Local Dowsing Group News 160

Support the BSD by attending one of their excellent training courses.


Dowsing Foundation Course


This one-day course gives an introduction to dowsing for beginners, or a refresher for those who can already dowse but would like to learn new techniques to help with their dowsing.

We will cover the use of 4 basic dowsing tools and techniques :

Grounding and protection

Dowsing applications

Ethics and practical demonstrations and exercises

Questioning techniques

The dates of the Foundation courses are as follows:


23 February Sunday

6 April Sunday

21 June Saturday

16 August Saturday

11 October Saturday

This dowsing course follows the curriculum of the

British Society of Dowsers and is ideal for the novice or beginner, providing a thorough overview of the possibilities of dowsing plus techniques and tools. 

It provides an excellent first step in the

development of dowsing skills.

There will be a one hour Zoom follow up meeting one week after the course to answer any questions that may have arisen, and to exchange any experiences and findings as a result of what has been learnt.




Geopathic Stress Course 

Causes, Consequences and Cures


Geopathic Stress is an imbalance in the Earth's natural resonant field and has been found to be a contributory factor in many forms of illness. 

Dowsing enables us to identify areas of harmful Geopathic Stress and this Course will take you through the steps to identify and harmonise these detrimental energies to improve health

and wellbeing for friends and family.

We will cover the following :


Nature of Geopathic Stress - its causes and effects

Grounding and Protection

Detection using Dowsing methods

Treatment techniques

Practical Demonstrations

Practice of techniques and much more

Geopathic Stress Courses


3 May Saturday

20 September Saturday

1 November Saturday

This is an intermediate level course which follows the curriculum of the British Society of Dowsers and is not for beginners.



The two courses

Both of the above courses are taught by BSD Registered Tutor and Professional Dowser Peter Stott.


The courses start at 10am and finish at 4:30pm and are held in Ettington, just South of Stratford upon Avon. 

The cost of each Course is £85 for BSD Members and £95 for non-members.

The contact for both courses is Peter Stott at

Email: peterstott168@btinternet.com, and

Phone: 07989 675 971


Archaeology/History Course – Winter 2024/2025

“The Formation of England”

Hosted by Don Bryan & Edwina Cole

Payment must be made in advance

Hampshire Archaeological Group are offering an eight week

course commencing January 2025 via Zoom.

The course will study England’s History, Anthropology and Archaeology from the Ice Ages

through to the Battle of Hastings in 1066.


At a recent HADS Social Committee Meeting it was agreed

that alongside the HADS Thursday evening lecture programme

Ed and I would run a short archaeological/historical course commencing in January 2025.

The course would be run on Zoom for eight weeks on Wednesday evenings between 7.30pm and 9.00pm with the “waiting room” opening from 7.00pm.

The Zoom link will be sent out on the morning of each talk.

It is hoped to record all the talks so that members who are not able to attend the Wednesday evening talks can watch the presentations at their leisure

Only members who have registered for the course will receive the recordings            


To offset our Zoom costs there will be a course fee of £20.00 per household for members of HADS and £25.00 per household for non-members. (note-cost is the same as last year.)

Please note that this amount is for the whole course Payment by BACS should be made payable to HADS or Hampshire Archaeological Dowsers Group. 

Lloyds Account Number: 29539860


 Sort Code: 30-93-17

Please add your name for reference

Cheques should be payable to HADS or Hampshire Archaeological Dowsers Group

(The Bank is getting very fussy about this)

Please send to: Edwina Cole, 2 Nightingale Mews,

Locksheath, Southampton SO31 6GA.

Any problems please email Ed on edmadshed.cole@gmail.com

To join this course you must REGISTER your interest directly to me at donaldbryan18@gmail.com

I will then send out the course prospective and Zoom joining instructions later.


 Online Course Details

Wednesday 8th January           

“In from the cold”

 A look at Prehistoric England

Wednesday 15th January         

“New Light on the Neolithic”

 A Study of Neolithic England

Wednesday 22nd January        

“The Round-Heads Cometh”

 A study of Bronze Age England

Wednesday 5th February         

“Untying the Celtic Knot”

Iron Age England

Wednesday 12th February        

“What did the Romans do for us?”

A study of Roman England

Wednesday 19th February       

“ Mucking Around ” Pagan Saxon England

Wednesday 5th March               

“ A Viking we will go ”

 The Early Christian church its Saints and the Vikings

Wednesday 12th March          

“The Rise and Fall of the Royal House of Wessex



Spirituality Special Interest Group

Explore your own spirituality through connection to self,

to each other and to all that is.

Wednesday January 8th


Our guest is Chris Tonge talking about ‘Exploring Consciousness’.

Chris will talk about his own realisation that reality is not quite what we think it is. Chris will share three people’s work that have influenced his thinking to build a new understanding of consciousness. 


The SSIG is a group of questers interested in the reality beyond the physical boundaries. This encompasses a range of diverse topics including spirituality, consciousness, dowsing and divining and much more. 

Each month we hear from a guest speaker about their own unique journey or recent insights and discoveries, in a safe environment. 

There’s an opportunity to share your own insights

on the subject too. 

There’s no charge to be a member of this group but it only works through your generosity in offering

to give a talk occasionally on something

that you would like to share. 

To join our group please contact Kate Smart at kate.tudorhall@gmail.com


In February Richard Spencer describes ‘Some Awakening Practices’

as we move forward in our own spiritual development. 

Please note that the meetings are not recorded.


Malvern Dowsers


During the winter season Malvern Dowsers holds a number

of Zoom meetings for members only. These meetings allow members to meet fellow dowsers and speakers on screen

from the comfort of home. 

We began our season with Melanie Lorien talking about

‘Spooky Action at a Distance, and our next speaker on

January 8th at 7pm

is Sarita Sol

talking about using the lemniscate or infinity symbol

to heal ourselves and manifest our dreams for 2025.


Sarita runs retreats in France and has been teaching the use of the lemniscate over the last few years. 

She will demonstrate how to 'walk the eight' and how this

powerful practice can be used in a variety of ways. 

It is particularly good if you have noticed that you are stuck

or need to release something as it re-patterns

our body at a cellular level. 

In some ways you might describe it as similar to walking a mini labyrinth. You can use it after clearly setting an intention and it manifests benefits very quickly when we

move our consciousness from head to heart.

For more information about Sarita and her work visit her website https://www.sarita-sol.com/about


In February Dawn Kirkham talks about ‘Sensing the Soul of Vancouver Island - A Canadian Earth Energies Dowsing Adventure’. 

Our talks are definitely not to be missed! 

To join Malvern Dowsers contact our treasurer by emailing treasurermalverndowsers@gmail.com


Earth Energies zoom meeting


Thursday January 9th

Our first meeting of 2025 will be a talk by one of our Members,

Ali Denham

Ali's topic is

'David Cowan's Cup-marked Leys and Guy Underwood's Geodetic Lines'. 

Please see the website for more information:  


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 849 2188 6842

Passcode: 579825

I will open the meeting at 6.45pm for a 7pm start.

With best wishes for the New Year,


on behalf of the EE Zoom Team


Tamar Dowsers 

Tamar Dowsers, established in 2002 to explore and share the ancient art of dowsing, serves as a welcoming and connected community for both beginners and seasoned dowsers.

Based in the beautiful Tamar Valley, covering east towards Dartmoor and west towards Cornwall, the group delves into topics like earth energies, archaeology, health and spiritual dowsing.

Members gather regularly for discussions, workshops, and field trips, fostering an environment of shared learning and exploration.

Meetings and Events

The group meets primarily at North Hill Village Hall, offering a mix of in-person and virtual sessions. Events in early 2025 include:

  • January 26th: Talk on King Arthur’s Hall with Stuart Dow at North Hill Village Hall 2-4pm

  • February 16th: Workshop on Dowsing Protocols & Energy Hygiene, led by Alex Russell-Stoneham

  • March 23rd: Workshop - Dowsing for Beginners, led by Alex Russell-Stoneham

Details on future events, including engaging Zoom sessions with guest speakers, can be found on the 

Tamar Dowsers Diary of Events

Link: https://www.tamar-dowsers.org/diary-of-events

How to Join

Membership is open to all dowsing enthusiasts. Visit the Membership Details page for information on joining and annual membership amount. Link: https://www.tamar-dowsers.org/membership-details

Contacts and Community

The group is co-chaired by Alex Russell-Stoneham and Stuart Dow, who can be reached at tamardowsers@gmail.com. Stay connected via the Tamar Dowsers Facebook Group for updates and community interactions.

Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/573811729717007/

For the latest news and insights, explore the Tamar Dowsers Blog and the Latest Newsletter. If you are interested in joining the Tamar Dowsers we look forward to welcoming you.


Warmest Wishes


Alex and Stu

Co-Chairs, Tamar Dowsers 07435 836650


"He who would valiant be

'gainst all disaster

let him in constancy follow the Master

There's no discouragement,

shall make him once relent

his first avowed intent

to be a healer" Variation by CJ

There are many images of 'healing'. Perhaps the grail knight strides boldly down the centre of hospital ward, the light from his solitary candle falling on the beds of the newly healed.

" Uncle, what ails thee ? "

The search for healing, or to be a healer, may be long and without immediate success, but there are an increasing number of books addressed to the quest. One which I am substantially impressed by is

Healing and Meditation : A Doctor's Journey Toward Their Integration by Paul Dieppe, ISBN 978-3-032-61059-7 (£33.20)

The book is excellent. If very short of time start at Chapter 7.


Our linked website is at

