Local Dowsing Group News No 154

The Holy Axis

"While staying on the holy island of Lindisfarne ... Gary Biltclffe and Caroline Hoare received lucid dreams that led them to a castle on the remote coast of Northumberland, where a local dragon legend revealed a dormant ancient power waiting for release.

Their discoveries led them on a quest to uncover a sacred route across the beautiful rolling landscapes of Northumberland and Scotland to the holy Isle of Iona.

This fascinating spiritual pilgrimage followed a straight line or ley across the neck of Britain, the shortest land route between the North Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean.

Here the authors encountered well-known and long forgotten prehistoric monuments and shrines once sacred to ancient Britons and Celts, and renowned sites such as Rosslyn Chapel, Cairnpapple Hill and Kilmartin Glen." The section on Rosslyn is fascinating.

This book is a brilliant addition to the authors' existing work on The Power of Centre, The Spine of Albion, and Mysterious Portland.

"The authors also discovered that the indigenous cultures who inhabited the regions along the Neck of Britain left behind a cultural legacy of the the Grail encoded within their monuments and sacred sanctuaries."

The Holy Axis

ISBN : 978-0-9572382-2-0 Sacred Lands Publishing £22.95



Did you know Malvern Dowsers runs a winter Zoom programme for members?


Starting in December there is another season of ‘members only’ Zoom meetings for Malvern Dowsers. 

Each of these live events can be enjoyed from the comfort of your own home. Our first Zoom meeting will be with Melanie Lorien and it has a distinctly spooky feel, Mair Border takes us on a journey with the spirit of the drum, Dawn Kirkham reveals the special qualities of Vancouver Island and Susan Collins will be talking about beings from the multiverse.


Before the virtual meetings begin we have our (in person) Festive Celebrations on December 4th at our usual venue which includes the Appleyard Ladies Morris Side. 


For details about our 2025 programme, that includes evening talks, workshops and social activities, becoming a member or joining us for some dowsing locally please contact our secretary, Dave at secretarymalverndowsers@gmail.com.



New Dowsing Group

Cheshire Dowsers joins a very exclusive club.

This is a new but very active group. If you are interested in joining us, contact me to add your name to the What's App Group or join Cheshire Dowsers chat on Facebook. We meet every other month, mainly in Frodsham.

Chris Quartermaine


Tel : 07921783184

All the dowsing groups we know of are listed on our ...

Website at



Dowser, Heal Thyself !

I am repeating below two links to what I consider to be outstanding self-help/healing books.

The first is 'Energy Healing and the Art of Awakening through Wonder', by Alain & Jody Herriott and Tyler Odysseus. ISBN 978-0-9981035-0-1. If you are intrigued by the title you have made a good start.

The second is Quantum Touch : The Power to Heal ISBN 978-0-9981035-0-1.


Devon Dowsers

Main Contact Trevor Ives



Group Contact Telephone No: 07741495341

All aspects of dowsing,

regular Zoom meetings both with internal groups and also

joint Zoom talks with

Tamar, Trencrom, Somerset and Thames Valley Dowsers.

Regular walk and talk opportunities

with well know dowsers to sacred sites.


Water Dowsing 2025


As some of you know, the BSD has for the last three years run a two day water divining course in Malvern and will be repeating it next year. Book early as places limited.

This is serious stuff as parts of the U.K will be running short of water in the next few years.

Every house that is built stops more rainwater from percolating through the ground and re-supplying the aquifers

that so many rely on.

This is why demand for our help is increasing, both for domestic properties and large commercial companies.

An example : whenever you see a tanker lorry,

you need to know that in most cases,

the insides have to be steam cleaned about

every four months.

It’s for our safety but just think how many tankers are

on the roads and how much water is being used.

The BSD is playing its part in helping to reduce water wastage and also find new supplies with the help of  these course attendees. Serious stuff indeed.

John Baker

Water Dowser


Tel: 01322 525975


Seeing Energy

The Shift Network is an American organisation which provides training courses, delivered via zoom, on a variety of topics, by some very competant people. One such person is ...

Tyler Odysseus

who has developed - and teaches via the Shift Network - the ability to see human energy, and then manipulates that energy for beneficial purposes

If this is of interest go to



and then search for

Tyler Odysseus



Energy Healing

and the

Art of Awakening



ISBN 978-0-9981035-0-1 $19.95

This book, by Alain & Jody Herriott and

Tyler Odysseus

is a very interesting guide to seeing energy and the benefits of 'wondering'

Highly recommended.

