Local Dowsing Group News No 135

Healing and Dowsing : Book 6


Dr Jeff Rediger

ISBN 978 - 0 - 241 - 32759 - 3 £10.99

An important book, exploring many of the diseases which are not currently curable despite the great strengths of modern medicine.

The book also looks at various cases of actual spontaneous remission, in order to try and identify any common approaches which made that healing possible.

There is no one-off universal single cure, and the approaches range from Rolfing - nothing to do with Mr Harris - to making changes in your diet.

What is common is that people who survived refused to accept that they were doomed. They had started off 'well' but developed a disease which turned out to be incurable.

Most of them lived in the States and in the hope of cure some removed themselves to healing communities in South America, many of which were led by religious or charismatic individuals.

And many clients began to get better.

The second part of the book explores how and why this happened. Many rejected the authority of the doctors they had previously put their trust in, and began to take responsibility for their own health.

The book does not point to a single universal cure, but examines the cases of those who made a full recovery.

Some would put their recovery down to the nature of the communities they went to live in.

Something had fundamentally changed. What ?


Healing and Dowsing : Book 7

Plant Based Diet

How to Eat Vegan and stay healthy

Dale Pinnock

ISBN 978 - 0 - 600 - 63604 - 5 £20

An excellent book.


The Forum on our website is now live.

Four initial topics have been identified, but you are welcome to add your own. Come and visit, hang out, share videos, photos, links, comments, reviews and more. The four topics identified so far are...

  • General discussion
  • Questions and Answers
  • Dowsing Chatter
  • Healing Chatter

To access the Forum go to https://dowsing.org.uk/forum and sign up with your email address and create a password. I look forward to seeing you there.





BSD Spring Symposium

May 4th and 5th 2024

Malvern Cube Malvern

Albert Road North, Great Malvern, WR14 2YF



We have pleasure in publishing our events flyer for 2024,

plus the flyer for the 20th Convention.

If you have problems opening either, let us know

and we may be able to send them in another format.

We are now taking bookings for our events and 

hope to see you in 2024. Have a magical year,

Sue and Pete


One day all websites will be this good (Ced)


Wiltshire Dowsers

Monday 5th February 2024.


Meet 10.30am in the parking area beside

The Crown public house and village pond,

Aldbourne, Wilts, SN8 2DW. 

The refreshment venue will depend on people's capabilities as the preferred venue has stairs - but there are other options.

It is a few years since we explored Aldbourne village which

has some great energies.

The Michael Line can usually be found at the church.

The trip will take place unless weather conditions dictate

that it would be foolish to go out.

Time spent outdoors will also depend on the weather.

It would be helpful if you could email Wiltshire Dowsers

or contact Alison at

WiltshireDowsers@gmail.com (07941 712444)

to advise if you are coming (or not) 

Monday 19th February 2024. 7.30pm.



followed by a talk and storytelling about Earth Elementals and working with them on the land. 


The evening will be led by Druid and Storyteller, Chris Park. 

The new steering group is now in place led by

Bea Menier as Speaker Coordinator,

Summer Bourne as Treasurer,

and Alison Onslow as Admin and Trip Coordinator

plus several other willing and

much valued contributors.

We have a new dedicated email address for the group -

please use this to contact us where possible, it is

WiltshireDowsers@gmail.com (Alison 07941 712444).
