Local Dowsing Group News :   No. 50

Online U.S. West Coast dowsing conference
July 3rd - 7th

It's free. For info see ...

Info sought ...
Lampros Vatsilidis is a dowser from Greece looking to find a set of twin electronic dowsing rods (4 rods in total). To be more specific, these rods look handmade and a friend bought years ago in the UK.
" The details are that is four rods (twins), need two persons to operate, one holds two of them and the other one the other two rods.

Someone else is named this set "Twin electronic dowsing rods”.

The two rods each person holds are connected between them with a cable and the two of the total four rods are taking 2 batteries inside in order to operate.

They have one small led light near to the edge. The two are in color red and the other in yellow to the edge and to the middle. I have attached a picture of the two of them connected with a cable.

I will appreciate a lot if you could provide any info about where could I found a set of this total four rods.

Thank you!!
Lampros (All info please to Info@CedJackson.org)
On the web !

This newsletter has a linked web site which lists local dowsing groups in the UK, together with a number of national groupings. The web address is www.localdowsinggroups.uk

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Access to the full contents of all editions of LDGN Nos 1-42 is via
No 43 at https://conta.cc/2V40UOF ; No 44 is at https://conta.cc/3b8EuCD and No 45 at https://conta.cc/2xjGBF4 .

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