Your local dowsing group
For some time now, this newsletter has had a sister website, (also accessible via which carries information on a variety of dowsing issues, including the work of local dowsing groups.
It is now time to bring that information up to date. Please write what you would like people to know about the work of your group in around 80 - 150 words, including contact details, send them to me, and I will insert them into the Local Dowsing Groups section of the website. (See the LDG box on the top of the first page of the website to see if anything is there already).
That section can be updated, but hopefully will not change too much over time, unless of course your group relocates from the South of England to the Scottish Highlands.
What will change over time are your activities, and if they are open to visitors (in person or by zoom), that fact can be advertised in the 'Events' section of the website. which is in date order.
A rough format for entries already exists on the Events pages, but you can also add a link to fuller details, perhaps on your own group's website.
Gordon Field's Talking to Trees Newsletter No 18
At this turning point in the year when everything around us re-awakes we should use it as an opportunity to reconnect with the Earth and the energies that traverse it.
In this newsletter I include my shortened version of the book I am in the process of writing which is about my journey with the trees and what they are revealing to help us on our path towards the light.
As the energies increase more of us are being drawn to trees who are giving us the knowledge and strength we need on our own journeys.
In 2009 I walked into an ancient woodland in Brittany and I had what I can only describe as an ‘out of body’ experience where the trees made full contact with me. It was the start of a strange and humbling journey of discovery.
From then on when I touch a tree my hearing goes completely. I then hear the tree followed by the creatures which have an interaction with it followed by all the other sounds. More recently when I touch certain trees my reality changes I become larger, smaller or disappear below the ground.
For the first few years they built up trust in me and I began to trust what they were telling me. Initially it would be about their wellbeing and energy levels but then they started to give me details such as their ages and histories as well as their secret names. Now they are revealing lost and hidden knowledge from our shared past which will transform our future connection to the Earth.
My means of conversing with the trees is through dowsing, but as our connection grows stronger they also contact me through different experiences and visions. They also connect me with others who have a strong physical or spiritual connection to the Earth. Many of these are chosen by the trees to become Tree Guardians and who, while following their own journeys, help to heal and balance the energies of the land. To help them in this work the trees have directed me to make Healing Sticks. Using hazel I make, activate and then give them to each Guardian. As well as keeping each Guardian grounded they transfer energies through the land and are now bringing about profound changes.
The trees have revealed to me that this is a continuation of the work carried out by our ancestors. They were a woodland people who the trees have named the ‘Terra’ who had a symbiotic connection to the land. They would meet with the other creatures and spiritual beings alongside them at certain trees to seek the strength and guidance they needed for their healing work.
Five years after my ‘out of body’ experience I was standing on the bridge over the stream that runs through the same ancient wood in Brittany. I realised that I was standing on the centre of the same three mile wide energy line that runs though our orchard here at Otterhead on the Blackdown Hills. By dowsing the local map I followed the route that the line took through that part of Brittany. Along it certain trees, springs and wells were highlighted.
I visited the nearest tree which was downstream from the wood. It was a young oak which as well as the normal lateral energy field had a vortex of energy following the edge of its canopy. I had never come across this vortex before. It was twelve heights above and below the tree.
A height is from the top of the tree’s canopy down to the base of its roots. If this energy was in a physical rather than in pure energy form they would need a beacon light on top to warn low flying aircraft. I named the tree a Beacon Tree. Once we returned home I dowsed maps finding that the energy line runs through Spain, Andorra, France and then under the English Channel. Arriving in England at south Devon it skirts Dartmoor and then makes a large detour on its north/south journey to the Blackdowns. It then flows across to Exmoor crossing to Wales, the Isles of Anglesey and Man, Scotland, the Orkneys and Shetlands. I now know that this three mile wide line is one of many that circle the World via the poles and have named them Serpent Lines. My first idea was to journey along the line through Europe but the trees had other ideas. I was told to work out from the Blackdown Hills which led to me finding the centres of other energy lines which cross the Serpent Line. Where the centres of three or more large energy lines cross the Serpent often Beacon Trees, Springs and Wells can be found. I then started to follow these other energy lines and soon a large network of lines along with Beacons were revealed. The trees told me to follow only the large energy lines. If I was to record all the other lines you would not see the maps as they would be totally obscured.
As I recorded more lines and shared them with other dowsers it became clear that I was not following the magnetic energy lines of the Earth. I was following water based energy lines.
By 2016 the vortices of energy around the Beacon Trees were thirty six heights above and below them. During a shamanic drumming session I had a vision of energies coming from the cosmos and was shown a golden triangle.
At the 2016 Winter Solstice these New Energies arrived forming golden cones over each Beacon Tree with the apex above and the base below them. There have been seven increases at each Winter Solstice with two more to come. Currently the energy cones are still thirty six heights above each tree but the bases are now one thousand, seven hundred and twenty eight heights below them. The energy is going deeper and deeper into the Earth.
Also in 2016 other trees were re-energised. I have been told to call them Tree Devas, the Shining Ones, who strengthen the biosphere. An oak on the edge of the Blackdown Hills which proved to be a Tree Deva led me on a merry chase as each time I visited the it the edge of its energy field was in a different place. Eventually it revealed that the energy spirals out from the tree one ring at a time. After seven days it reaches the edge and then the energy goes up into the biosphere. Then it spirals back to the trunk over seven days and then starts again. It is clear that the sequence follows the phases of the Moon.
At the 2017 Winter Solstice the new energies also started to enter the water based energy lines through the Beacon Springs and Wells turning them into swirling vortices. Initially this caused a great deal of disruption but a series of Moon events calmed them. Since then water pilgrimages and ceremonies have helped to create extra entry points and help balance these energies. As the energies increase the Earth is being re-energised and forgotten knowledge is being revealed. Until these increases trees would only communicate with one of their own. Now all the trees and plants are talking to each other through the Elemental Web.
This is the name the trees have given me for this network which is formed by tree/plant roots and mycrorrhizal networks combined with the water based energy lines. The trees tell me that this was and will be our means of communication in the future. During the early stages of my journey with the trees the Beacon Trees, Springs and Wells were few and far between. Now they are appearing everywhere and many of the Beacon Trees are revealing themselves as portals to the Cosmos. Through these Beacon Tree Portals I and fellow Guardians have being receiving information that has the power to transform us. The journey continues…
Fellow Guardian Tina has been travelling through Europe and has been sending me images of trees she has met on her journey. Now in Morocco she sent me the above image of this lone tree she found in the desert when she was on a tour through the Anti Atlas. This acacia is 67 years old and it is the 12th tree on the site. The first tree germinated 4012 years ago in 1989BC. It is a Beacon Tree and under its umbrella-like shade people will have met, and may still meet, to receive strength and guidance.
Not only is it a point where many energy lines cross but one of these lines is a powerful Serpent Line, one of many lines that circle the World via the North and South Poles. To the North the line flows through Portugal, Iceland and Spitzbergen. To the South it flows through Algeria, Mauritania, Mali, Guinea and Liberia. In 2018 a fellow artist, Fig, gave me a shard of wood (see below) that he found in the Karoo desert in South Africa. He said that the ground was littered with many more shards of wood but this was the one he was drawn to. It is from an olive tree that germinated 2479 years ago in 461BC. It was 1901years old when it collapsed and died in 1440AD when the nature of the landscape changed. Time and weather has sculptured the shard of wood creating images of dragons that can be seen from two viewpoints.
This was a clue that started me looking deeper into the history of the tree. The tree was a Beacon Tree, a tree with powerful energies, which became a meeting place for the local peoples (bushmen?). Although the tree has gone its energy remains in the form of pure energy and this has increased at each Winter Solstice. The tree was on the point where the centres of bands of water based energy cross. One of these is a Serpent Line. To the South this three mile band of water based energy leaves South Africa and then flows to the South Pole. To the North it flows to Madagascar, India, Pakistan, Tajikistan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Russia. The local peoples were still meeting at the site of the tree up until 1861AD when they, like many other indigenous peoples, were moved off the land.
Whilst looking at the map I looked at the African countries which the first Serpent Line, which fully contacted me in Brittany, flows through on its North/South journey. To the South it flows through Brittany and the rest of France, Andorra, Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Mali [via Timbuktu], Burkina Faso, Ghana and then on to the South Pole. To the North it flows to England, Wales, Isles of Anglesey and Man, Scotland, the Orkneys, the Shetlands and Spitzbergen.
Tina’s image arrived at an opportune moment as I have started to concentrate on discussing the Elemental Web with the trees. They are telling me that rather than letting us know all the information about the web, a normal human trait, they will only give us a basic understanding of how we work with it. At this moment in time we are still not quite ready to receive all of this spiritual knowledge. When I stood on the bridge over the stream that runs through the ancient wood in Brittany little did I know what would be revealed. Once I got over the shock of realisation that I was standing on the same powerful energy line that flows through our orchard here at Otterhead on the Blackdown Hills, then I went back to the house in Limerzel and I dowsed the local map.
Following the line I found that certain trees, springs and wells were highlighted along its route. I walked to the nearest tree marked on the map which proved to be a young oak next the stream that flows down from the wood. It was well and had the normal lateral energy field surrounding it. After spending time in its company it revealed that it also had a swirling vortex around the edge of its canopy which went twelve heights above and below it. A height is from the top of its canopy to the base of its roots. I had been introduced to the first Beacon Tree. It was so named because if the energy had been in a physical rather than in the form of pure energy it would need a flashing beacon on top to warn low flying aircraft.
When I got back home to Otterhead I carefully dowsed all the available maps to trace this first Serpent Line’s route across western Europe. My first thought was to travel along it and document its journey but the trees had other ideas on what I should do. The line made a detour on its North/ South journey to the Blackdown Hills and I was instructed to find all the other energy lines that crossed it on its journey through the hills. From these early beginnings a network of water based energy lines, with Beacons along them, now form a web of energy which covers the Blackdowns and far beyond them.
The lone Beacon Tree that Tina found in the desert is a survivor of the landscape of the past. Deep below the desert there is the web of the water based energy lines with springs and wells along them. There will also be many more Beacon Trees but mainly in the form of pure energy.
Gordon Field Spring Equinox 2023
Newsletter promulgated by Somerset Dowsers
Scientific and Medical Network.
Scientists & Mystics Conference 2023. (Zoom April 14th - 16th)
I have mentioned the SMN previously, as they seem to be a very academic consortium, who are seeking to bridge the spiritual/scientific divide from ‘the other side’.
In the near future, they are running a weekend of zoom talks about sound healing, entitled Mystics and Scientists, which I feel could be of great interest to at least some dowsers. See...
You don't have to a member of the SMN to join this conference.
Nigel Twinn.
Water Divining course
We may have a vacancy for a final place in our BSD water divining course at Malvern on Friday 16th and Sat 17th. June.
Price for the course is £190.00. Further details on the BSD web site (
You may like to put something in your ‘comic’.
Hope all is well.
John Baker
Invitation To Become a Zoom Speaker - A Message From the BSD
Dear Fellow Dowser
Would you be prepared to give a Zoom talk for a great cause?
As part of our ongoing commitment to improve its offerings to members and the public, the BSD is launching its monthly talk series over Zoom. Meetings will be free to BSD members, and open to the public for a fee.
We also intend to platform on dowsing master classes, and Q&A sessions, to further help dowsers develop their skills and knowledge.
We want to showcase the amazing work dowsers are doing across all the fields of dowsing and provide additional value to our members. But for this to work, we need people like you, to step forward and share their knowledge, experience and interests. With your help, we can bring dowsers together from all over the UK and the world.
Please Note: This Zoom project is in addition to the existing Speaker Register on the BSD website. To become a speaker, you just need to be able to speak with authority on your chosen topic, deliver a talk for 45-60 minutes, and have access a computer and the internet.
Why be a speaker?
You will have an audience of people interested in your area of expertise, not just based in the UK but world wide. An opportunity to promote your business, book, services, or interests, and to contribute to the wider BSD community.
The BSD will: Schedule the speaker series and provide you with date options; Set up and host the session; Advertise the speaker series within the BSD membership and beyond.
The BSD is unable to pay you for your talk, but instead participants will be asked whether they wish to make any donations as recompense. All donations received will be given to the speaker.
You might consider delivering a masterclass. This would go a little deeper into a topic and will be more instructional than presentation based. Think of it like teaching over zoom. There would be a fee charged to attend these sessions and as the instructor, you would receive payment for your time. We are still working out the details of our masterclass series but invite anyone interested in hosting a session to get in touch, by following the information below.
How to become a speaker or instruct a masterclass: Simply complete the registration form which can be found at the following link. Once it is submitted, the BSD will contact you.
And finally, if you know of someone who would be a great speaker, then let us know and we can reach out to them.
Reprinted from Wiltshire Dowsers newsletter.
Malvern Dowsers & Keith Forrest
Malvern Dowsers welcomed Keith Forrest to talk about
Keith Forrest is a Reiki Master healer, spiritual author and singer/songwriter. He presented a talk on past lives and reincarnation to an interested and open minded audience.
Keith shared his explanation for reincarnation - together with examples of well known past lives experienced by his clients - how this information came to him; and how to decide for yourself the truth about these insights.
Keith also offered various famous past lives of well known celebrities for our consideration, together with the "proof" to confirm they are genuine. As always, Keith also entertained us by performing a few of his own songs - which are full of healing - to add to the evening's entertainment.
Despite the chill evening we all went home suitably impressed and questioning our own perceptions of ‘the truth’ about reincarnation.
Saturday April 22nd
Working with Earth Energies
BSD approved course
Bridgehouse, West Lothian
See BSD website at
April 29th – 30th 2023
BSD Spring Symposium
A BSD event at Malvern, Worcestershire
See BSD website at British
Saturday 27th May 2023
House Healing (Part 1)
West Lothian
BSD approved course
See BSD website at
10th – 11th June 2023
House Healing (Part 2)
West Lothian
BSD approved course
See BSD website at