Local Dowsing Group News:  No. 62

Dowsing during the Total Solar Eclipse
December 14th 2020... Not visible from the UK ... Tavistock, Devon
For many years Ros and I have been dowsing at eclipses around the world, but more often, in recent times, from our home in Tavistock. 

You don’t have to be able to see the eclipse to measure its effects, but it does help to get the full impact if you are in a direct line between the celestial bodies.
Let’s start with the simpler stuff.

On this occasion, I took the energy line in the hall as a base control. But I added measurements of the auras of:

  • a piece of amethyst crystal placed on an energy line
  • a piece of amethyst crystal in a neutral place

  • a jar of small pieces of lava placed on an energy line
  • a jar of small pieces of lava in a neutral place

The amethyst pieces were bought as a pair some years ago for wellbeing purposes, and the lava was collected from a recent eruption of Mt. Etna in Sicily, by myself, in 2001 (on my 50th birthday holiday).

The amethyst was assumed to be inherently fairly energetic, while the lava was considered to be essentially inert.

Despite this eclipse effectively only being visible from Chile and Argentina, the earth, moon and sun were in a direct line for much of the day. The whole eclipse period lasted from 13.34 to 18.53, with the mid point of totality at 16.13.

The energy line in the hall of our bungalow reacted broadly as on previous occasions, with a rapid collapse in width just as the maximum eclipse was starting to take place, followed by a longer, steadier re-widening during the rest of the day - and into the following day.

To find the hall line so wide at the start of the session was a bit unusual, although dowsing indicated that around 8% of this was due to the forthcoming near-conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and the Earth on 21st December 2020.

Another interesting facet of this particular set of data was that the hall line moved a few centimetres to the north west at the start of the process, prior to the start of totality. I have no way of explaining that.

The crystals reacted proportionately more strongly than the hall current, with the one on the energy line being particularly pronounced, and started to expand right from the start of the day’s event.

Although not totally inert, the auras of the lava samples only reacted a little (although, it could be argued, that in percentage terms, their reaction was far greater!).
So far, so good - or at least so far - reasonably understandable.

A fortnight prior to this eclipse, I’d had an exchange of emails with my BSD friend, Grahame Gardner, the former President of the British Society of Dowsers. He has also become the de facto custodian of the nation’s Glossary of Dowsing Terms, originally compiled by Billy Gawn towards the end of the last century.

The Glossary describes the dowsing phenomenon termed ‘pictograms’ as being features of the ‘energy field’, whereas following on from the project that became Fraying at the Margins, I have come to feel that what we are dowsing is essentially information - and not energy, gross or subtle, directly. 

It may seem to be something of an academic point, but it makes a huge difference to appreciating how dowsing might operate. Even subtle energy - chi if you prefer - is a material force, however slight. What I am suggesting, standing on the shoulders of Billy Gawn and Bill Kenny, is that while we may well be dowsing the presence of subtle energy - because that’s what we are trying to find - what we are actually doing is dowsing the information that it is there in the first place, that underpins it. 

The professional dowser may argue that the end result is much the same in terms of finding the piece of data that was the object of the exercise in the first place, but I would contend that the difference is critical to establishing the platform on which dowsing (and just about everything else in life as we know it) actually operates. I am not intending to have a rant here, merely to explain why I spend so much time and effort unpicking the two concepts.

So, when I went out, on the day of the total eclipse, on to the lawn to find a pictogram (as described by Hamish Miller and Colin Bloy and subsequently investigated by Bill Holding, Ros and myself) I expected to be taken to the shape to the south west corner of the lawn. I found this when I first started to look at the pictogram enigma, but it isn’t a lot of use for these purposes, as it is half hidden in the hedge. But no, the second law of all dowsing is ‘Always expect the unexpected’.

I walked casually into the centre of our seriously soggy green patch, to be confronted by something completely new. Completely new! Had it just arrived? No. We have been here for almost 30 years and it had been there for over 5 millennia, and this day was my time to find it!!

It consists of a tight curl of informational lines (like a coiled spring), which unfolds around the lawn and disappears into a bush to the north east. The ‘line’ is toothed, a bit like an old fashioned saw. With its ‘head’ tucked neatly into its shape, foetus style, ridged ‘back’ and long tail, the more poetic side of me was drawn to the conclusion that I had chanced upon a deep-sleeping dragon. But, back to the here and now.

The shape dowses as having first arrived approximately 5,400 years ago. It has no gender, and it is not formed by earth energy, as we conventionally know it. My contention that such shapes don’t change at all during eclipses took a knock shortly into the day’s events, as the tail lengthened a little, and eventually, and ever so slowly, reached across the path and into the bathroom. The head uncoiled slightly, a bit like a spring releasing gently as it winds down. It was the slightest of motions, but it certainly happened - and you must always report what you find.
Following our previous experience, I dowsed to see which chakra I was using, and found that I was dowsing through my orange (sacral) portal.  Ros came out to join me and dowsed the same pictogram using her green (heart) chakra, which produced a completely different shape. 
It seemed to us that there are actually 14 possible configurations, of which 7 are the main coloured chakras. I asked if these included male/female versions or mirror images, but no joy - and no time to dwell on it too much. 

My pictogram had not been laid down deliberately, and not by a human. This image relates to something from the animal kingdom, and the originator was about the size of seven humans. No response for anything bovine or equine. I did get a feeling for something like a mammoth, but the rational side of me says there were no such creatures of this ilk in our garden in the late Neolithic or early Bronze Ages.

The image is neither positive nor negative, beneficial nor detrimental, good nor bad - at least from my perspective. It just is. The format of the pictogram dowsed as being about 40% down to my interpretation of the information.  By the end of the evening, it had settled back to its former size, and the dragon had gone back into a deep slumber. Sorry to disturb you, but thanks for the help, anyway. In fact, my subsequent dowsing implied that even its apparent subtle movement was more down to my interpretation than actuality, but that is yet another question for another day. Dowsing on the hoof like this always raises more questions than it provides answers - and the potentiality of the information field really is vast.
So, by lunchtime, I was already starting to concoct an email to Grahame in my mind, explaining that in my humble opinion, and using eclipse-based experience, pictograms are purely informational forms and not earth energy features in the conventional sense of the word. 

However, rule three of dowsing states ‘You only ever have a tiny part of the story’.
Shortly after lunch, and with the measurements still ongoing, our long-standing collaborator and fellow member of the Tamar Dowsers, Annie Holland, turned up with a bag of potash from her fire for my compost heap and, knowing the significance of the day, had taken the opportunity to come round to see what we were doing. 

While I was getting the next set of line and crystal dowsing results logged, and Ros was making us all a mug of socially distanced tea, Annie also looked for a pictogram on the lawn, using her car keys as a pendulum. 

She came up with something completely different - an image of 13 (think female, moon) ellipses in a ‘floral’ pattern. Hers had no colour, but vibrated at 35hz. Clearly, an earth energy feature.

The importance of this sequence of events is multifold but, in a nutshell:

It is apparent that pictograms come in various types, both with and without earth energy, in various chakra colours and with no colour. Inevitably, much of the interpretation is in the mind of the dowser, but there is sufficient overlap and commonality to be reasonably certain that we are dealing with ‘real’ phenomena.

In essence, both Grahame’s understanding that pictograms are earth energy features holds under certain circumstances while mine, that pictograms are purely informational forms, is more applicable under others. Like much of the quantum world, even this only seems to crystallise when it happens - or at least when you observe it. 

Following Billy Gawn’s lead, I have become inclined to accept that what we seek when we are dowsing is pure ‘information’.

I understand Earth Energy, which is very much my home ground, as being a ‘physical’ force, or at least a force generated by something physical - perhaps geology and/or planetary rotaion.

Earth energy dowsing seems to be a mixture of human mental/psychic awareness and the energy of the universe.

However, in a philosophical (and maybe now a ‘quantum’ scientific) sense, matter arises ultimately from consciousness, rather than the other way around.

If information is the ‘basic’ component level of reality, then it is at this level that we - as beings essentially composed of information - can be at one with the universe in its informational form - and dowsing therefore becomes an inevitable output rather than just an unfalsifiable hypothesis.

I thought that was rather a profound finding for a damp winter’s day’s dowsing on a west country lawn.

Nigel Twinn
Tavistock, Devon
December 2020

Please note: More write ups and images about this type of work can be found under the ‘Dowsing at Eclipses’ section of my wordpress website at

Healthy and Wise News

Paul Craddock has just brought out the first edition of his new newsletter -renamed Healthy and Wise - with an article on Using the Dowsing Effect to cut your heating bill.

Power of Eight update
There is now a healing focussed PO8 (Dowsing) group in existence. Next meeting Thursday Jan 28th at 5.30pm


National Dowsing Groupings include...
British Society of Dowsers : www.britishdowsers.org
Dowsing Research Group : www.dowsingresearch.org
Professional Dowsers Register www.professionaldowsersregister.co.uk
International Association of Health Dowsers :     www.healthdowsers.org
Spirituality Special Interest Group : Kate.tudorhall@gmail.com
Water Special Interest Group : dowsing.anglia@gmail.com
British Dowsing - dowsing archives & discussion forum : britishdowsing.net

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