Somerset Dowsers. Thursday Sept 28th. Ruishton V. Hall. Stonehenge Landscape - See 'Events'
Dowsing and Healing : Book 4
If you can dowse -
you can heal
'Healing with Information' was my first contact with Maria Sagi's writing, and The New Homeopathy.
The procedures were developed by Erich Korbler in the last century, and they have the full backing of Ervin Lazlo.
A potted version of parts of the system can be found in Healing the Energy Body, already outlined in LDGN No 129, which will shortly be available on our website at
"Healing with Information : The New Homeopathy" is a comprehensive guide to the system, and includes information on...
The role of Electromagnetic Waves - The Thermodynamics of Living Organisms - The Discovery of Chaotic Attractors - The Role of Information - The Principle of Coherence - Transfering Information to Various Substances - Korbler's Dowsing Rod - Basic Symbols in New Homeopathy - Treatment with Geometric symbols - Healing with Informed Water - The Application of Precious Stones and Crystals - Korbler's Tree-Blossom Remedies - Music Therapy - Case Studies of healing using the system - and much more.
The link with dowsing is central to the approach, both in terms of identifying the severity of the illness, and the symbols which are used both to define that severity, and also act as the gateway to healing.
Korbler's dowsing rod - a kind of bobber - is crucial to the process.
A key discovery is the PsychoMeridian, where traces of trauma in the body can be identified and dated as to when they were acquired.
Also useful is Korbler's symbol for the treatment of electrosmog, and its use in indoor and outdoor screening.
There is enough information in this book to keep you busy for a very long time, yet it is all easily explained and applied. Essential reading.
Healing with Information: The New Homeopathy
Dr Maria Sagi with Istvan Sagi
ISBN : 978 - 1 - 858 - 78279 - 858 - 3 £21
Our web site is at
Somerset Dowsers
I must apologise for sending this reminder out so late, but I trust that you will be already aware that we will be meeting this Thursday
(Sept 28th) evening at Ruishton Village Hall
to hear Don Bryan's talk on
Dowsing the Stonehenge Landscape.
As ever, the doors will open at 7pm, with a £5 entry charge. Refreshments will be available, and the talk will start at 7.30.
Please let us know that you are going to come.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Best wishes
Judith Thomas
Secretary, Somerset Dowsers
Don Bryan - Dowsing the Stonehenge Landscape
For hundreds of years antiquarians and archaeologists have been
studying Stonehenge, and have put forward
many thoughts and theories
as to the design and purpose of the majestic stones.
In recent years however, archaeologists have looked away from the stone circle itself and have taken a much broader view of the whole of the Stonehenge Landscape, including the site of Durrington Walls, and it now seems likely we have discovered what may be the largest Neolithic Monument in the world!
This talk describes not only the Stones at Stonehenge, but also the very latest theories about the “Landscape of the Ancestors”. We will also look at the importance of dowsing this landscape and discuss why the stones are exactly where they are.
Don Bryan is a Blue Badge Tour Guide and a Lecturer in both Archaeology and History.
A long standing archaeological dowser, Don served for many years as the Chairman of the Archaeological Special Interest Group of the British Society of Dowsers, and is currently the Archaeological Director of the Hampshire Archaeological Dowsers, a group he set up over ten years ago.
Don uses his dowsing skills to bring the landscape of our
ancestors to life and to explain why such monuments as
Stonehenge, Avebury and Glastonbury are so important today,
just as they were to our ancestors.
Veda Austin
Water Memory & Transference
Saturday 30th September 2023
11am - 4pm
To be held in the Worship Area, Mint Methodist Church,
Fore Street,
Exeter, EX4 3AT
Devon Dowsers are very pleased to announce that New Zealand water researcher Veda Austin is returning to Devon to speak about water, transference and potentials.
What’s fascinating is that water also appears to absorb the potential of things. Water designed the potential of the seed as a sunflower. This compliments the ‘phantom transference’ experiment, where scientists dissected a couple of areas of a leaf, and looked at the dissected pieces under a high frequency electromagnetic field. However, they didn’t see the dissected pieces, they saw the entire leaf with holes where the leaf was cut. This shows that the memory of the whole was still intact.
Veda’s latest work reveals an incredible new understanding of water from an interwoven study of science, art and consciousness. Sunflower seeds placed in water for 30 seconds and removed pre-freezing . Resulting ice pictograph Comparison picture Veda Austin Water
Memory & Transference Booking procedure: 1. Email Prasthano to enquire about availability and reserve your place 2. Please do not pay until you have been notified that your place is reserved. Once a space has been confirmed, please make your payment of £20 DD Members or £30 non DD members via BACS or by cheque payable to ‘Devon Dowsers’ Cheques to: Treasurer, 19 Crokers Way, Ipplepen TQ12 5QZ BACS: Please give your Surname(s) and ‘VEDA’ as the reference and pay: Account: Devon Dowsers, Sort Code: 30-94-52 Account no: 00158154
REFUNDS: If you find you are unable to attend after payment, there is no automatic refund unless the place can be refilled, though exceptional refunds may be made at the discretion of DD council. Refreshments will be available. Bring your own lunch, or purchase locally in Exeter.
Getting there: The Mint on Fore Street is located on the south side of Exeter City centre well served by public transport (nearest train station is Central) & lots of nearby (but expensive) parking such as at St Mary’s Arches. More of Veda’s work can be seen on her website:
Interview with Veda Austin - YouTube
Friday September 30th (Michaelmas)
Research into Lost Knowledge Organisation
The St Michael Ley System
Presented by P.J.Mac Dermot
Rilko Member since 1974 and present Spokesperson
for the Council
This lecture will be an examination and debate on the known and unknown mysteries in the 'The British Ley Systems' whose history was first exposed by John Michell (1933 - 2009) in his seminal book:
"The View over Atlantis" (first printed in the late 1960's.)
'Much has been uncovered and described about 'Ley systems'
over the past 100 years but the 'Theme' is passed over by
many people as insignificant. However a contrary opinion is
held by many 'Ley-Hunters' and researchers in Rilko
who hold that the 'Ley System' still holds an unexplored
study of Earth's energy fields
which actively link human consciousness to a meaningful purpose
for existence besides the Ley System being just a
relic of Paleolithic Science.
If you not a member of Rilko and plan to attend please inform
Rilko in advance. Cost of entry £10.
Friday October 27th
The Beauty of Chartres and the Seven Liberal Arts
A unique experience to dowse
and research
at Tutbury Castle
Saturday October 14th
Tutbury Castle dates back to the 10th century, although there
has been a settlement there since Neolithic times. Recent research by myself and colleagues show that it is intricately linked into the local landscape and nearby river, with a cast of inhabitants over the centuries, including the Romans, Normans, Knights Templar and even Robin Hood.
Archeologically the site holds many mysteries and hidden gems which the owner is very keen to check out with experienced dowsers.
Energetically we are exploring the link between the Motte and Bailey, the hill on which the castle stands and the human experience attributed to various physical and psychological anomalies experienced on site.
We have special access during the day to dowse and experiment, but are very keen to involve the visiting public who are joining us for the event, teach them dowsing skills and involve them in various scientific measurements.
We are seeking a small team of dedicated and experienced research dowsers/historians/experts to work with us on the day and future projects exploring the links between science and dowsing. Members of the Dowsing Research Group will also be joining us on future events. Of course you are very welcome to join us for the day either way.
To express your interest please contact me and tell me a bit about you, your interests and expertise.
By the way it’s marketed as a psychic fair but you will notice the reference to dowsing!
Tutbury is easily accessible by road and rail. Our nearest railway station is the Tutbury / Hatton station, which is less than a 10 minute walk away. There are regular buses from Derby and Burton on Trent. East Midlands airport is a 30 minute drive.te car journey.
Tutbury Castle, Castle Street, Tutbury, Staffs', DE13 9JF.
A day of archaeological dowsing at
Wandlebury Iron Age Hill Fort, Cambs
Saturday October 14th 2023
Meet at 10am for 10.30am start
Working on and around the demolished manor house built in 1735, we will dowse the layout of the ground floor rooms and basement. We can then search out service pipes leading from and to the house. There are tunnels to be traced and see if you can find
the site of the ice house.
Wandlebury is the site of many myths and legends,
possible ley(s) and energy lines. Ancient Greek gods
Gog and Magog
are also in the mix.
And there will be a fun 20- point Questionairre
Limited to 30 people so don't miss out.
BSD and Cambridge PP&F members £20
£25 for non-members
All payments in advance please.
Booking via, or telephone 01684 576969
Tea and coffee available but bring your own food
Dowsing with Steve Dawson of Dowsing Anglia
This is a full day BSD event
Malvern Dowsers
Wednesday 18th of October
AGM of Malvern Dowsers plus a short psychometry/dowsing
concealed objects game
Talks take place at Christ Church Church Hall (behind the actual church) in Avenue Road, Great Malvern WR14 3AY . Doors open 7pm for a 7.30 start. £4 for non members
Thames Valley Dowsing Group
Talks and Workshops
open to all to be held at
The Jordans Quaker Centre
Saturday 21st October:
Come and join us for a fascinating and uplifting afternoon of talks starting at 2 p.m
We have
Lorraine Houton talking about Numerology;
Lee Harvey talking about Iconology “Where Matter Meets Spirit”;
Alex Russell-Stoneham on Dowsing Protocol and
Jan Trewartha on Dowsing for Blocks in the Energy Field.
Sunday 19th November:
Nicky Batt will be holding a workshop on Colour Therapy starting at 2 p.m.
She will explain how colour works and impacts our body - How colour transforms and heals - Popular colours and their meanings and how we can use colour in our daily life to support and empower us.
Refreshments are available and included at both events:
Open to non- members of TVD and suitable for beginners with no dowsing experience.
Please book and pay your £7 to reserve your place via Susan Scott Powell -
All are welcome
More events see