A map of the world in 2025
The website linked to this newsletter - Dowsing.org.uk - has recently updated the self-descriptions of many UK local dowsing groups, and you are invited to check your own group's entry on the website for accuracy.
If a revision of your entry is needed, please trigger an update by emailing me at Info@CedJackson.org enclosing the update. You can do this at any time, but please ensure you have your group's approval.
You can also include details of forthcoming events which are open to the wider public, by including information which will appear under Dowsing.org.uk/Events. Just send me the information.
Given these changes, this is a good time to look at how dowsing in the UK presents itself through the website, to the wider world.
Over time, the whole of the website will be revised, starting with the Special Interest Groups.
Below I have attempted to set out some of the key issues which we face as dowsers.
Dowsing : Quantity and Quality
There is possibly more dowsing being undertaken at the present moment than when Adam were a lad.
As a profession there are few barriers to entry, and the range of accessible dowsing subjects is constantly expanding.
The menus on the website are as follows (beneath each one I have written a description of the content within):
Created for Individual Dowsers who can come to together to discuss ideas, theories, practices on a range of topics, not limited to dowsing.
Local Dowsing Groups:
A page with a list of dowsing groups in the UK with any details provided, such as contact information and meeting times.
Special Interest Groups :
Which include Water, Earth Energies, Healing, Map Dowsing, etc. Other potential groupings which might at some point generate a future Special Interest Group, this includes Consciousness, and Remote Viewing, etc.
The Scientific and Medical Network
...and its journal Paradigm Explorer is a very interesting innovation, rather like like a cross between a New Age Group and an Oxford College.
To counter ossification as it ages, it has a 'youth wing' entitled New Paradigm Navigators.
Highly recommended.
Remote map dowsing on a computer
Below you will find a letter sent to me from Peter Taylor who is running courses on learning to dowse for water. If any other educational courses are being run, please get in contact - if there are enough courses, I'll start a new section of the website, dedicated to this topic.
Dear Ced
It has come across to me that not many dowsers are able to do the remote map dowsing on the computer. Please can you add this in the next magazine you print.
I am promoting my teaching courses more next year which will include showing the attendees how I do the remote map dowsing survey using Google Earth. This enables me to dowse remotely any part of the world in any dowsing subject. Usually with the remote dowsing I can get approximately 20ft either side of the source that I have found using a remote map dowsing survey. It gives the client an idea of where to start the search when on site, instead of having to troll through all the land that they have. This saves time and money as it narrows it down to a given field area. The client can either do the search on site themselves or get a local dowser to do it for them.
The latest remote map dowsing survey I have done was in Thailand which is shown on my website with the client confirming the success of that survey.
If anyone would like to attend a teaching course on how to do remote map surveying they can contact me by email and we can arrange a day and time. I can do one to one teaching or group teaching of no more than 6 persons. I can send them details of my fee and what the teaching course involves.
My website is www.waterdowsing.co.uk
Let me know if you need any more information.
Kind regards
Peter Taylor
Finding water, noble minerals, oil and gas
by Site Visits and Map Dowsing
Tel: 01352 754052
Please note my new email address:
The new Wyvern Dowsing Group
Wyvern Questers and Dowsers. Formerly Wiltshire Dowsers.
Our new venue is at :
The Village Inn,
Bell Lane, Liddington,
Nr Swindon, Wiltshire SN4 0HE.
Usually a £5 (cash only) entry fee. Please be seated by 7.25pm for 7.30pm start. Doors open 6.45pm to allow time to purchase drinks, chat and look at merchandise.
If you are travelling some way and would like to eat before the meeting, it may be possible for the pub to offer a reduced selection of items from the usual menu.
We recommend that where possible, you phone Emma on 01793 790314 to prebook, as the pub is closed to the general public on Monday evenings.
Earth Energies Zoom Meeting
This is a friendly group of dowsers, with an interest in Earth Energies, who get together on zoom. We meet on the second Thursday of each month from 7pm until about 9pm.
Usually a member or an invited speaker will talk about some dowsing they have been doing, or give a short presentation, and the discussion flows from there.
The success of the group has depended on the mutual respect of the participants and their willingness to keep the discussion to earth energies and closely related topics.
We have a website at http://www.earth-energy.group
If you would like to join us, please send us your name and email address. We will put you on the circulation list so that you receive the Zoom link each month and any notices or presentations that are circulated to participants. Write to...
All the UK geographically based dowsing groups
we know of are listed on our website at
Phil Rickman
It is with a great sense of personal sadness I bring you the news that the writer, Phil Rickman, has died.
Phil's books share many of the concerns which often face dowsers, such as the endurance of the flavour of dark deeds done at particular places in times past, which go on to influence those presently alive who 'bump' into them.
This can often bring great burdens to those who live in places subject to the imprint of past events.
In the west people suffering such afflictions have often turned to the church for relief. In fact there is a branch of the Church of England specifically for the relief of such suffering.
This is known as the Ministry of Deliverance, and those who practice therein are often referred to as practising the art of Spirit Release.
However Spirit Release, and Deliverance, is not restricted to the Church of England. It is widely practised in the west, and is sometimes listed as yet another alternative therapy.
Phil's books are gently fictionalised accounts of Deliverance as practised in the (actual) Hereford Diocese of the Church of England, by the (notional) Reverend Merrily Watkins.
A good one to start with - as did I - is "Midwinter of the Spirit".
Outside the Church of England, the role may also be undertaken by real people providing a real service to others. In current times one such group of people is known as the Spirit Release Forum. The SRF has a website at www.spiritrelease.org which you can explore.
To be continued...
r 10:30 am. Start.
A Day of Archaeological Dowsing
Wandlebury Iron Age Hill Fort, Cambs,
Saturday 4th October 2025.
Meet at 10:00hrs for 10:30 am start.
Working on and around the demolished Manor House built in 1735,
we will dowse the layout of the Ground Floor Rooms and Basement and try to dowse what each Room was used for. We can then search out Service Pipes leading to and from the House. There are Tunnels to be Traced and see if you can find the site of The Ice-House.
Wandlebury is the site of many Myths and Legends, possible Ley(s) and Energy Lines. Ancient Greek Gods Gog & Magog are also in the mix. Plus there will be a Fun 20-Point Questionnaire at the end of The Day.
Limited to 30 People So Don’t Miss Out.
BSD Members £30.00 - £35 Non Members.
All Payments in Advance Please.
Archaeology/History Course – Winter 2024/2025
“The Formation of England”
Hosted by Don Bryan & Edwina Cole
Payment must be made by Friday December 20th
Hampshire Archaeological Group are offering an eight week
course commencing January 2025 via Zoom.
The course will study England’s History, Anthropology and Archaeology from the Ice Ages
through to the Battle of Hastings in 1066.
At a recent HADS Social Committee Meeting it was agreed
that alongside the HADS Thursday evening lecture programme
Ed and I would run a short archaeological/historical course commencing in January 2025.
The course would be run on Zoom for eight weeks on Wednesday evenings between 7.30pm and 9.00pm with the “waiting room” opening from 7.00pm.
The Zoom link will be sent out on the morning of each talk.
It is hoped to record all the talks so that members who are not able to attend the Wednesday evening talks can watch the presentations at their leisure
*Please note: Only members who have registered
for the course will receive the recordings
To offset our Zoom costs there will be a course fee of £20.00 per household for members of HADS and £25.00 per household for non-members. (note-cost is the same as last year.)
Please note that this amount is for the whole course Payment by BACS should be made payable to HADS or Hampshire Archaeological Dowsers Group.
Lloyds Account Number: 29539860
Sort Code: 30-93-17
Please add your name for reference
Cheques should be payable to HADS or Hampshire Archaeological Dowsers Group
(The Bank is getting very fussy about this)
Please send to: Edwina Cole, 2 Nightingale Mews,
Locksheath, Southampton SO31 6GA.
Any problems please email Ed on edmadshed.cole@gmail.com
To join this course you must REGISTER your interest directly to me at donaldbryan18@gmail.com
I will then send out the course prospective and Zoom joining instructions later.
Online Course Details
Wednesday 8th January “In from the cold”
A look at Prehistoric England
Wednesday 15th January “New Light on the Neolithic”
A Study of Neolithic England
Wednesday 22nd January “The Round-Heads Cometh”
A study of Bronze Age England
Wednesday 5th February “Untying the Celtic Knot” –
Iron Age England
Wednesday 12th February “What did the Romans do for us?”
A study of Roman England
Wednesday 19th February “Mucking Around” -
Pagan Saxon England Pagan Saxon England
Wednesday 5th March “A Viking we will go”
The Early Christian church its Saints The Vikings and The Vikings
Wednesday 12th March “The Rise and Fall of the Royal
House of Wessex"