Heath also made a connection between these measurements and those
that he found were shown by a particular crop formation that occurred a day before a lecture he was about to give on this subject.
This crop formation had measurements that were in exact proportion to those in Wales but with megalithic feet as its unit of measure, and that these were exactly 1000 times those of the Welsh triangle (Fig 2). He made
a further connection with the layout of Stonehenge which again demonstrated a numerical relationship with Earth-Moon periodicity.
It was pointed out that these solar lunar relationships were already well known by the Druids, with their centre of learning in Anglesey, and that
this enabled them to predict eclipses and the solstices with great accuracy. This knowledge was of great importance to ancient societies, giving the Druid priesthood a certain political status and influence that extended as
far south as Gaul in France. Robin Heath’s discoveries, as do others’ presented in Freddy Silva’s book (The Divine Blueprint, 2020), strongly suggest that megalithic science was a worldwide, integrated blend of astronomy, geometry and metrology, and that here we have an astronomical time period where lengths of time are expressed in terms of megalithic units of measure and when it was vital to understand the relationship between the Earth and its Moon and their respective movements and interactions.
Our research also extended to establishing the interconnectivity between dowsing and electromagnetic currents, voltages and frequencies. Sensitive equipment calibrated to read electrostatic voltages, currents, magnetic fields and electromagnetic emissions has been used to explore responses occurring at megalithic sites and other zones such as vortices and earth energy lines that were detected by dowsing. While field work had been curtailed during 2020, previous years’ research and literature reviews have demonstrated there to be many instances where E-M emissions and terrestrial current s have been recorded as well as electrostatic
phenomena at or near certain ancient sites, which have been corroborated by dowsing.
While interesting data have been collected in recent years, there still remains much to be done. In addition to ongoing research on terrestrial energy lines, fields and vortices, we envisage the production of a
publication setting out a comprehensive model of the connection between dowsing, consciousness and current scientific understanding including quantum non-locality on a cosmic scale and broadly founded on the tenets of the Electric Universe theory.