We are all locked down now
How do we respond creatively to the new normal ?
Perhaps remotely !
Remote Viewing existed long before the Americans set up Operation Stargate, which explored the craft from a military perspective. Several books have been written by people who worked on Stargate, including Joseph McMoneagle.
Dowsing is sometimes thought of as ... Knowing
you're looking for, but... not knowing
it is,
However, Stargate already knew that something iffy was going on at Longitude X and Latitude Y, but didn't know
it was.
The U.S. therefore recruited a variety of sensitives to tune into the location and report on what they found, with an especial interest in large pointy sausages.
They sometimes employed a technique well known from TV programmes such as
hat's My Line
You start with a general 'large category' question to which the answer is yes or no. Then you home in.
So for example the question might be : Is the person male
(which quickly rules out a large percentage of the world's population)
, and then on to similar large categories, such as ... Is the person alive, British, etc ?
With a location it might be : Is it outside, hot, wet, etc ?
Dowsing Today carried a good article on map dowsing, and some people can log into a place. For example, if you tune into a supermarket in your home town, you can - with practice - remotely walk outside the shop and down the high street, exploring the views as you go.
From Remote Perception it is a relatively small step to Remote
. In
Your Hands Can Heal You
a technique is described
(p 102-5)
whereby you can undertake remote healing on inaccessible parts of your back...
...Whilst standing at Location One, mentally/visually project your body a few feet forward to Location Two, just ahead of Location One.
...Still standing at Location One, you can now look forward at your back, which is in Location Two.
...You can now undertake healing work on your back, which is (virtually) in front of you
Stargate video interview at ...
See also ...
Awakening the Third Eye
Samuel Sagan ISBN 978-0-9889548-0-9
MAP : Medical Assistance Programme
by Machelle Small Wright (of Perelandra)
Ced Jackson
Watkins Professor of Metaphysical Interventions at All Souls