Letters to the Ed
Dear Ced
Way back in time when Special Interest Groups existed there was an active Health group. I was the Chairman and Jane Court was the vice chairman. We both went on to form the International Association of Health Dowsers (IAHD ) which still exists and has a moderate membership. Jane Court is now the Chairman and I have retired from the IAHD committee.
The main part of IAHD membership when I was a committee member, was that the dowsers were also qualified therapists rather than dowsers who use dowsing as a tool for occasional health purposes. Perhaps being a qualified therapist could be a basic requirement for any separate from BSD health dowsing group.
It should be noted that Jane Court is now on the BSD committee and I have no doubt, informally will have health dowser's views in mind when health matters are brought up at B.S.D. meetings should such a subject be raised.
I still believe the getting rid of the Specialist Interest Groups was partly the reason for the decline of the BSD. Having the BSD as a hub for knowledge was a good means of getting an overview of what was happening in the various fields.
I can't think of any way that the BSD can be returned to the state of its glory days. Perhaps the suggestions here ( https://conta.cc/2PMZ2HK ) would work. However, one of the problems is to get people willing to find the time to keep the B.S.D. going.
Good luck to all who attempt to keep the B.S.D. afloat but its purpose and benefits to members will have to be clearly defined.
Keith Harmon nrgft@hotmail.com
An invitation
As LDGN No 55 goes to press, the BSD AGM is still scheduled to take place on October 17th, just over four weeks away.
The AGM will be conducted via Zoom (or similar), so I thought it might be helpful to offer space in the next edition of this newsletter (No 56), for people to circulate their views in advance of the AGM. To ensure that your views are published in the next edition, you must get them to Ced Jackson before the end of September. Info@CedJackson.org
Please note that this newsletter is not part of the BSD AGM process. You must ensure that you take appropriate steps to comply with BSD AGM procedures.
Dowsers Contra Covid !
As the number of people infected - and the cost - go stratospheric, it may be worth trying something very old.
Dowsing and feng shui look at the body, the house, and this body in this house. So it is worth calling for ...
Shields Up ! - Opening Sacred Space
... as set out in 'Shaman Healer Sage' by Alberto Villoldo p 147 - 149, an important text.
This utilizes the light of the eighth chakra - above the head - creating a kind of secure spiritual Faraday Cage. We expand this radiant orb and rest within it. We can actually sit within it and shield ourselves from the static of the world.
"Bring your hands over your chest into prayer pose. Slowly raise your hands, still in prayer pose, until they are above your head. Sense your fingertips entering the globe of the eighth chakra. Sense how this spinning sun yields and opens to you. Very slowly, like a peacock opening its fan, expand the circumference of this brilliant orb to envelop you by turning our palms outward and extending your arms. Bring your arms down until your hands touch the chair, and bask in the light of your eighth chakra."
It is important to close sacred space after you have completed your work, so that the source does not get polluted. Do this by reversing the opening sequence.
We shall fight them on the etheric
The most useful and succinct text on healing and dowsing I have found is within the writings of Joey Korn, as set out in Dowsing : A Path to Enlightenment.
At the core of his approach are prayers (blessings, short statements, intentions, invocations), which are carefully crafted to cover necessary requirements. The process of constructing the prayers is set out in his book. Here are some examples. Construct you own which address Covid.
Blessing over an entire Home
Type "simple-blessing-process-by-Joey-Korn" into your search engine, and click on 'videos' at the top of the page, and then go to the first (and then subsequent) videos. Say...
If it be Thy Will,
May the Powers of Nature converge to increase and enhance
the beneficial energies in this entire house,
Including the energies related to us as human beings,
The energies related to underground streams of water and other natural forces of the Earth,
The energies radiating from electrical devices,
and Hartmann & Curry Grid Lines,
Throughout my home and property,
For all the members of this household,
For all those who will visit, for our pets and plants, and for all of life,
For now and into the future,
For as long as is appropriate.
In deep gratitude.
and ...
The Simple Blessing Process over Yourself
Dear God (or however you feel comfortable addressing the Divine)
Please bless me and charge me with energy
To bring healing and balance to my complete being, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually
(Optional: Add statement of intent. See book)
Thank you.
Also see :
Ask Ced for a copy of his doc on Dowsing & Healing
The rule - and joy - of sox : Wear six pairs of socks at all times