm.

The Bassil Shippam Centre, Tozer Way, St Pancras, Chichester PO19 7LG

ADMISSION £6 free tea and biscuits.

Sunday 12th 2023 March 2023                                                                                                                                                                                                   Energy Medicine (The Eden Method) with Anne Durward Brown.                                                                                          

Local, experienced, holistic practitioner, Anne Durward Brown will talk about The Eden Method, where your body’s own energies are activated so they act like a MEDICINE.                                                                                   

Donna Eden, the founder of The Eden Method believes that your energies heal you by strengthening your immune system, increasing your resilience, and enhancing your mental clarity. 


This should prove to be an extremely interesting afternoon as Anne will share her wealth of knowledge in the care and keeping of the body.                                                                                             

Anne will demonstrate techniques that you can join in if you wish to in using the body's own self-healing process.

Please do join us for this fascinating talk/demonstration.