Local Dowsing Group News:  No. 58
Dowsing the Snettisham Gold
Snettisham is in East Anglia, ten miles from Kings Lynn. The treasure includes over 200 torcs, 100 bracelet & and ring ingots, and 234 coins, with a total weight of over 40 kilograms. The metalwork is extremely fine.

The full story is set out in Dowsing Anglia's brilliant free publication at ...

One of its really interesting aspects is that it brings out the links between the sites examined, nodes, the Hartmann and Curry Grid lines, and local leys several miles long.

Dowsing Anglia : Steve & Ann Dawson skad7@hotmail.com

Does your dowsing group need a practical, structured training guide for your trainee members ?   This is it!

The Dowser’s
Training Manual

Written by experienced dowsers from the South Herefordshire and Malvern Dowsers groups, this five part electronic manual is designed to be issued by dowsing groups to their novice dowsers for private study.

The Dowser’s Training Manual can also be used as a basis for in-house practical training sessions or for supervised study with a personal tutor.
Generously illustrated, and in a large enough font to be easily read on screen, it covers basic dowsing principles and practices, and many tips and techniques which can quickly and effectively find an objective, plus exercises for the student to consolidate their new skills.
There are also insights into some of the specialist applications of dowsing to point a new dowser towards some of the directions open to them if they wish to develop in such areas

What does
The Manual
include ?

Part 1: How dowsing works, phrasing the question, permission, protection, identifying lines by colour.

Part 2: various dowsing tools, how to hold and use them, the search position, ‘tricks’ and how to make your own – rods, pendulums, Y rods, bobbers and stick pads.

Part 3: a short glossary of lines and features, how to find a specific type of line on site, dynamic energy lines.

Parts 4 & 5: essays on some specialist uses of dowsing including deviceless dowsing, dowsing plans and maps, house cleansing, professional water dowsing, radionics and healing techniques.

The Dowser's Training Manual is also ideal for carrying on training during lock-down conditions….

There is no monetary charge for The Dowser’s Training Manual; if your group would like a copy for their use, or if you have any further enquiries, please contact the editor, Sue Watts-Cutler, at swattscommercial@gmail.com

National Dowsing Groupings include...
British Society of Dowsers : www.britishdowsers.org
Dowsing Research Group : www.dowsingresearch.org
Professional Dowsers Register :
International Association of Health Dowsers :       
Local Dowsing Groups :    www.localdowsinggroups.UK
Spirituality Special Interest Group : Kate.tudorhall@gmail.com
Water Special Interest Group : dowsing.anglia@gmail.com