A Dowser's Inspiration
"The still invisible and intangible positive effects of the spray have thus far been objectified only through measurements made by dowsing with a pendulum to supersensibly reveal data unobtainable by normal human senses. Still considered by orthodox science as mumbo-jumbo, if not outright charlatanry, the art of dowsing has nevertheless been very successfully employed as a diagnostic tool. Aubrey Westlake M.D., an English physician who used it extensively, stated a year before his death at ninety-two: "I believe that the rediscovery of the faculty is not fortuitous, but has been vouchsafed to us by providence to enable us to cope with the difficult and dangerous stage of human development that lies immediately ahead. For it gives indirect access to a supersensible world, thus extending our awareness and knowledge. The faculty should be regarded as a special and peculiar sense, halfway between our ordinary physical senses, which apprehend the physical world, and our to-be-developed future occult senses, which in due course will apprehend the supersensible world directly."
Secrets of The Soil - Tompkins and Bird, p 210 - 211.
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