Dowsing for Lost Objects
Kate Smart & Ced Jackson recently gave a presentation on this subject to the University of the Third Age in Malvern.
A story about lost keys:
I was at my friend’s house. He had lost his car keys. The good news was that a dowser was present. I dowsed and asked...
‘Are the keys in this living room ?’ (Answer : Yes)
After looking for some time - but not finding them - we
adjourned to the kitchen. I asked…
‘Are the keys in this kitchen ?’ (Answer : Yes)
After looking for some time - but not finding them - we
adjourned to the lounge. I asked…
‘Are the keys in this lounge?’ (Answer : Yes…)
At this point they made a jingling noise in my friend’s pocket.
They had moved from room to room with their owner.
There are almost as many ways of Dowsing for Lost Objects as there ways of losing them in the first place.
The different techniques can be grouped into the following categories :
Dowsing the Garden (Sometimes known as Dowsing the Field)
Dowsing the Owner
xxxxxRemote Viewing
Dowsing the Garden - Dowsing the Field
Imagine that you have lost something in your garden.
You could look for it by...
(i) Wandering aimlessly about in the garden, or…
(ii) Mentally superimposing an empty 8 x 8 grid on the Garden
(iii) Then naming the individual squares as follows...
xxxxxxBottom row, left to right, A1, B1, C1, D1, E1 ,F1 ,G1 ,H1
xxxxxxNext row up, left to right, A2 ,B2 ,C2 ,D2 ,E2 ,F2 ,G2 ,H2 (etc)
(iii) Now if you’ve got 8 x 8 squares, you could dowse for which square contains the lost object. (You must name the missing object, or you might find that old winning - but out of date - lottery ticket)
(iv) A chessboard also has 8 x 8 squares, and there is a way of recording games of chess, by describing how the pieces move, from named square to named square.
The square at the bottom left is called A1, and the square at the top left is called A8. The square at the bottom right is called H1, and the square at the top right is called H8.
(v) You can use the chessboard notation to designate a location - a particular square - in the garden/chessboard.
How to dowse with a chessboard
Mentally place an 8 x 8 square – a chessboard – over the garden.
Now you can dowse your garden. For example, you can ask…
The missing object which I have lost in the garden…
Is it at square A1, or A2, or A3… ? etc.
xxxxxxxThis could take a while as there are 64 possibilities
Or, is it somewhere on row A1 to H1, or A2 to H2, or A3 to H3 …? etc
xxxxxxxThere are 8 possibilities
Hold a pendulum or a dowsing rod in your non-dominant hand, lay a ruler on squares A1 to H1, slide the ruler up the diagram, and ask that your pendulum or rod indicates when you/the ruler have reached the row where the object is located
Or, is it somewhere on Column 1, or Column 2, or Column 3… ? etc.
xxxxxxxThere are 8 possibilities
Hold a pendulum or dowsing rod in your non-dominant hand, lay a ruler on squares A1 to A8, and slide the ruler sideways to the right across the diagram, and ask that your pendulum or rod indicates when you/the ruler have reached the column where the object is located
You could undertake this procedure, and the one before, to get an exact location
Once you’ve done this a few times, you can just slide the ruler up/across the board/garden. Note where/when the pendulum/rod reacts, and do the same with the columns.
And remembering that on the chessboard the black and white squares alternate… Ask if it is on a black square, or a white square ? And/or is it on the top half of the board, or the bottom half of the board ?
There are many questions you can ask a chessboard.
You can look at remote locations using Google or Bing maps. Home in.
The Windscreen Wiper Technique
Place an imaginary windscreen wiper on the chessboard, pivoted at the bottom left of the garden/diagram (in square A1)
The windscreen wiper is the full length of A1 to H1
The tip of the windscreen wiper moves through H1, then H2, then G3, F4, E5, etc.
As the tip of the windscreen wiper/dowsing tool moves through the above, when there is a reaction by the pendulum (held in your non-dominant hand), the object is somewhere along the line of the rod/wiper.
Dowsing the Owner
Before the item was lost. It was not lost.
It belonged to someone.
The dowser Christopher Strong wrote that if something is lost, it’s always important to ask if there is a message involved !
Is the message on a physical level ? If not, enquire if the message is on a psychic or spiritual level. You can always ask for help.
Is it something you need to know, something to ask, or something you need to do ?
Christopher said that one approach is to take any book, such as a dictionary, and ask for a clue. Dowse if the clue (word) is in this (e.g. the first half) or that (the second half) part of the book, and dowse to get it down to one page. Then, dowse if it is in para 1, 2, 3, etc, and then which word.
For Christopher an irritating cough was a sign of a message, and a sneeze a sign of confirmation.
Be careful what you ask for, especially in relation to missing people or pets. You might find them, but their spirit may have departed, and the police may be curious as to why you are so good at finding dead bodies !
Sometimes things may become lost because someone or something was wronged at an earlier time, and the shock-waves this caused came to be associated with the lost object. Perhaps reparations or energetic work is required ? Do socks go missing because they are fed up with being trodden on.
Sometimes pain is a message, whether it is about one’s health or one’s action (or inactions). Pain is good at getting our attention.
When dowsing for lost pets, a photo of the animal may help - or a picture of the person who has lost it - as it may help you to tune in.
Taken from ‘The autobiography of a Sceptical Dowser’, by Nigel Twinn, about Christopher Strong, which is very good.
So dowse…
Was it stolen Yes/No ?
Did you lose it when you were in the garden Yes/No ?
What were you doing : Gardening/Digging/Playing with the Dog, etc
Remote Viewing
Think of a town you know well
Mentally walk around the town. Start at the big church, and turn (dowse for whether you turned left or/right) ____________
Name the shops on the High Street (in order) ____________
You went into a shop because you wanted to buy ___________
You put your hand in your pocket to pay for it and (accidentally) _________
Have fun !
Becoming Supernatural
This is Joe Dispenza's latest book, and very good it is too.
Along the lines of 'If you always Do what you've always Done, You'll always Get what you've always Got!'. As Joe believes that most of us are living in the past most of the time, you can tell where most of us are heading.
The book has some resonances with The Power of Eight, as Joe talks about change (or healing) taking place when we have (i) A clear intention, and
(ii) Elevated Emotions.
Bridges the gap between The Body, and Enlightenment
The Spirituality Special Interest Group
We are all gifted people with a deep inner wisdom that Spirit leads us towards (sometimes reluctantly!) during our everyday lives.
The SSIG aims to provide a space for people to share their experiences, explorations and insights, perhaps spotlighting a different context or perspective that opens another doorway of possibilities.
Building our connections with one another and with nature helps us to realise that the well-being of one is linked to the well-being of all, and that we are nourished in the woven fabric of all life’s richness.
Over the last few months our members have generously talked about how they view energy to create healing and harmony (David Charman), bring guidance and comfort through reading the runes (Michele Brooks), that spirit is with all of us, and we are the context for this divine mystery, no matter how ordinary we think we are (Dave Strang and Kate Smart).
Next time we will be holding a Zoom open forum for questions and answers. You can ask about anything in the world of dowsing or divination, healing, harmony and wholeness, spirituality and consciousness etc. One of the group will have the answer or a valuable clue to lead you in the right direction. This will be on Wednesday March 3rd.
Future SSIG highlights include Sue Watts-Cutler talking about Mithraism, a Roman religion in the mystery tradition.
Please join us
Open minds and open hearts are the only joining criteria so contact Kate at to find out what’s coming up and how to participate.
Kate Smart
Power of Eight update
There is now a healing focussed Po8 (Dowsers) group in existence, which meets Thursdays at 5.30pm
The Dig
The story of the Sutton Hoo treasure. On Netflix (subscription TV)
National Dowsing Groupings include...
Professional Dowsers Register :
International Association of Health Dowsers :
Water Special Interest Group :
2021: 100 years of Watkins' ley vision
Tell us of your forthcoming commemoration celebrations