Dowsing and Healing : Book 5
Lazy Person's Guide to Emotional Healing : Using Flower Essences successfully
by Andrew Tressider
Most of us have heard of Flower Essences, and correctly think of them as a form of gentle intervention.
Their great advantages include the fact that they are widely available (try your local chemist), and that the more you use them the better you'll probably get at applying them.
There are a number of manufacturers, all with their own range of essences.
As a dowser, you have the advantage of possessing a skill which you can use to decide on :
(i) a manufacturer
(ii) an individual essence, or..
(iii) a combination of essences
(iv) the length and intensity of treatment
Each essence, and combination of essences, are especially good for treating certain conditions. The conditions are described in simple language, and the essences all have a certain 'flavour' with which you will become familiar.
The more you practice, the more you will refine your skills.
Some practitioners have gone on to produce their own essences, and we are blessed with a range of manufacturers and practitioners, often dedicated to a particular condition or approach.
The book provides an introduction to the manufacturers, the practitioners, and what they're aimed at. And its all legal.
See also the Autumn/Winter edition of Dowsing Today for the article on Flower Essences by Chris Phillips (page 39)
ISBN : 0-7171-2895-3 (2000)