As you did so, it expanded and produced more radials or spokes. It reacted to human consciousness, often producing a spiral and also the lemniscate (the infinity symbol).
Now Hamish would ask “How many radials were there at four o’clock this morning before anyone came into the hall?” The answer might have been eight or fewer but he had established a base line to work to - and that was what I needed to do. I determined next time I was underground to find an energy line - any type of energy line - I wasn’t going to be fussy.
Ingleborough Caves were about an hour’s drive or so away so off I set with my collapsible dowsing rods in my jacket pocket. As our visitor group descended, I held back a little and assembled one of my rods and formulated my question: “Are there any energy lines down here as found by Hamish Miller?”. The rod gave me a ‘Yes’ response. “O.K. Are they earth energy lines as I would view them?” 'No'.
I had found out what the problem was: I was asking the wrong question. Better still, I was asking the right question but in the wrong way and being too rigid in my phrasing!
I asked the rod to show me where one of these lines was. It was about two feet away. I followed where it pointed and stopped when it reacted to indicate the outer edge of a line. I was overjoyed: I had finally solved the mystery of Hamish’s missing lines - or should I say, the ones I could not find.
So what should they be called? I could not just label them ‘earth energy lines’ as I had already detailed those in my report. It was not until I was working on the book ‘Spirit and Earth’ with Tim that the word ‘dynamic’ suddenly came into my mind. That was it: they are now known as Dynamic Energy Lines.
A Dynamic Energy Line is similar to an earth energy line but unlike your standard energy line that runs on the surface of the planet, these can be found many hundreds of feet below ground level. They interact with human consciousness, expanding and contracting.
When teaching at Avebury Community Hall, it was always noticeable that the energies there would change, subtly to begin with, as the attendees chose their seats and readied themselves for the day. I would dowse the width of the Dynamic Line there before anyone entered. At rest, it would normally be around two feet wide. Then before I started talking, I would measure it once again - it would be slowly expanding. An hour later, it had increased in size to encompass all those in the room.
During the day, we could draw on its expanded energies but not the other way around; however, these increased energies were certainly not ones to live with permanently. It wasn’t just the information that I was imparting which was causing the attendees fatigue – the Dynamic Line was also the culprit. Living within these expanded and higher vibration energy patterns 24/7 would certainly be harmful to many humans. Therefore these lines need to be cleared and healed of any detrimental patterns running within them.
Unlike earth energy lines, Dynamic Lines are made up of varying numbers of energy bands that travel in opposing directions. I never seem to find even numbers of these bands, only odd numbers: 3, 5, and 7. I like to find out how many of these bands need clearing and then carry out healing on each one. These lines interact with humans, therefore it is logical to assume that they can absorb our emotions.
Dynamic Lines and Sacred Sites
People go to sacred sites for many different reasons - some to dowse, some to soak in the ancient energies, some to let go of their stress and worry. The reasons are many. By just sitting or walking around somewhere like Avebury we are relaxing, unwinding and becoming less tense. As this happens, we begin to release much of our pent up emotion...
What do you think happens to it ?
If every sacred site is an emotional dumping ground, and these emotions
are never cleared away, can you imagine how they would feel? ‘Sinister’ is one word; ‘Depressing’ is another. They would become places that no-one
in their right mind would want to visit. There has to be a way of keeping them clear, one that doesn’t have to involve human beings.
Dynamic Lines play a big part in this, allowing detrimental patterns to flow out of the site, dispersing and diluting them over many miles as they wend their way across the countryside.
Living with a Dynamic Line
Imagine what living with an active Dynamic Line could be like... With that thought in mind, I do work regularly on my own home, checking to make sure that we have not picked up any unwanted house guests, lost souls or trapped elementals and to make sure that no water veins and earth energies are affecting us detrimentally. But I do get very busy and sometimes there can be a week in between me checking.
Allyson and Annie hadn’t been sleeping well. I checked to see which cycle
of the moon we were in but there wasn’t a full moon or a new moon so
that wasn’t it. I started running through the checklist in my mind:
“Is it a lost soul?” No.
“Is it a problem with a water vein?” No.
“Is it earth energy related?” Yes.
O.K. I then had to work through the various lines connected with earth energies, including vortices or energy spirals.
I narrowed it down to a Dynamic Line. Several of the individual bands contained energies which were detrimental to Allyson. I then questioned why and found out that it was to do with the Corona Virus. The emotional outpouring of hundreds of people had infected four of the seven energy bands. Their fear, anxiety and uncertainty were seeping out of their homes and into the Dynamic Line - which then ran beneath our property.
No wonder both Allyson and Annie were having problems! However, I seemed to be O.K. I set about clearing the bands and sending the appropriate healing to those people who were responsible for infecting the line in the first place.
I wanted to see whether what I had found and the healing work that I had carried out had made any difference to their sleep patterns before I told Allyson what I had done. The placebo effect is well known; if Allyson had known that I had been working on her, then if there had been any change, at least part of it could have been put down to that. So I did not say anything and waited to see what would happen.
The next morning, Allyson came up to me and said, “Have you been
working on me?” I asked why. “I slept really well last night - first time for about a week”. I then explained what I had found.
To locate Dynamic Lines on a plan
Locating these lines on a plan involves using the same procedure as for
fault lines. They tend run through a home in a reasonably straight line. I personally like to use a light blue pen to mark them.
Dowsing diagnostic questions for Dynamic Lines:
Is the house or family affected by a Dynamic Line?
If so, how many?
How detrimental is each one?
How many bands are there running in each Dynamic Line?
How many of them have been affected by the detrimental energy?
How far above and to either side can the detrimental effects be felt?
Can healing be given to them all?
If no, then check to see when the next healing can take place.
Can the whole line be cleared?
Are you allowed to divert them from your home & others that they
Can we send healing to all the other people who live on, or over,
the line(s)?
Adrian Incledon-Webber is well known as an accomplished house healer, spirit worker and dowsing tutor. The article above is a redacted extract from his forthcoming book, ‘Heal Your Home II’, which is due to be published in the next few weeks. This will contain some updated questions from the original book, ‘Heal Your Home I’, as well as many new ones to work on when carrying out a healing on your family and home. If you would like to reserve a copy, please let Adrian know via