Dowsing and its organisational framework
There is a perception amongst some dowsers that all is not well.
Financial pressures, falling membership, illness, resignations, and disagreements over governance, have resulted in a gap developing between formal structures and the practice of the craft.
Whereas a loose collection of practitioners once fruitfully co-operated in a variety of arenas, the organisational environment has fragmented. This is not helpful.
But at the same time as these problems have appeared, there have been innovative developments through regional initiatives, and by local groups, and other groupings dedicated to specific aspects of the art.
I therefore propose that a new settlement is reached, re-integrating the various branches and practices of dowsing in the UK.
This will be achieved by bringing together the different dowsing practices, and ensuring their representation on an integrating body. Let us call that body the BSD Council.
In order to draw on the energy existing in various parts of the organisation, the following proposals are put forward for outline approval at the 2020 AGM, and for practical implementation at the 2021 AGM.
These proposals may seem dry and procedural, but are aimed at
re-invigoration. They are aimed at helping to integrate the energy and creativity of the grass roots.
It is proposed… (see over)
It is proposed that...
Following agreement to the proposals listed below at the 2020 AGM, an implementation plan will be drawn up by the proposal’s mover, and be submitted for formal approval at the 2021 AGM. It will...
1.xxxChange the format of BSD Council meetings so they could be conducted over the internet via Zoom or equivalent
2.xxxChange the composition of the BSD Council, by putting forward proposals to the AGM in 2021, along the following lines...
3.xxxLocal Dowsing Groups : Local Dowsing Groups may collectively put forward up to two Dowsers, who will then be co-opted onto the BSD Council
4.xxxWater Dowsers : Members of the Water Dowsing SIG (soon to be renamed Water Dowsing UK), and other Water Dowsers registered with the BSD, may as a group put forward up to two people who will then be co-opted onto the BSD Council.
5.xxxHealth Dowsers : Professionally registered BSD Dowsers with an active interest in Health Dowsing may collectively put forward up to two dowsers, who will then be co-opted onto the BSD Council
6.xxxSpirituality Special Interest Group members may collectively put forward one person who will then be co-opted onto the BSD Council.
7.xxxDowsing Research Group members may jointly put forward one person who will then be co-opted onto the BSD Council.
8.xxxIndividual BSD Dowsers may put themselves forward for competitive election to the offices of Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, and for the role of promoting the interests of Lone Dowsers (those not covered by a Local Group). These elections to take place at the 2021 AGM.
Ced Jackson
August 13th 2020