Local Dowsing Group News No 138

" Earthing

The Most Important Health Discovery Ever ? "

Clinton Ober et al

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1591202833

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1591202837

Amazon writes ...

" EARTHING (...) introduces the planet's powerful, amazing and overlooked natural healing energy, and how people anywhere can readily connect to it. (...)

Throughout most of evolution humans walked barefoot and slept on the ground, largely oblivious to the fact that the surface of the Earth contains limitless healing energy.

Science has discovered this energy as free-flowing electrons constantly replenished by solar radiation and lightning strikes.

Few people know it, but the ground provides a subtle electric signal that maintains health and governs the intricate mechanisms that make our bodies work just like plugging a lamp into a power socket makes it light up.

Modern lifestyles, including the widespread use of insulative rubber or plastic soled shoes, has disconnected us from this energy and, of course, we no longer sleep on the ground as we did in times past.

EARTHING describes how this physical disconnection from the Earth creates abnormal physiology and contributes to inflammation, pain, fatigue, stress and poor sleep, and how by reconnecting to the Earth symptoms are rapidly relieved and even eliminated."

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1591202833

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1591202837

Since the book's publication many people have acquired grounding devices which have grounded/earthed them when walking outdoors or when sleeping.

Beneficial Environments manufactures and sells a variety of such devices.

A recent book by James L Oschman, "Energy Medicine : The Scientific Basis" (ISBN 978-0-443-06729-7), points to one of the many benefits of grounding for health restoration...

"Reduction of primary Indicators of Osteoporosis, Improvement of Glucose Regulation, and Immune Responses"

"Researchers in Poland have added another dimension to our understanding of Earthing, pointing out that grounding could have a protective effect again diabetes and osteoporosis. Researchers conducted a series of experiments to determine whether contact with the earth via a copper conductor* can affect physiological processes. (...) *This can be done via the earthing pin on a three point plug. Ed.

" Grounding was achieved with a copper plate placed on the lower part of the leg and attached with a strip so it would not come off during the night. A conductive wire connected the leg plate to a larger plate in contact with the earth outside. (...)

" In one experiment with non medical subjects, grounding during a single night of sleeping resulted in statistically significant changes (...). The results of the (...) experiment suggest that Earthing for only a single night reduces primary indicators of osteoporosis. p 312


Energy Medicine :

The Scientific Basis

James L. Oschman - Second Edition

ISBN 978-0-443-0629-7

Very good stuff, loads of info, small print.


For the Good of All

David Willocks

ISBN 978-1912545-83-4

A handbook for Healing, Body, Mind and Soul.

The Power of Frequencies to Heal Disease - Psychic Healing - Healer/Client Relationship - Remove Energy Blockages - Radionics -

Radiesthesia - Healing through your fingers - Healing through meridians - How to pull cords from yourself - Distant Healing.

Excellent for moving on to the next level. Nicely laid out.


28th March

Somerset Dowsers

Programme of Events 2024

Thursday Evening Talks

28th March – Emma Fitchett – Managing a Plant Spirit Team

Consciously and Effectively

30th May – Annual General Meeting, followed by Noel Squibb – Ritual for Connection and Conversations with the Unseen Team – A Job Offer from 7th Density and an Astral Travel Journey

25th July – Peter Knight and Sue Wallace – Landscapes of Memory – Questing in the Footsteps of our Ancestors

26th September – To be Confirmed

28th November – Somerset Dowsers Social Evening


Sunday, 21st April – Dowsing the Arthurian Legends – A guided tour of Cadbury and Glastonbury Abbey with Don Bryan (Will be preceded by an introductory talk on Zoom on Thursday, 4th April)

Saturday, 17th August – Dartmoor Ancient Sites with Peter Knight and Sue Wallace


Sunday, 25th Feb – Mandy Bennett – Step into the Joy of Dowsing 

This workshop is fully booked but look out for the date of a repeat performance! To be confirmed soon.

Saturday, 1st June – The Bards of Avalon - The Alchemy of Sound and Dowsing

Saturday, 12th October – Health and Wellbeing Workshop


Saturday April 13th 2pm-5pm

Thames Valley Dowsers

An afternoon of teaching at Jordans Quaker Centre

Welders Lane, Nr. Beaconsfield, Bucks HP9 2 SN

Dowsing is a technique used to uncover information through our own

natural intuitive sense. 

This ancient skill goes back hundreds

of years when it was mostly used

for finding water.

By careful questioning dowsing

can be used to...

Find water leaks; check your vitamin levels;

ask questions about your health; check allergies; 

find missing objects; heal the energy in your home; 

choose your best holiday hotel and get help

with other lifestyle choices.

Come and learn how to use dowsing rods and pendulums effectively. We will start with teaching you how to obtain a “yes”

and “no” answer, using different exercises to improve your technique. Rods and pendulums will be provided.

Places are limited so please check availability in the first instance through Susan Scott Powell



The fee is £10 per person and is subject to availability, so please check first.

For further information please phone:

Sue Scott Powell (Chair) on 01494 813 214 (mornings)

and see our website for other events.


    Website www.thamesvalleydowsers.org.uk


BSD Spring Symposium

May 4th and 5th 2024

Malvern Cube Malvern

Albert Road North, Great Malvern, WR14 2YF


Adrian Incledon- Webber

My next Earth Energies event is to be

held in Lockeridge on

June 1st and 2nd.

and is entitled

‘The Alternatives’.

 The latest in the series of Earth Energies weekends

helping us see and use many of the natural resources surrounding us, helping us to raise our vibrational level.

Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd June 2024 Kennet Valley Hall, Lockeridge, Nr Marlborough, Wiltshire

Price: £90 for a two-day pass - £50 for a one-day ticket

Everything vibrates at different levels, whether it be trees, humans, elementals or crystals and this weekend will show you how

we can use these natural energies to help heal, not just ourselves, but also members of our family, friends and animals.

This weekend will show you just how closely connected we are to others and the natural world around us,

physically, mentally, spiritually or emotionally.

Topics include: • Talking to Crystals • Hedgerow Herbalism and healing • Our connection to the world of the Fey and Elementals • Communing with our Body Devas • Healing with Crystal Beings • Facilitating healing with Energy Vibration • Back to the Future (dealing with modern day stress) • Healing using out Ancestral tree. We will be working with trees, talking to crystals and communing with our body devas,

in what should be a very exciting healing weekend.

To book a place go to www.dowsingspirits.co.uk then click on the Online Shop page and find the link to

Earth Energies – The Alternatives

booking form where you will also find a

full programme of events and speakers.

For more information contact

Adrian Incledon-Webber


Telephone: 01748 822634 


Adrian Incledon-Webber

Life Guidance, House Healer, Spirit Worker and Empath

Telephone: 01748 822634



Near Avebury, Wiltshire

For full information and booking details

Click here


Signed copies of my latest book are available from 



To receive a free uplifting newsletter simply click here

New courses dates will also be announced.


20th convention of Archaeology and Earth Mysteries

6th October 2024

Tickets are already selling for The 20th Convention of Archaeology

and Earth Mysteries organised by Peter Knight and Sue Wallace

Sunday 6th October 2024. 

A new venue this year near Glastonbury. Speakers include Hugh Newman. Further details, cost and how to book may be found via this link 

