Local Dowsing Group News :   No. 47

Rewilding Ourselves
The Spirituality Special Interest Groups' last meeting was held via Zoom technology, early in the month, and despite the lovely spring weather there were lots of participants.  
Kate Smart
Our focus for the meeting was Rewilding Ourselves , a topic that took us on quite a ramble starting with what rewilding means in the ecological sense.

Although there have been many attempts to enrich depleted habitats through the reintroduction of species, these have not always been successful. Knitting together the complex web of life has taken many millennia to happen naturally, and our efforts often lead to unexpected consequences including imbalances in the numbers of certain species. Bringing about a balance is much more difficult than perhaps we can realise.  

In most cases the remedy appears to be the reintroduction of predators. Predation within the system is not always welcomed by local livestock farmers, or communities, for obvious reasons. We also find that the original predators have often become extinct (perhaps through man’s management of the environment). Reintroducing predators is controversial and many schemes for rewilding would not gain approval if these plans included species like wolves as top predators.

So how does this relate to rewilding ourselves? Well, ultimately man is the top predator in the environment - we shape the way our environment looks and what it yields. We are the agent for good or ill and often we attempt to control, maintain and use the environment for our profit without any recompense. But what if this description of our role has been influenced by the omission of a simple dot? The word in question is translated as ‘dominion’.

In the Hebrew Bible there is but a dot between the different interpretations of the word in Genesis. With one dot the translation means to subdue and control whereas with two dots the word means to come down or to lower oneself. With the first translation we perhaps arrive at our current concept of man having dominion over nature and with the second the shift is towards man working with the other living beings in a much more collaborative way. After all, man is not separated from nature but of course intrinsic to nature.

So rewilding ourselves is about making visible the invisible around us. Whether that’s a tiny dot over a Hebrew glyph or recognising the wonder of all of nature around us and seeing it with renewed awe and wonder and in turn seeing ourselves as the same. This state of realisation and recognition brings us closer to everything, including the Cosmic Consciousness.

We looked at three spells to help reawaken our wild eyes to see things afresh. The first was to honour the humble earth worm without which our soil would not exist. The second was to recognise the industry of the honeybee that pollinates our crops and fruit. The third was to take breakfast with a noble tree and listen to the life coursing through it’s veins. Each of these amazing beings has intelligence beyond our imaginings and that we are only just starting to understand. In particular that each ‘remembers’ a map of it’s environment and communicates in a way that we might call social, for the greater good of their community and in harmony with their resources.

It seems that only man has ‘lost his Kingdom’ through forgetting his wild nature. It all awaits us. Have fun with the ‘spells’ SSIG members and if you’d like any further information please contact Kate.tudorhall@gmail.com

The 'other' SSIG
I refer of course to the Spirituality and Psychiatry Special Interest Group of the Scientific and Medical Network , an upstart outfit which has just celebrated its 20th anniversary.

It is only recently that I have joined the Scientific and Medical Network, but its journal, 'Paradigm Explorer', is absolutely fascinating if you're at all interested in some of the more heavy duty topics this newsletter has sometimes commented on so incisively.

The 'other' other...
...is the American based Institute of Noetic Sciences , which is interested in nature of consciousness and the content of other pub quizzes. It is also the home of Dean Radin whose ' Real Magic ' I have devoured (with relish).

Bee Special Interest Group
There is an interesting specialist book service at ...

And information on 'piping' and swarming prediction is provided in..

I am compiling an informal register of (i) dowsers with an interest in beekeeping, and (ii) beekeeping groups. Log your interest by writing to info@CedJackson.org

A list of local dowsing groups is at www.localdowsinggroups.uk
Do let us know of your activity in this field.

The Malvern Hills Tree of Life
" I moved to Malvern in the early 1980s together with my wife and children, and three other families to set up the Runnings Park Centre for Spiritual Studies. This was the first time that I had stayed in Malvern for any appreciable time and quickly fell in love with the place and its unique energies. Shortly after we had moved, I was shown in a group silent meditation a Kabbalistic ‘Tree of Life’ pattern overlaying the Malvern Hills."

David Furlong  
At the same meditation, my wife Diane picked up the same information. I then spent the next few weeks exploring detailed maps of the Malvern Hills seeking to discover whether the inner guided information was correct. 

I was initially struck by an axial line, on an approximate north/south axis that passed through the highest point of the Malverns, the Worcester Beacon, and followed through the Little Malvern Priory, to Castle Moreton Common. The line appeared to start at the Cowleigh Bank/Old Hollow, crossroads with Cowleigh Road; an old rectory stood on the corner of the road here. What was remarkable was that Runnings Park to the west, lay directly opposite the Great Malvern Priory church in the east, at the same distance from, and at right-angles to this main axial line through the Hills.  

With these few points in place, it then became easier to map out the pattern that I eventually, named the Malvern Hills Tree of Life (ToL). It does bear a close resemblance to the traditional Kabbalistic tree, saving only that it would seem to be inverted if one assumes that the top of the Malvern tree sits in the north and not the south. The existence of this landscape pattern suggests the possibility that the original ToL was also based on another landscape, and if so, who might have been the creators. Before exploring this idea, a few further details need to be explained. 

The Malvern ToL is geometrically based with an isosceles triangle, with internal angles of 65 degrees and an apex of 50 degrees in the north and an equilateral triangle (all 60-degree angles) in the south. This pattern gives a feeling of a more ‘yin’ feminine presence in the south focused on Castlemoreton Common, and a more ‘yang’ masculine energy, focused on the Wych Cutting and Worcester Beacon in the north. Furthermore, the eastern side of the Malverns, looking towards the sunrise, seems more exoteric in its vibrational energy. In contrast, the western side looks towards the Brecon Beacons, and sunset, more esoteric. 

For several months and then years, I went on to explore the different energies of the Malverns, and the patterns that have emerged from this ToL. It contains remarkable healing energies, which are reflected out in the various healing springs of the Hills. One can also perceive a chakric system running along the primary axial line. This starts with the Crown chakra at North Hill; the Brow or Ajna chakra on Worcester Beacon, the highest point of the Malverns; the throat chakra at the Wyche Cutting; the Heart chakra, on the ‘Eye Well’ just above ‘Holy Well’; the Solar Plexus chakra at Little Malvern Priory; the Sacral chakra on Castlemorton Common; the Base chakra at the southern end of Castlemoreton near Holy Bush and the Root chakra in Smokeacre Coppice, near Chase End Street.

Over the years, there has been further guidance about the origin of this pattern, which seems to date back to a very distant past time in human evolution. The pattern has been created on an ‘etheric’ level by ‘etheric beings’ who first came to the Earth, around two hundred thousand years ago. These beings came from a planet that originally circled the star we see today as the ‘eye’ in the constellation of Bull or Taurus, which we know as Aldebaran. The memory of this race from the stars can be found in different world myths. In the Bible, they were known as the ‘Elohim’, while to the Hopi people of Arizona they are the Kachinas and so on. They inhabited high places, which is why many mountains such as Mount Shasta, bear their imprint. They bequeathed to us an amazing heritage that we can still use to this day. The energies of the Malvern Hills can be called upon for sending healing and balance to our planet to mitigate some of the destructive forces that are in evidence and to lend weight to those projects, which seek harmony with the Earth and its denizens. The way to do this is to find your ‘spot’ on the Hills and to then tap into the energies of the ToL, calling upon it for support and help. Good luck with the seeking… the Giant Albion is stirring and will soon be awake. 
          More information at ...
Email davidrf44@btinternet.com


The Power of our Intentions
Here’s an interesting tale. It involves two marine biologists, Pleas and Day, of the University of Delaware, in the U.S.A. They were intrigued by the idea that human consciousness could interact with living organisms, so they set about designing some experiments to demonstrate this hypothesis.
(The full story can be found in Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 2 1 3-23 1, 1990).  

Nick Haywood
The subject of the experiments were cultures of unicellular marine algae. These are amongst the simplest of living entities, and because they can swim, Pleas and Day thought that it might be possible to influence their behaviour by using the focussed attention, and intention, of a number of participants. As is common in science, a pilot experiment was conducted first, the idea being to learn how to improve the setup for the formal experiment that followed. They invited 18 people to participate.

The algae were placed in a large transparent tank, in which their movements could be monitored with clever instruments. There were control periods of time when the algae were left undisturbed, and then there were psi stimulus periods, during which each participant was instructed to simply "be with the algae", i.e. to just mentally immerse themselves with the cells, without attempting to increase or decrease the amount of their movement. For this pilot experiment, a total 251 attempts were made, and an effect was indeed observed, which proved to be highly statistically significant. 

For the formal repetition, they made many improvements, with the hope of enhancing the effect still further. This time 14 participants, made 118 attempts. Although the effect was still seen, it was no longer statistically significant. Therefore, the hypothesis that mind could affect living organisms could not be formally substantiated.

To help make sense of these results, they planned another experiment. This time they decided to create the perfect experiment. That is one which excluded “all human activity and by definition, all psi effects”. To achieve this, they would apply a psi stimulus to the algae without involving a human participant, or experimenter, beyond the actual initiation of the experiment. They thought that the apparent difference between the psi stimulus and control periods was then likely to disappear. 

They divided millions of cloned saltwater algae into two groups. One group was placed in a measurement container similar to the one used in the first experiment. For the second group, however, a cruel fate awaited. This was placed in a container suspended above a vat of fresh water. A computer then decided when to drop batches of the algae into the water below. Because of osmosis, this was akin to exposing a person to a vacuum. The dying algae might then influence their sister algae in the measurement tank in some anomalous manner, and this could be monitored. The key idea then, was that a psi stimulus could be applied to the algae without involving a human experimenter.

They proceeded to the pilot study. However, for unforeseen reasons, they decide to over-ride the computer and allow the sacrifices to made by an invited participant, who simply pressed a button to release the algae. The results of 5 sessions showed conclusively that during the sacrifice periods, the motion of the observed algae diminished remarkably as though the were responding the death of their cloned brethren. 

Next, they undertook the formal experiment, but this time with the computer in charge, such that no one knew what was occurring, or when. 37 experiments were completed, but the effect, though still present, was only just about significant.

To clear the matter up, a further experiment was undertaken. They invited the participants from the first experiment to manually perform a series of 42 sacrifices. Much to everyone’s surprise, the effect had now completely disappeared. The presence of people, and their awareness of the period of the kill , were not a sufficient condition for a significant result.

The formal experiments provided no substantive support for the hypothesis that there was any extrasensory perception between humans and the algae, or even between the algae themselves. This was in sharp contrast to the pilot trials, which showed a robust relationship. Some property of the overall system (the algae, the participant, and the experimenter) had changed.

Pleas and Day concluded that this was a change in their expectations between pilot and formal experiments, which had altered the performance. In the trial experiments, their attitude was relaxed, but in the formal studies, there was a need to demonstrate an impressive result and a sense of fear that the experiment might fail to show the effect. They concluded, “ In a larger context, this suggests that the environment which an individual perceives may be a manifestation of their conscious and subconscious expectations. In engineering terminology, the individual and their environment may form an interactive feedback system.

This extraordinary result is an example of the psi-mediated experimenter effect , in which experiments (particularly psi experiments) are susceptible to the expectations of the experimenter in charge. Typically, the initial results are driven by psi, and they come unconsciously, automatically and rapidly. But this is followed by a period of contemplation about the meaning of the results, and this conscious intervention disrupts the mind-matter interaction. So, we tend to observe good results at the start, but this performance declines over time, and the effect may even begin to act in the opposite direction to the intention.

But what has this to do with dowsing ? Perhaps it helps to explain the beginner’s luck of a novice dowser, before they discover that failures can be frequent. It also fits with the oft quoted remark that the first dowsing response is the right one, and that asking the same question, will likely negatively affect the outcome. It is also said that while dowsing, the need to know is also helpful, presumably because it focuses attention. 

Given the decline effect, one might expect applications of psi to be impossible, or at least unreliable over time. So, one of the most remarkable aspects of dowsing is a dowser’s ability to repeatedly obtain helpful answers (that’s not to say of course that mistakes do not occur). Why is this? Well it could be that good dowsers are a self-selecting group, who have some innate well-developed and reliable psi ability, over and above the general population, and no doubt some are. But perhaps it is the use of a dowsing instrument, which is the really fundamental factor here. The nearly instant feedback from an instrument, provides a means of developing the mental attitude necessary to release conscious effort. And the more the instrument can help account for ambiguity (yes/no/don’t know responses), the better. This may not necessarily improve one’s innate psi ability, but it can help eliminate the decline effect. (Similar conclusions have come from remote viewing, a comparable psi application). So, dowsing really has something very important to teach us about the application of psi. 

Finally, the experimenter effect implies that our intentions can literally create what we “observe” in the World, and that complexity is no obstacle to this, for intentions act in a goal orientated manner. They affect living organisms, and they also affect non-living entities as well, even the measuring devices we use to observe the World. Furthermore, this process is not static, but changes with our changing thought processes. So, should dowsers beware? Some dowse things which they believe to be manifestly real, but are they really only shadows? For example, why did Dr Hartmann, discoverer of the Hartmann grid, never discover the grid of Dr Manfred Curry? And it is clear from the BSD journals in the 1980s, that English dowsers did not find either of these grids (though they seem to now), while their continental cousins did not find the “black energies” or “ley lines” found in England. Is it all an illusion? Or is this, that at least partly accounted for, by what Tom Graves termed “ the Joker” , in his book on pendulum dowsing. The Joker’s “rules say that nothing is absolutely known, and nothing is absolutely predictable”. 


On the web !

This newsletter has a linked web site which lists local dowsing groups in the UK, together with a number of national groupings. The web address is www.localdowsinggroups.uk

Info on updates welcomed by Info@CedJackson.org

Access to the full contents of all editions of LDGN Nos 1-42 is via
No 43 at https://conta.cc/2V40UOF ; No 44 is at https://conta.cc/3b8EuCD and No 45 at https://conta.cc/2xjGBF4 .

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