Books for your library
"Your Healing Hands"
Don your smirking jacket and retire to your heavily damasked thinking room this autumn with Richard Gordon's first book, which he created before "Quantum Touch".
It is called "Your Healing Hands - The Polarity Experience" and very good it is too.
Because of its straightforwardness and simplicity, I have promoted it's standing to No 1 in my list of recommended Dowsing and Healing user guides (see Dowsing.Org.UK).
"The purpose of this text is to introduce you to the Polarity system and explore your healing potential, and to expand the boundaries within which we experience ourselves."
'Polarity' is one of those words we know we ought to find out about, but usually never actually get round to. It has been somewhat sidelined in recent years.
This is a great pity, for it is definitely the simplest healing process that I have come across, and the easiest to start on. Try as I might, I have found it difficult to inflict serious injury by its misapplication.
The only thing you really need is a massage table.
The process does involve touch, but nothing intrusive, and if desired all potential legal issues could presumably be avoided by performing the work in the presence of a friendly observer.
The top of the body is regarded as positive, and the lower part as negative; the right side of the body is also seen as positive, and the left as negative. By putting your hands on different parts of the body you can create circuits and heal headaches and pain, and improve the quality of sleep.
'Cradling' parts of the body between your two hands (close to but not necessarily touching the body) can be useful, as can 'brushing off'' stuck energy, and rubbing the webbing between the thumb and first finger.
For Richard Gordon, Polarity is concerned with the body, whereas the definitive exposition of Polarity in the Chinese system is I believe set out in the 'I Ching' in Richard Wilhelm's translation
(ISBN 0 7100 1581 X), and 'Eight Lectures on the I Ching', by Helmut Wilhelm' (ISBN 0 7100 6661 9).
The tummy rock sounds especially appealing !
"Your Healing Hands : The Polarity Experience"
ISBN 978 - 1- 55643 - 525 - 6
£13 or less if ordered via your friendly local bookshop.
A website you may find irritating is Dowsing.Org.UK ...
... now with with an emergent book section.
Somerset Dowsers
September 9th
Space has become available on Dr Karen Stead-Dexter's Psychic Protection Workshop at Ruishton on October 14th for which
see below. If you would like to attend the workshop
but are unable to make the date Karen is
running the same workshop
for Devon Dowsers next
Saturday, 9th September
at Spreyton Village Hall (EX17 5DX). I believe that some spaces are still available. To enquire further, please email Prasthano, the DD Secretary to register your interest
Cost is £40 for the day, with payment via BACS to the DD account - but please check availability BEFORE making a payment. Devon Dowsers - Sort Code: 30-94-52 - Account no: 00158154 - Ref Surname-PRO2
A one-day workshop to learn how to protect and clear heavy energy
from yourself and others.
Working with energy medicine techniques from North America,
South America and Europe -
bringing a wealth of tools to help you stay protected
and cleansed in your work.
In the morning we will learn the importance of our own energy field and how we can attract heavy energy into that field.
Working within sacred space we will bring in tools
such as smudging, rattling, Tibetan bowls, essences
and visualisation to clear heavy energy.
Tools will be given on how to effectively clear heavy energy from others, land and yourself.
Bringing together tools for protection in the afternoon - learning the importance of plant spirit medicine, essences, aromatherapy, power animals (we will journey to meet your protector), medicine pouch and the simple act of ritual and ceremony.
Best wishes
Judith Thomas
Secretary, Somerset Dowsers
Malvern Dowsers
September 20th
Christ Church Hall (behind the Church)
Live talk with Peter and Gilly Stott
Dowsing Revelations in France
The Dowsing and Feng Shi practitioners
relate some of their dowsing revelations in France
If not a member of Malvern dowsers tell
Kate Smart if you would like to attend
British Society of Dowsers
September 23 - 24th
The Conference will be held at County Hall, Worcester, the headquarters of Worcestershire County Council.
It is located next to Worcester Wood Country Park, 93 acres of woodland and open spaces comprising many trails. In addition to the Council chamber, we have the use of a number of smaller break-out rooms in the park area, suitable for workshops. Altogether the venue offers a comfortable venue with modern facilities, within a rural setting, but still close to the city centre.
On both days there is a full schedule of talks and workshops, details of which you will find listed below. Refreshments and a pleasant lunch are included in the fee. Not only will you appreciate the full benefits of this in-person event, but you will assist the Society to provide similar events into the future.
However, for those unable to attend, there is an option to watch a live broadcast of part of both days’ proceedings. This is subject to a viewing fee, details of which you will find in the ‘Tickets’ section. On Saturday evening, there is the option to attend a group dinner, starting at 7.00pm, to be held in a separate venue nearer the city centre. For those wishing to attend, this will involve an additional cost. For more info about the speakers, and how to get to the venue, suggestions for accommodation, and how to purchase tickets, please click on the link below. Conference 2023 - The British Society of Dowsers (
More info at
Friday September 30th (Michaelmas)
Research into Lost Knowledge Organisation
The St Michael Ley System
Presented by P.J.Mac Dermot
(Rilko Member since 1974 and present Spokesperson for the Council)
This lecture will be an examination and debate on the known and unknown mysteries in the 'The British ley Systems' whose history was first exposed by John Michell (1933 - 2009) in his seminal book:
"The View over Atlantis" (first printed in the late 1960's.)
Much has been uncovered and described about 'Ley systems' over the past 100 years but the 'Theme' is passed over by many people as insignificant. However a contrary opinion is held by many 'Ley-Hunters' and researchers in Rilko who hold that the 'Ley System' still holds an unexplored study of Earth's energy fields which actively link human consciousness to a meaningful purpose for existence besides the Ley Sytem being just a relic of Paleolithic Science.
If you not a member of Rilko and plan to attend please inform Rilko in advance. Cost of entry £10.
Friday October 27th
The Beauty of Chartres and the Seven Liberal Arts
Veda Austin
Water Memory & Transference
Devon Dowsers
Saturday 30th September 2023
11am - 4pm
To be held in the Worship Area, Mint Methodist Church, Fore Street,
Exeter, EX4 3AT
New Zealand water researcher Veda Austin
is returning to Devon to speak about water, transference and potentials.
What’s fascinating is that water also appears to absorb the potential of things. Water designed the potential of the seed as a sunflower. This compliments the ‘phantom transference’ experiment, where scientists dissected a couple of areas of a leaf, and looked at the dissected pieces under a high frequency electromagnetic field. However, they didn’t see the dissected pieces, they saw the entire leaf with holes where the leaf was cut. This shows that the memory of the whole was still intact.
Veda’s latest work reveals an incredible new understanding of water from an interwoven study of science, art and consciousness. Sunflower seeds placed in water for 30 seconds and removed pre-freezing .
Memory & Transference Booking procedure: 1. Email Prasthano to enquire about availability and reserve your place 2. Please do not pay until you have been notified that your place is reserved. Once a space has been confirmed, please make your payment of £20 DD Members or £30 non DD members via BACS or by cheque payable to ‘Devon Dowsers’ Cheques to: Treasurer, 19 Crokers Way, Ipplepen TQ12 5QZ BACS: Please give your Surname(s) and ‘VEDA’ as the reference and pay: Account: Devon Dowsers, Sort Code: 30-94-52 Account no: 00158154
REFUNDS: If you find you are unable to attend after payment, there is no automatic refund unless the place can be refilled, though exceptional refunds may be made at the discretion of DD council. Refreshments will be available. Bring your own lunch, or purchase locally in Exeter.
Getting there: The Mint on Fore Street is located on the south side of Exeter City centre, well served by public transport (nearest train station is Central) & lots of nearby (but expensive) parking such as at St Mary’s Arches. More of Veda’s work can be seen on her website:
Interview with Veda Austin - YouTube
Somerset Dowsers
14th October
Space has become available on Dr Karen Stead-Dexter's
Psychic Protection Workshop at Ruishton
on October 14th.
The cost of the day is £40.
A one-day workshop to learn how to protect
and clear heavy energy from yourself and others.
Working with energy medicine techniques from
North America, South America and Europe,
bringing a wealth of tools to help you stay protected
and cleansed in your work.
In the morning we will learn the importance
of our own energy field and
how we can attract energy into that field.
Working within sacred space
we will bring in tools such as smudging,
rattling, Tibetan bowls,
essences and
visualisation to clear heavy energy.
Tools will be given on how to effectively clear others,
land and yourself.
If you are interested, please email me as soon as possible
to reserve a space, and when confirmed,
make payment by BACS to Somerset Dowsers -
Sort Code 08-92-99 - Account no 65412879 -
Reference PPW-Your Name
Malvern Dowsers
Wednesday 18th of October :
AGM of Malvern Dowsers plus a short psychometry/dowsing
concealed objects game.
Talks take place at Christ Church Church Hall (behind the actual church) in Avenue Road, Great Malvern WR14 3AY . Doors open 7pm for a 7.30 start. £4 for non members
Thames Valley Dowsing Group
Talks and Workshops
open to all to be held at
The Jordans Quaker Centre
Saturday 21st October:
Come and join us for a fascinating and uplifting afternoon of talks starting at 2 p.m
We have
Lorraine Houton talking about Numerology;
Lee Harvey talking about Iconology “Where Matter Meets Spirit”;
Alex Russell-Stoneham on Dowsing Protocol and
Jan Trewartha on Dowsing for Blocks in the Energy Field.
Sunday 19th November:
Nicky Batt will be holding a workshop on Colour Therapy starting at 2 p.m.
She will explain how colour works and impacts our body - How colour transforms and heals - Popular colours and
their meanings and how we can use colour
in our daily life
to support and empower us.
Open to non-members of TVD and suitable for beginners with no dowsing experience.
Please book and pay your £7 to reserve your
place via Susan Scott Powell -
All are welcome
More events see