She writes : First, I want to say that fear can greatly impact your health and resilience, and unfortunately, the way much of the media is reporting on the Coronavirus has the potential to induce fear. Be mindful about your thoughts and keep a grounded perspective on Coronavirus. If your only source of information is mainstream media then you will be forgiven for thinking that you are in mortal danger if you dare continue with normal life!
Although there is a vast amount of hype, stress, fear and media around the Coronavirus, it remains fairly comparable to our regular seasonal flu. That isn’t to take anything away from those who are ill from the virus, or those who have died. Death in any form brings loss and grief.
During the last two flu seasons in the UK, approximately 20,000 people died and nearly all of those people were already greatly compromised in their health. In the UK, our regular seasonal flu has a mortality rate of 1%. Coronavirus has a mortality rate of 2%. In other words, your chance of contracting the virus is very small (how many people that you know had proper flu last year rather than just a bad cold?). And your chance of recovering from the virus, if you are unlucky enough to succumb, is HUGE - 98%.
Wrap these facts around you, as they will help you hold groundedness and perspective, which in itself will act as strong protection in your energy system and therefore your immune system.
Here is my action list for activating your healthy and vibrant energy system to hold your immune system strong.
Stay happy, laugh a lot, get on with your life. Invite joy. Live big
Eat well, paying particular attention to vitamin C and vitamin D
Sleep enough
Wash your hands regularly with hot soapy water. Personally I avoid all hand washes that state they kill 99.9% of bacteria. 99.9% of bacteria are healthy and totally necessary for your body, which is a symbiotic organism of human cells, bacteria and fungi. Antibacterial hand washes can strip the healthy bacteria from your hands and skin leading to less natural immunity. It is the .01% of bacteria those hand washes don’t kill that are the potential problem. Of course if you don’t have any access to hot water and regular soap then antibacterial hand washes are the next best option. But I’m suspecting that if you are reading this then you do have access to hot soapy water.
There are three main parts of your energy system that you want to keep supported and active in order to stay resilient to viruses. In fact, in order to remain balanced and resilient in your health in general.
A. Your aura
B. Your electromagnetic grounding
C. Your courage.
‘Is courage an energy system?’, I hear you say. No, not quite. But it relates to the electromagnetic energy of the heart, the power of your kidney energy, and your connective 8 system.
I have put together a short energy exercise sequence for you to explore and do regularly during this flu season.
Click for the video
Wishing you joy, courage and vitality this week.
With love,