Local Dowsing Group News 158

Special Interest Groups

Their role in our futures

As mentioned in a previous edition, the website which runs parallel to this newsletter - Dowsing.org.uk - is undergoing an upgrade.

If you are a member of a local dowsing group, you are invited to update the website's description of your group, by sending the new description to me at info@CedJackson.org.

The next stage of updating the website will focus on the Special Interest Groups.

The current self-descriptions of the SIGs can be found in the Special Interest Group's section of the website.

You can update the description of your local dowsing group (or Special Interest Group) - if you gain your group's backing - by writing to me, preferably before January 1st 2025, containing the new version.

It is possible that you also have ideas for a new SIG to cover a particular topic, such as Consciousness or Distant Viewing. Do let me know.

Ced Jackson


Paradigm Explorer

This is the journal of the Scientific and Medical Network, which comes out three times a year, and very good it is too.

Watching an old episode of Lewis the other evening, I was reminded that the Network is the nearest we have to a cross between Morse and an Oxford College, except that we can all have access to the Network.

Wether it be Consciousness or the Galileo Commission, God bless Endeavour.



Water Dowsing Course -

Change of Dates

The journal has the date for the 2025 water divining course as 20/21st June.

I had originally wanted those dates but the dates booked for using Priory Gardens in Great Malvern are in fact Friday 13th June and Saturday 14th June.

Perhaps you can send out a correction in due course.

Don’t know where that went wrong but we have time to correct it.

John Baker



If you have found, via dowsing, an effective cure for a debilitating disease, please let me know.

Such cures should be publicised, so more people can benefit.
