The important thing to note is that what I have written here is a picture not a photograph.
A picture is something an artist creates to get the most pleasing effect (composition) because they want to impress or at least improve saleability. A photograph is a real image at a moment in time which can be posed as a picture for the same reasons as a painting, but is generally considered a “truth” as seen from a particular angle.
I think I can safely say that when it comes to understanding dowsing, to the point of it then being “scientific”, then
nobody knows
. And the tough bit is that, strictly,
is anybody supposed to know
? The only thing I can turn to is “the proof of the pudding” principle, as that has worked for me!
Now I’m not in a position to knock scientific method… we know that works; witness the wonders of our age? In applying it to Dowsing, it is starting to look like it falls into the same category as Quantum Mechanics, and as such, we can only throw “pictures” at it and see what happens. The “wait” for the “truth” is likely to outlast us… in our current incarnations, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try, and then pass on our successes
and failures
to those who follow.
Scientific method is to collect some evidence; reinvent the wheel if necessary, but at some point create a proposal (the picture) to be tested. This is an uphill struggle; like the example I give in learning to play the piano adequately at my age; it is unlikely, but not impossible. Learning how dowsing works, and “what to do” to achieve, has been a struggle, but in this case I do have a massive itch to scratch and, because it is fun, I feel I’m getting somewhere.
I know I have a long way to go in this, but that mustn’t put me off trying. I’m starting to get to the point where I may be running out of language (those descriptor words) and the ability to put over what I’m picturing. One can see where we get the “those who know don’t tell” stuff from. One would like to tell, but we may run out of the ability to do so. Only those who have stretched themselves to the same point will be able to share and then you have the classic communication problem “are we talking about the same thing?”
OK, so I may expect that my progress will hit a swamp and slow me down, i.e. it’s going to start to pass over my head. Yet I’m using the very essence of Dowsing to help me through this. It all goes hand in hand with you trusting Spirit and Spirit trusting you…
- Set up a picture based on experiences so far, and “ask” if that picture is adequate for one to use, to move onto a next step.
- Put a collection of “adequate” pictures together and “ask” if the result is still valid for one to progress from them.
- Keep it all simple; do not add bells and whistles that have not been “ask” vetted.
- Accept that it is my effort to resolve the next stage; meaning that you can’t ask Spirit to give you the low-down directly, unless you are already there with the knowledge to understand the answer. So it makes no sense to even think that way, i.e. on the job training!
- Be grateful that Spirit is allowing one to proceed and that Spirit will keep you safe in your endeavours. You must picture that you are part of Spirit! All your experiences are here in this Earthly plane where you can learn lessons by interacting physically.
- Be very careful how you put things over to the “General Public” (non-dowsers). One can easily create the wrong impression due to inadequacies in description, which leads to “those who tell don’t know” and accusations of arrogance!
What the heck is my goal? I don’t really know, unless I see it as some sort of progression for mankind! If I “asked” that, would I understand the answer?
One could ask if there is a practical outcome to this “progress”; i.e. would it change anything for the better (then define “better”?) I have some pictures on that, but that is probably what my motivation is all about. What I do know is that I have to keep each of my feet carefully in one of two “Worlds” and stay having fun
Encouraging Support
The following picture arose from the fact that the box for “contact”, in Ced’s Local Dowsing Society listings, was empty for our entry and some of the others had been filled in. Our website address was there though, so anyone could contact us through that, but I felt that anyone wanting to make contact should be encouraged. This comes from generally realising that anyone who is out to find out more about such a subject, like ours, is likely to be feeling fearful of being sucked down a deep dark hole from which they will never escape… with their soul intact?
So, recruiting wise… I’m conscious that if one is to imply “
get in touch; when you feel it might be fun
”, then smoothing the way would be sensible. I actually “ask” that my contact information is protected from misuse, such that it is there for those who need it. The key point here is that one is not saying “look at me”
(an ego boosting status)
, but more confidently; “well, I’m not trying to hide”….
I picture that to become a dowser one needs to have a certain “itch to scratch”. It is more difficult to get beyond a certain level, in one’s search for a “truth”, without the support of “friends”, who keep imploring; “
don’t give up
”. Without our learned dowsing friends one can become “lost” and the curiosity-itch fades away.
It happened to me in a pre-Internet era, but it wasn’t a wasted time. When, later on, someone did jump out the woodwork and say “have you ever done any dowsing before?”, I said “yes”, with a certain pride; “but I thought I had no promise!” That person put me in contact with their community of dowsers and then I started “scratching” for real! So now I feel that I should offer myself as an encouragement to others; such that if anyone wants to know, then just ask me, or us. I’ll do my best at explaining the unexplainable and take that “horse to the water”.
A further picture (and this covers many types of service organisation) is that it does not work, at all well, if you just advertise generally, to all and sundry; i.e. you are likely to get a disappointing response. The best approach is a friendly one-to-one with someone who may have stepped up and taken an interest. You invite them personally to join in. But how did they know who to ask? Well, maybe that is the real purpose
of “general” advertising; to say “we do exist”? This principle seems to have an R0 of less than one, so we shouldn’t expect a “rapid expansion of interest” any time soon?
Would an “expansion of interest” in Dowsing, ”save the World”? I’m happy to put in public appearances like talks, lectures, manning stalls, write articles, i,e, plant seeds, but I don’t get that I should “demand” attention.
Dowsing’s bottom line is getting “access to all knowledge”. Well most of us know that is easier said than done? Far too mysterious to preach that? So, continue with the softly–softly, as that is what we are all used to? What do you think?
Waverley Membership Circulation:
International Dowsing Day will be upon us shortly on 5th May. But it appears that much will be made of the weekend 2nd and 3rd
May, if the chance is found. I’m not a great one for making a special day for celebration; except that it probably does get “the word” mentioned more widely. Every day is Dowsing Day!?
As Chair, I’m conscious of wishing everyone, in our Waverley and Dowsing circles, a safe journey t
hrough this virus crisis. Any time is a good excuse to chat to each other about this and that, and about our own dowsing, so if you haven’t done so already, do try and connect with each other and say what you picture, and what you have found. This crisis has created a period of enforced rest on us all and even though this will be an anxiety for some, due, say, to loss of income and the like; it should be viewed as a message for us at all levels.
What sort of message or meaning are you getting from your asking of simple questions? The fundamental is that, as a dowser, you should know how to “ask”… then comes the creation of balance in your mind when “asking”, i.e. no “axe to grind” and the calmness to accept YES or NO answers with equality. If you feel that you are still uneasy then go for permissions. The may I, should I and can I, should be seen as confidence boosters and not as plain nagging for you to be careful. If you do get a NO then do ask if protection is needed and if you get YES to that, then ask if a protection technique, that you know of, will enable you to continue
If so, then implement your protection and ask for permissions again. The whole principle of dowsing manifestation works very well if you are calm and confident. If you keep getting a NO then change the question and try again… or “please try again later” ! Play the Devil’s advocate with yourself until you feel that you are “ready” to ask. Having said that (like you will then get perfect answers), you must realise that there is always room for error. This is of less importance than the effort and feeling that you respectively insert and extract from the practice of “asking”. We can all “play” the piano, but before we become “competent” we need to play our scales over and over (I didn’t like doing my scales and gave up, but I can still “decode” a score and make a noise).
All I can say to the novice, to encourage you, is that Spirit will slowly ease off giving you a hard time, once you know what you are addressing and that they can trust you too. Spirit loves us all and will not let us “fall”; unless we ask for such! Most importantly you should approach it all as fun. This lightness of touch will confound any negativity. Privately, tell each other what you may care to have predicted, and keep a note of how it turns out. To prevent paradox, one must see the future as “not written yet”. If anything changes significantly, between now and the predicted event, then the outcome may be significantly different. This might explain why Oracles never gave “answers” in anything but an ambiguous form?
Note well; that you must practice the experience of being proved correct. This is quite shocking and leads to “thoughts of grandeur”, which will give your ego a jolt. The only way to overcome this, and stay humble, is to keep doing it until your ego doesn’t even flicker. Plus, I must recommend that you ask yourself “why do I want to know”? If the answer is “for training purposes” then carry on, otherwise analyse where you are taking a particular line of questioning.
The important bit is to never “beat yourself up”; everything that you do is for a purpose and however it turns out it is a lesson to be learnt; don’t dump your common sense. Keep a lookout for events around you that maybe coincidental, odd or unusual…. If you do notice these then you just ask “was that for me?”. Some of the time you may get a NO, but when you do get a YES then have a little drill-down and see how far you get. If this gets a little “hairy” then don’t forget the confidence boosters above!
When the Government says we can all go out to play again, we will get back on track with our regular Friday meetings (and an AGM). Hopefully we might get a warm evening outside… before it gets cold again? A weekend version could be a visit to Glastonbury?
If being stuck indoors is getting a little “twitchy” for you, then try some map dowsing and/or find what is present in your own house or garden? If you are stuck for answers on how to find or proceed, or you have questions about what we do, then send me an email and let’s chat about it at...
… I’m not going anywhere! Remember that if you want to “progress” then it is up to you to do the “finding”. No one is pushing you to be “progressive”. Whatever you feel is right is correct for you. If I think you are trying to “move on” I will give you encouragement. I’m always trying to move on myself and I’m grateful that you might be helping me do so too.
Love and light and have fun, Geoff