Support the BSD by attending one of their excellent training courses.
Dowsing Foundation Course
This one-day course gives an introduction to dowsing for beginners, or a refresher for those who can already dowse but would like to learn new techniques to help with their dowsing.
We will cover the use of 4 basic dowsing tools and techniques :
Grounding and protection
Dowsing applications
Ethics and practical demonstrations and exercises
Questioning techniques
The dates of the Foundation courses are as follows:
23 February Sunday
6 April Sunday
21 June Saturday
16 August Saturday
11 October Saturday
This dowsing course follows the curriculum of the British Society of Dowsers and is ideal for the novice or beginner, providing a thorough overview of the possibilities of dowsing plus techniques and tools. It provides an excellent first step in the development of dowsing skills.
There will be a one hour Zoom follow up meeting one week after the course to answer any questions that may have arisen after the course, and to exchange any experiences and findings as a result of what has been learnt.
Geopathic Stress Course - Causes, Consequences and Cures
Geopathic Stress is an imbalance in the Earth's natural resonant field and has been found to be a contributory factor in many forms of illness.
Dowsing enables us to identify areas of harmful Geopathic Stress and this Course will take you through the steps to identify and harmonise these detrimental energies to improve health and wellbeing for friends and family.
We will cover the following :
Nature of Geopathic Stress - its causes and effects
Grounding and Protection
Detection using Dowsing methods
Treatment techniques
Practical Demonstrations
Practice of techniques and much more
Geopathic Stress Courses
3 May Saturday
20 September Saturday
1 November Saturday
This is an intermediate level course which follows the curriculum of the British Society of Dowsers and is not for beginners.
The two courses
Both of the above courses are taught by BSD Registered Tutor and Professional Dowser Peter Stott.
The courses start at 10am and finish at 4:30pm and are held in Ettington, just South of Stratford upon Avon.
The cost of each Course is £85 for BSD Members and £95 for non-members.
The contact for both courses is Peter Stott at
Email:, and
Phone: 07989 675 971
Archaeology/History Course – Winter 2024/2025
“The Formation of England”
Hosted by Don Bryan & Edwina Cole
Payment must be made by Friday December 20th
Hampshire Archaeological Group are offering an eight week
course commencing January 2025 via Zoom.
The course will study England’s History, Anthropology and Archaeology from the Ice Ages
through to the Battle of Hastings in 1066.
At a recent HADS Social Committee Meeting it was agreed
that alongside the HADS Thursday evening lecture programme
Ed and I would run a short archaeological/historical course commencing in January 2025.
The course would be run on Zoom for eight weeks on Wednesday evenings between 7.30pm and 9.00pm with the “waiting room” opening from 7.00pm.
The Zoom link will be sent out on the morning of each talk.
It is hoped to record all the talks so that members who are not able to attend the Wednesday evening talks can watch the presentations at their leisure
*Please note: Only members who have registered
for the course will receive the recordings
To offset our Zoom costs there will be a course fee of £20.00 per household for members of HADS and £25.00 per household for non-members. (note-cost is the same as last year.)
Please note that this amount is for the whole course Payment by BACS should be made payable to HADS or Hampshire Archaeological Dowsers Group.
Lloyds Account Number: 29539860
Sort Code: 30-93-17
Please add your name for reference
Cheques should be payable to HADS or Hampshire Archaeological Dowsers Group
(The Bank is getting very fussy about this)
Please send to: Edwina Cole, 2 Nightingale Mews,
Locksheath, Southampton SO31 6GA.
Any problems please email Ed on
To join this course you must REGISTER your interest directly to me at
I will then send out the course prospective and Zoom joining instructions later.
Online Course Details
Wednesday 8th January “In from the cold”
A look at Prehistoric England
Wednesday 15th January “New Light on the Neolithic”
A Study of Neolithic England
Wednesday 22nd January “The Round-Heads Cometh”
A study of Bronze Age England
Wednesday 5th February “Untying the Celtic Knot” –
Iron Age England
Wednesday 12th February “What did the Romans do for us?”
A study of Roman England
Wednesday 19th February “Mucking Around” -
Pagan Saxon England
Wednesday 5th March “A Viking we will go”
The Early Christian church its
Saints and The Vikings
Wednesday 12th March “The Rise and Fall of the Royal House of Wessex"