Website Launched
This newsletter now has a companion
website with the imaginative name of
It provides ...
Access to back copies of Local Dowsing Group News.
A list of all the Local Dowsing Groups we know about.
Details of all the Special Interest Groups we have heard about down the pub.
Dowsing events that we have been bribed to advertise.
We hope to expand our coverage of some of the more exciting themes emerging within the dowsing scene, such as The New Homeopathy, and Why are some kittens so cute ?
We hope you will enjoy this newsletter.
Invitation To Become a Zoom Speaker - A Message From the BSD
Dear Fellow Dowser
Would you be prepared to give a Zoom talk for a great cause?
As part of our ongoing commitment to improve its offerings to members and the public, the BSD is launching its monthly talk series over Zoom. Meetings will be free to BSD members, and open to the public for a fee.
We also intend to platform on dowsing master classes, and Q&A sessions, to further help dowsers develop their skills and knowledge.
We want to showcase the amazing work dowsers are doing across all the fields of dowsing and provide additional value to our members. But for this to work, we need people like you, to step forward and share their knowledge, experience and interests. With your help, we can bring dowsers together from all over the UK and the world.
Please Note: This Zoom project is in addition to the existing Speaker Register on the BSD website. To become a speaker, you just need to be able to speak with authority on your chosen topic, deliver a talk for 45-60 minutes, and have access a computer and the internet.
Why be a speaker?
You will have an audience of people interested in your area of expertise, not just based in the UK but world wide. An opportunity to promote your business, book, services, or interests, and to contribute to the wider BSD community.
The BSD will: Schedule the speaker series and provide you with date options; Set up and host the session; Advertise the speaker series within the BSD membership and beyond.
The BSD is unable to pay you for your talk, but instead participants will be asked whether they wish to make any donations as recompense. All donations received will be given to the speaker.
You might consider delivering a masterclass. This would go a little deeper into a topic and will be more instructional than presentation based. Think of it like teaching over zoom. There would be a fee charged to attend these sessions and as the instructor, you would receive payment for your time. We are still working out the details of our masterclass series but invite anyone interested in hosting a session to get in touch, by following the information below.
How to become a speaker or instruct a masterclass: Simply complete the registration form which can be found at the following link. Once it is submitted, the BSD will contact you.
And finally, if you know of someone who would be a great speaker, then let us know and we can reach out to them.
Reprinted from Wiltshire Dowsers newsletter.
Malvern Dowsers & Keith Forrest
Malvern Dowsers welcomed Keith Forrest to talk about
Keith Forrest is a Reiki Master healer, spiritual author and singer/songwriter. He presented a talk on past lives and reincarnation to an interested and open minded audience.
Keith shared his explanation for reincarnation - together with examples of well known past lives experienced by his clients - how this information came to him; and how to decide for yourself the truth about these insights.
Keith also offered various famous past lives of well known celebrities for our consideration, together with the "proof" to confirm they are genuine. As always, Keith also entertained us by performing a few of his own songs - which are full of healing - to add to the evening's entertainment.
Despite the chill evening we all went home suitably impressed and questioning our own perceptions of ‘the truth’ about reincarnation.
Saturday March 25th
John Baker
Nature's gift to humanity
and where does it come from?
Discover the secrets of this ancient practice and
unlock its potential to improve your life!
The Coborn (Pub), 8 Coborn Road, Mile End London E3 2DA.
(11.00am for 11.15am start)
Join London and Thameside Dowsers now!
Membership is only £20.00 p.a. and £8.00 per meeting for visitors.
6 meetings at Mile End and 5 meetings at Richmond,
with lunches available at both venues.
Send cheques made out to London & Thameside Dowsers, post to:
Mr. A. David. 2 Odsey Meadows, Baldock Rd, Odsey, SG7 6SD.
For more information, visit our website.
Saturday April 1st 2023
Dowsing Horses & Do Bees Divine – Eternal Lakes 1/04/23
A BSD event at Rochester Kent
See BSD website at
Saturday April 22nd
Working with Earth Energies
BSD approved course
Bridgehouse, West Lothian
See BSD website at
April 29th – 30th 2023
BSD Spring Symposium
A BSD event at Malvern, Worcestershire
See BSD website at British
Saturday 27th May 2023
House Healing (Part 1)
West Lothian
BSD approved course
See BSD website at
10th – 11th June 2023
House Healing (Part 2)
West Lothian
BSD approved course
See BSD website at
Technical Assistance
Ced would like to gratefully acknowledge the help of Geeky Gadget Girl in putting together our website.
She offers support and assistance on all things Windows, Apple and Android. Click her website link below to find out more.
John Baker writes...
London Dowsers also includes Middlesex and Surrey Archaeological Dowsers. MASA is run by Keith Harmon who has a number of visits planned around London. For more information see London Dowsers website, or contact Keith on email
Letters ...
A dowser writes...
Does the Dowsing Research Group publish its research and where?
The answer may also de-mystify its existence some.
Geomantica's 25th Birthday.
I’m pleased to announce that the 84th Geomantica magazine has just been uploaded - HERE.
Geo 84 contents include -
* High Electricity Bills and ’Smart’ Meters,
* A Boost for Rock Dust in Australia.
* Electro-Sensitivity and ‘Sensitive Permaculture’ - Alanna Moore Explains on You Tube and Podcasts.
* Pyramid Power - free book.
* New website on Radionics.
* Discovering the Moon Rocks, by Alanna Moore
An Aboriginal carving site in Sydney may be under threat from Aboriginal developers!
* Bones and Devas, by Steven Guth
Musings on the spiritual dimensions of a magnificent landscape near Sydney.
* Becoming a Geomancer, by Alanna Moore
The makings of an electro-sensitive geomancer, Alanna explains her early days.
What’s On?
Geomancy workshops with Alanna Moore in Germany, Italy and Ireland in 2023.
Happy reading!
Alanna Moore