Dowsing and Healing : Book 5
Remote Healing
Nonlocal Information Medicine
and the Akashic Field by Maria Sagi
The work of Erich Korbler, founder of The New Homeopathy (NH), was taken forward by Maria Sagi after Korbler's death in 1994.
The book is particularly interesting as it presents NH as a therapy which can be undertaken remotely without the physical presence of the client or therapist, (especially if there was some initial direct contact.)
Though this may stretch the belief of potential therapists, there are more than enough success stories documented in the book to convince the hardened sceptic.
This opens up the applicability of the approach to a wide community of housebound therapists and clients.
The principles of the New Homeopathy - set out in "Healing with Information" (also by Maria Sagi) , and "Painting the Energy Body" (by Petra Neumayer and Roswitha Stark), are expanded in this book.
In The New Homeopathy, there is no ingestion of very small amounts of substances (as in traditional homeopathy), but in contrast there is an exploration of the absorption and transformative powers of symbols.
What is wrong with you ?
Whatever it is, for healing purposes your condition - revealed by particular movements of Korbler's dowsing rod - is assigned to one of a number of Grades. Grade 1 is best, Grade 8/9 is worst.
Grade 1 : Undisturbed Wholesomeness
Grade 2 : Very limited Pollution
Grade 3 : Minor Degree of Pollution
Grade 4 : Medium Pollution
Grade 5 : Unwholesome
Grade 6 : Severe Pollution
Grade 7 : Very Severe Pollution
Grade 8 : Extremely Severe Pollution
Grade 9 : End of Cycle
As an intermediate goal, you could aim to improve your condition by one or more grades.
Korbler's Dowsing Road
Erich Korbler also created a special dowsing rod, or tensor, as it is sometimes called). See page 89 - 110 of Healing with Information.
We would call this a type of bobber.
Sagi describes it as a one-armed pendulum that is 65.5 cm in length and consists of a wooden handle of 8.5 cm, a stick 2mm thick and 54cm in length made of PVC enriched with copper irons, and ending in a wooden ball with a diameter of 2cm.
Guidelines for the use of the rod are set out in the book.
One of the principal uses of the rod is identifying a person's health condition, and the selection of the healing symbol for that condition.
The Transfer of Information via 'Informed' Water
What might be called the 'essence' of precious metals or other objects can be transferred into the body (see page 93 - 103 of Painting the Energy Body) via imprinting that essence into water, which is then drunk.
Another of Korbler's creations is a symbol which protects against Electrosmog (see page 76 - 92 of Painting the Energy Body)
The Psycho-meridian
Also identified by Korbler, the Psychomeridian runs from Axis Bone to the top of the head. By Dowsing, the age at which a traumatic event took place can be identified.
'Remote Healing' also contains a potted history of Radionics.
The book is highly recommended.
Remote Healing : Nonlocal Information Medicine and
the Akashic Field
by Maria Sagi
ISBN 978 -1 - 62055 - 951 - 2
Healing with Information : The New Homeopathy
also by Maria Sagi
ISBN 978 - 1 - 78279 - 848 - 3
Painting the Energy Body : Sign and Symbols for Vibrational Healing
by Petra Neumayer and Roswitha Stark
ISBN 978 - 159477480 - 5
Ensure you get the English language version of any of these books
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Thames Valley Dowsing Group
Talks and Workshops
open to all to be held at
The Jordans Quaker Centre
Sunday 19th November:
Nicky Batt will be holding a workshop on Colour Therapy starting at 2 p.m.
She will explain how colour works and impacts our body - How colour transforms and heals - Popular colours and their meanings and how we can use colour in our daily life to support and empower us.
Refreshments are available and included at both events:
Open to non- members of TVD and suitable for beginners with no dowsing experience.
Please book and pay your £7 to reserve your place via Susan Scott Powell -
All are welcome
For more events see